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Digitally signed

by Joseph Zernik
DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
Date: 2010.05.12
11:21:02 +03'00'

U. S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney

Central District of California
United States Courthouse
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, California 90012

March 27, 2008

Joseph Zemik
2415 Saint George
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Re: Citizen Complaint

Dear Mr. Zernik:

This will acknowledge receipt of your documents received March 24,2008 and March 26, 2008.

Thank you for reporting this matter to the Unites States Attorney's Office. As stated in my letter
to you on February 11, 2008, this is a matter that should be taken to the Los Angeles County
District Attorney's Office. We cannot promise that this agency will be able to go any further with
your complaint. If you do decide to contact them please make all further inquiries to their office,
unless they contact our office for assistance, we will consider this matter closed. As stated in your
documents the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has refused this investigation, we do not do
investigations and have several federal agencies that we ask to investigate cases for us, the FBI
being one. Please be advised that the FBI is the agency that we would have used. Please do no
contact this office for further information as your entire file was returned to you to take to the
District Attorney, and we no longer have any information.

Thank you for your inquiry and this office regrets it is unable to be of further assistance.

Citizen Complaint Section

Enclosure: (1) Copy of US. Attorney's ltr of 11 Feb 08

(2) Documents submitted March 24-26, 2008

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