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Heterosexual, Gay, Lesbian. Why Does It Matter?

The government shouldn't be involved in this because it's very simple. If you don't believe in
same-sex marriage, then don't marry somebody of the same sex. (-Wanda Sykes)
Have you ever been judged based on your sexual orientation or maybe just your opinions in
general? Maybe you don't believe in the same religious as you friends, family, or colleagues.
Maybe you like a different music as someone else. Doesnt matter the reason, but the feeling.
How did you feel when you were told no? That your decision is wrong, or your choices dont
even matter? Now you should take this feeling you have right now and try to inplace in the
feelings of a gay or lesbian person. The feelings of a same sex couple. the thought of being
judged everyday for the sex you like. The thought of not being able to get any of the legally
obligated benefits as any other married heterosexual couple just because of the fact that as a guy
You are looked down upon for you loving another guy, or as woman youre not suppose to love
another woman, But why should it matter? Were all human. We all have different beliefs. so
why should it depict how you live your life? Why should the government get in the way of our
lifestyles and our moral values.
That why in my research paper you will be acknowledged with common facts and a slight few
of the problems based on researched information that a non- heterosexuals may have as a citizen
in the united state and just the world in general.. Hopefully based off of the knowledge and, that
know of any citation that can and will be found to help convince you as a human being, a
citizen. and a believer as people and our amendments we should have the liberty rights that come
them. Even though some people believe that it is forbidden in religion, and a traditional
lifestyle, people deserve and should be given with no doubt at all the same marriage and
legal benefits as any heterosexual couple. because gay marriage can, but does not redefine

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marriage. same sex marriage does not hurt children as people may believe, and the
controversy on religion is not true it is avoidable.
Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that, with few exceptions, marriage has always been
about uniting the two sexes and linking mother and father to children. Change that, and marriage
ceases to be marriage. Well this isn't entirely true at all. it may have a true premise, but a false
conclusion. Now the proponents with this common view is that marriage can only do one thing,
and thats multi task. Yes, you may admit that it connects biological children to their parents.
Some things in same sex marriage just wont change, but you have have to realize it also unites
and connects nonbiological children to parents also. As an example adoptive parents, and
stepparents, and yes even gay parents, and what others dont realize is that it does much more. It
acts as a portal to adulthood and domesticity for the young; provides support and caregiving to
adults; offers a safe harbor for sex and encourages monogamy; bolsters financial and emotional
security; creates family networks. In overall it connects kids and gay parents to their community,
and creates family bonds stronger than any bond that could be made just by biological parents.
As reported on the huffington post about 30,571 same sex couples have
adopted orphan children. but it has sky rocketed to about 65,000 children living with
same sex parents. In 2012, 110,000 live with gay parents. (-Michelson, Noah) Of the total
amount of children in U.S. households, less than 1% live with same-sex parents. Therefore,
children with same-sex parents are still far and away a minority.Some people say that children
need a mother and a father to raise us; to provide both viewpoints of gender: masculinity,
femininity and all the issues those entail. However, there are many who believe that gender does
not matter when parenting. Over the years, the number of children living with LGBT parents has
risen tremendously. As the trend continues, that number will only increase, as same sex adoption

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and parenting becomes more and more widely accepted. statistics prove that same sex marriage
wont change the way that marriage is traditionally be done, but can only extend it on our move
to rebellion to get the freedoms and rights based on the constitution that we truly deserve.

The next reason will be about the myth that says gay marriage actually hurts children in
general. Opponents may be right when said that, other than being equal children do best when
raised by their married biological parents, once again this is just another true premise, false
conclusion. The biggest enemy or greatest enemy of the traditional family would not be the
desire of gay, or lesbian couples to get married, but the ultimate failure of heterosexual to get
married and actually stay committed and dedicated and actually keep the marriage going. While
over the past years how the country and government have been debating if same sex marriage
should be a law or not, the number of cohabiting couple had double in that decade. Why you
ask? Because of cohabitation, divorce, and single parents. Not of even a third of the united states
children today do not live with two married parents. This was an ominous trend decades ago

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before same sex even came into the picture. The top priority for family policy in the United
States should be to reinforce the normal standards of marriage, in which gay, and lesbians
couples want to do. By underscoring that marriage is something that all people of the united
states no matter sexual orientation should have the rights and should actually be thrilled and
enthusiastic to have the rights to aspire. Same sex marriage could define evolution, cause a
revolution and put order back into the family policies problems around the world. Gays and
lesbians are part of the solution, not part of the problem. From recent recording of information
researchers have concluded that about 1% percent of the total number of currently married
couples gay couples get divorced in comparison with straight couple are actually lower by
1%.Note that the percentage of couples that get divorced is eventually close to 50% but only 1%
or 2% of the get divorced in any particular year. This prove not only does same sex marriage
does not inherited hurt children because they are not with their biological married parents , but
still benefits them by placing them with two gay or lesbian parents who would last a lot longer
than a heterosexual married couple would. this is also a reason to why same sex marriage
couples should have the same opportunities as a heterosexual should, including things like as
insurance and job opportunities.

