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EDUC 589C The History of STEM

and Cyber Education: An
Educational Perspective
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by Kimberly Blackston - Sunday, 20 March 2016, 03:45 pm


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EDUC 589C The
History of STEM
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and Cyber? How
do they relate?
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& Cyber Forum
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STEM and
Great Thinkers,
and Leaders


Cyber Topics


Midterm Exam
Cyber Jobs and
STEM and Cyber

STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is necessary for

students in order to benefit not only their future but the future of our country. Data
supports the fact that students are entering the workforce with less than basic math
and science skills, and there are few college students that are pursuing or
graduating with Computer Science degrees. Industry is desperate for individuals
who can work in STEM related fields. There are many jobs interest that fall under
the category of STEM from medical and agriculture, to business finance.
Cyber- Relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information
technology, and virtual reality. I think that this definition speaks for itself. Its the
way of the world. People 100% rely on information gained from the use of
technology. This technology use occurs in the simple, mundane parts of life to
those who depend on technology as their profession.
STEM and Cyber relate to each other. In education, we are introducing students to
technology earlier in their life. As students get older, we are providing real-world
opportunities to explore STEM related fields. We know industry is begging for
students with a strong a STEM background, and some of the most sought after
workers are those that can work in a technological world. As students are moving
through this Cyber world, they must be taught how to move securely, and we
(educators) need to help them see the connection between Cyber and STEM.

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Lesson Plan
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The workforce in the 21st century looks very different than it did in the past. We have
to make sure that students are digitally literate in STEM related field. As educators
we must find ways to interest our students in the STEM curriculum, providing real-



world experiences in the classroom and helping students identify skills that they need
in order to become a part of a growing and desired workforce. While we are building
their knowledge in STEM curriculum, we must also inform them on how to use
technology in a secure manner as well as informing students on careers that are
related to Cybersecurity. Integrating Cybersecurity and STEM curriculum has become a
strong topic of discussion.

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by Emmett Beggs - Tuesday, 22 March 2016, 09:59 pm

I have to agree with you on real-world applications for our students. How many
times have you been in class and have a student ask, When will I ever use this
in real-life? I can tell you countless in my six years of teaching along with
thinking it a time or two as a student many moons ago. STEM allows a teacher
to say, Glad you asked, because we are about to apply what we just learned. I
spent my twenties working as an entrepreneur and investment assistant before
succumbing to constant call to be a teacher everywhere I turned. I can actually
use my real-life experiences to help them better understand how often I used
what I learned in STEM courses. Its funny to hear them say, Really?
Teaching Cyber Science for the past four years, it allows me as a teacher to
reach my students more with real world applications as well as explore the true
meanings of cyber through different methods/techniques. The liberal arts
aspect of that class starts with a discussion on digital natives or digital
immigrants. They read the article, and then, they hold a class discussion. Many
of them realize that they are natives, because they are growing up with digital
everywhere whereas adults tend to be the immigrants. Adults typically learn
technology at an older age. After their discussion, they get to come up with
future technology for 5, 10, and 25 years into the future. They then realize that
they will be immigrants in future technologies. Getting them to realize that
they will not always be the top of technology is an eye-opener for them. They
often assume that they will just always know how to do things. Saying that,
they still dont know how to use cyber ethically. That is a whole another beast
of its own that needs to be tackled instead of scratching just the surface.
I think that more kids need to learn more about cyber from the constraints,
laws, and ethics to how to code or write a program. It is another way to bring
STEM and cyber together. Just like our class discussion above, if they are not
learning more through STEM and cyber, they will continue to be left behind
while other countries pull further ahead of us.

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EDUC 589C The History of STEM


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