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Badia de Agusti CUBA DENTRO DE UN PIANO Cuba Inside a Piono XAVIER MONTSALVATGE bef RAFAEL ALBERTI a Lento (/=6) 800 BAG nfo Opa of z z z Cuando mi ma-dre Ile - va-baunsor-be-te de fre-sa por som - bre - ro, When my mother wore a strawberry sherbet for a hat, = SSs i == SS yel hu-mo del los bar-cos atin e - ra hu-mo deha-ba - and the smoke from the ships was still smoke from cigar Mu-li-ta yuel-taaba - je from dark Vuelta Abajo leaves, z S| See | Se LS Ca. diz se a-dor- me f en-tre fan-dan-gos y ha-ba - ne - ras, Cadiz went to sleep between fandangos and hiabaneras, i wf b yan lo-ri-toal pi - a-'no que-ri-aha - cer de ‘e and a little parrot at the piano tried to sing tenor 2a ee Di-me don-dees-ta’ la flor queel hom-bre tan-to Ve - ne - ra. Tell me where the flower is ‘that man so intently worships motto rit, #8 @ Robato yer <= in ti-oAn-to-nio vol - vi- a con su ai- re dein-sur- rec- to. — La Ca- My uitcle Anthony returned with his insure The ? 1 sigue SS SS Ba-ta yel Prin-ei-pe so - na-ban por. Jos pa-tios del Puer-to.— Ya no Cabahia and the Principe! resounded through the patios near the harbor. No more i i cere ter rer & 1 Colonial fortresses guarding the entrance to Havana harbor. ESE bri-la 1a Per-laa- zul del mar de las An - ti-llas, Ya sea-pa- g0, %e shines the blue pear! of tne Antillean sea; it's gone out, it died rarer Terenas crac certir 2 rt, @ento_p —=——__ Meen-con - tre” con Ja be-lla Tri -ni - dad: Tran into Beautiful Trinidad: « © Rubato es gece. erie Cu-basehabi-a per- di-do; ya-ho-ra @-ra ver-dad, ¢-ra ver- Cuba had been lost, ahd now it was true, Quite true; aaa a dad; noe-Fa_-men- ti - fa, Un ca - fio - he - ro hui-do le- go it was no lie A fleeing gunboat came in ea tan - do-loen gua - ji - ras. singing the fale in guajiras; ya se per - dié. was already lost Tu-vo Ia cul-pael di - ne - ro. money was to blarite. ca - yéel ca-Ho - ne The gunboat fell silent. 2. A type of narrative Cuban folk song. Rubato (muy éento) Dray nny ent Pe- to des- pues, Pe-ro lah des ~ puds motto rit. But it was later ah, later 4 2 = PP QyViotento y Rapido fue cuan-doal “s¢” lohi - cie- ron “Yes. When they took “st” and turned it into “‘yes’? = FP L 9 @®caimato (Lento) Se "Ger a es SF Dinetion® andar A Lolo Rodriguez de Aragén PUNTO DE HABANERA (Siglo XViil) A Habanera Strain (18th Century) NESTOR LUJAN XAVIER MONTSALVATGE Tempo de Guajiras , ee ae La ni-fiacri-o-lla pa- sa con su mi-ri-fia- que blan- co. The creole girl goes by in her white erinoline. @®@ on: nf 2 eee (ee Ghis oS 1, Ho-la, cres-pén de tues- Z.que no sees-ca~ pe de 3.Tu cin-tu-ra_vi-bra 1. Hey! the crepe of your 2, not to escape 4. Your waist quivers How white it is! ae t infa tempo. Copyright 1958 — zs SS o v7 7 ‘anata + pu-ma, | ma-ri-ne-roscon-tem- plad- la! Va mo- ja-di- ta de lu-nas que Pron-to de lacdr-cel de tu fal - da. Tu cuer-poencierraes-ta tar-de ru- fi-na con la no-ble-za deun 1d-ti-go. To - da tu piel hue-lea - le-gre a foam, Sailors, get a look at her! She walks, moist from the droplets 100 soon trom the prison of your skirt. Your body encloses, this evening, finely with the nobility of a whip. All your skin smells joyfully fo ae eS =a ( 2 = se oe oo L inti: le, i I i | ta ‘dl wiki - Twiki long ties +. leha-cen su piel mu - Ia - ta 