Same sex marriage, as well as gay couple rights protection is generally, and usually brushes up
with objection against people who oppose homosexualaity because of their religious beliefs and
thoughts. What if a salvation army book keeper seek health benefits for her wife? What if a
student at a baptist college demands married student housing for his husband? Should religious
affiliated institution have to choose between their principles and their nonprofit tax status? This
is a true problem. And the myth about this one is that its just truly unmanageable it is just a

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problem that cant be fixed and solved. you should already know this, because todays
generation has dealt with it the context of abortion. Supposingly most religious affiliated
institutions and members may believe that it is a sin and it you shouldnt have the decision to get
a abortion, Congress and the states have actually made it to where in some places you cant get
the procedure done because of catholic liberties, but how does this tie into same sex marriage?
Many and the same type of exemptions can and should be used for same sex marriage. for this to
be implied as a way of working out the indifference people may have. Working out the precise
balance between the same sex couple and religious may take some time to decipher, but in the
long term it should be worth as we all can stay in a world where we feel equal and like none of
our rights are take from us. In the vast majority cases, accommodations can be offered at an
acceptable cost to both sides.

In the next proposition come from the point that the entire country must have the same marriage
policy but once again this wrong. we have a democracy government in the USA not a communist
society. Not everything has to be the same. we dont have the same pay rate, the same economic
class, so why should marriage be the same? States have always defined marriage differently.
Rule vary on whether you can marry a blood relative, age of consent, divorce and so on.
Although the states recognize one anothers marriage as a matter of convenience, neither the
constitution or federal law requires them to do so. Government officials like Mitt Romney, and
most republicans want to amend the constitution to define marriage as between a man and
woman. Most same sex advocates hope the supreme court will soon rule that same sex marriage
legal worldwide. Among supporters of such unions, Like President Obama and former vice
president Dick Cheney, Its healthier to let states continue to go their separate ways on marriage

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until the country is closer to a consensus. You Should believe a gradual approach is usually a
safer and surer route to lasting social change when its available and, on this issue, it is. All that is
valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual. Albert Einstein

In my final proposition this will simply be ending my paper with my conclusion. life hits us with
a lot of problems, and situations, but its up to you to be optimistic, get through the challenges. Same sex
marriage is only one of them. There's really no reason a person shouldnt be able to have a equal life,
where race, sex orientation doesnt matter. we have talked about about all the hiprictital ironic myths, we
have contradict every single one piece by piece and using research, hard hitting facts. based on these
facts, Hopefully you have got a different view on the treatment and unfairness we have in the

world. Everyone is a individual human being and should have the equality and thats why this
paper was written using, any citation that Could be find to help convince you as a human being,
a citizen. and a believer as people and the amendments everyone should have the liberty rights
that come them. Even though some people believe that it is forbidden in religion, and a
traditional lifestyle, people deserve and should be given with no doubt at all the same
marriage and legal benefits as any heterosexual couple. because

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Work Cited
"Albert Einstein Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore. Web. 08 May 2015.

Cano, Regina Garcia. "Judge Rules SD Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional." Argus
Leader 2015 jan 12: N.p. DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

Michelson, Noah. "Number Of Gay Couples Adopting Has Skyrocketed In Past Decade." The
Huffington Post. Web. 06 May 2015.
Olson, Theodore B., and David Boies. "The Marriage Debate: Gays Deserve Equal Rights." Wall
Street Journal 2013 mar 26: A.11 DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

Rauch, Jonathan. "5 Myths About Gay Marriage." Washington Post 2012 may 13: B.2 DB SIRS

Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

Richey, Warren. "Same-Sex Couples Challenge Florida Ban on Gay Marriage." Christian
Science Monitor 2014 jan 21: N.p. DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb.

Savage, David G. "Early Step on Gays' 'Path to Freedom'" Los Angeles Times 2015 jan 11: A.1
DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

"Wanda Sykes Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore. Web. 08 May 2015.

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