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Chantra Vanna Potts

World History 101
Interpreting a Primary Source
The objective of this assignment is to provide students an introduction to the analysis of a
primary source. Students will learn about the ways historians utilize primary sources as evidence
in constructing historical arguments. In addition, students will be introduced to historical debates
and engagement with the arguments of other historians.
Begin by reading the primary source A Tribute of Children and The Little Janizary that details the
founding of the janissaries in the fourteenth century under Sultan Amurath I of the Ottoman
Empire before class. While reading think about the circumstances of the children [especially the
devsirme] and the type of training that the children receive.
In class, students will work with a partner and answer the following question
How did the Ottoman sultans of the fourteenth to early-seventeenth century ensure the loyalty of
the janissaries?
Then with your partner locate three pieces of evidence in the primary source that support your
answer to the question and prepare a short explanation to how the evidence supports your claim.

The next step in the activity is to present your answer and supporting evidence to another pair of
students. Each pair will listen to the others answer and evidence, taking note of the similarities
and differences between the other pairs answer.

In the final phase of the activity, students will assess their own answers and supporting evidence
and that of the other groups. Then students will come to a consensus between their response and
that of the other groups response. And finally students will briefly share the response to the rest
of the class.

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