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Environment- They need indoor space for a school-age program should be adequate for the

number of children enrolled. They need room for individual. small group, and large group
activities. Indoors they need interest centers, quiet areas, and open areas. The interest centers
are for hobbies, blocks, cooking, science, math, games, music. dramatic play. and arts and
crafts. The quiet areas are for children to be able to do homework, use computers, read, and
relax in these areas. Open areas are for group time planning times and special projects. They
can enjoy movement activities, creative dramatics. and indoor games in open areas. The
outdoor space is for the children to do physical activities.
Staff- High- quality programs are staffed by well-trained personnel. These individuals
understand child growth and development. They have age appropriate expectations of the
childrens behavior and abilities. They are always seeking new ideas and learning new teaching
techniques. These teachers also respect the cultural diversity of the children they teach. They
assist the children in developing skills and abilities. They help by offering suggestions, providing
encouragement, and recommending activities. They use demonstrations, explanations, and
coaching to help children. learn. By experiencing consequences, children begin to understand
what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They encourage prosocial behaviors such as
taking turns, helping, cooperating, negotiating, and talking through interpersonal problems. They
need to involve children in daily problem-solving activities. Staff should involve the children in
discussion of expectations. Staff should also involve children by allowing them to help plan
curriculum and make choices about activities.
Routines- Some predictable daily routines needed. Also need variety and choices. Routines
planned for arrivals. planning time, meals, and snacks, activities, rest time. Balance between
structured routines and the freedom of unstructured time

Activities- Activities for all areas of development and for guiding behavior. Balance between
quiet and active, indoor and outdoor, large and small group activities.

School Days Jingle

School days, school days,
Dear ole golden rule days.
Readin and writinand rithmetic,
Taught to the tune of a hickory stick.
Fore school, after school,
Indoors and outdoors with cool rules.
Relax and de-stress in the environment,
Centers and fun things are heaven-sent.
School-age, adult to child,
Ratio of staffers is really wild.
One care provider for every ten,
Qualified adults know when to say when.

Mor-nin, after-noon,
We always sing the same tune.
Arrivals, departures and in-between,
Snack time and rest-time, its the routine.
Development, activities,
Promote respect for diversity.
Options to motivate and hobbies to please,
Helping with homework, no time to tease.
Before school, after-school,
Dear ole programs with cool rules.
Balance and structure on every page,
School-age programs are all the rage!
Appendix 6.02C

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