4. Ni- iia, no te que - jes_ mor dea-brir-se de da- lia. 2. Ni- fia; no te que -jes,- li - mo-nal ya na- ran-jo,__ 1, Little girl don't fret, on her dusky skin. 2. Little girl, don’t fret. the murmur of a dahlia opening. of lemon and orange trees. ell ee tan so-lo por es-ta__ tar - de. tu cuer-po de fru-taes -ta all alone this evening Your body is fruit \ Qui-sie-ra man-dar al a - gua_ dor-mi-doen fres-co bro -ca - do. Td like to order the water asleep in the embroidered bre 26. a 12 » copa © ie eS Los ma-ri-ne-ros te i y se te que-dan mi - The sailors took at you and they keep looking at you yoco rit. a tempo ran - do.— a ni-flacri-o-Wa pa - sa con su mi-ri-fa- que The creole girl yoes by with her white crinoline, poco rit. | a tempo ique blan - c0) How white it is! Sa. % Fa. * Duration : 1 A Mercedes Plantado CANCION DE CUNA PARA DORMIR A UN NEGRITO Cradle Song for a Little Black Boy EFONSO PEREDA VALDES XAVIER MONTSALVATGE a media vos disminuyendo hasta un final casi imperceptibie) ( Lento (J=48) (Softly and diminishing imperceptibly to the end) — = Nin-ghe, nin-ghe, nin- ghe, tan chi-qui- ti - to,—— Ninghe, ninghe, ninghe, little tiny one, PP ? P aS ee el ne - gri - to que no quie-re dor-mir. little black child who doesn’t want to sleep. ie r r P r -—z Ca-be-2a de co- co, — gra-no de ca-fé, con lin-das mo -ti - tas,— Coconut head, coffee bean, with pretty freckles, 7 if P If P le ;omparit may. 28 in he eres version py the frst measure twice as on mtrdction before the singer enters 15202 fALISHING CO. INE International Copyintt Secu Feeoned in Prnted in USA Pane —1 con o- josgran - do - tes ¢o-mo dos ven - ta - nas = with eyes wide open like two windows que mi-ran al Cie - ra los overlooking the sea. Close your little eyes a eT oa a — —— negritga-sus- ta - el man-din-ga_blan- co frightened little black boy, the white boogey-man 3 ig ir iif If if FS pue-de co- mer. i¥a fo efes €s-cla-Vvo! Y_ si duer-mes mu-cho_ is going to come and eat you up! You're not a slave anymorel ‘and if you sleep a lot el se-iior de ca - sa pro-me-te com - prar the master of the house promises to buy you r or F ZS ey O tra - je con bo-to - nes pa-ra ser un“groom? — Nin - ghe, a suit with buttons $0 you can be a groom. Ninghe, — ig IP i ite Peer aS a nin-ghe, nin- ghe, — duér-me-fe, negri - fo, m ninghe, ninghe, sleep little black one him am ca-be-za de co- co, gra-no de ca- fe. — coconut head, coffee bean. Duration: 2:15 19 A Pierrette Gargallo CANTO NEGRO Black Song NICOLAS GUILLEN XAVIER MONTSALVATGE S= Ligero (Lightly) iYam - bam - bé, Yambambd, yam - bam - bé! Re- pi-cael congo s0-lon-go, yambambé! The Congo solongo struts by, pi-cael ne-gro bien ne-gro. i ane the very black man struts by Copyraht 1959 by SOUTHERN MUSIC PUBL the Fgh of Pubic Paormance con go so-lon- go del Son - go bai The Congo solongo from Songo dances yam ihe yambé so eo = = a, - brenn pié. on one foot. iYam - bam - bd, am - bam - bé! Yambambé, ‘ambambé! -® Ma Mamatomba serembé cuserembd, uf SS eS a ma-tom-ba se-rem-bé cu-se-rem-ba, El ne-gro can - tay sea- the black man sings and 2 ju - ma.—— ma = gets drunk el ne-gro sea - ju-may can - the black man gets drunk and sings bé cu-se-rem-bi, el cuserembd, Ree ‘A cuc-me-me seremb6 pf | ma-tom-ba s Mamatomba serembé cuserembd, ta. rem - bé cu- se-rem-ba, Ma - ma-tom-ba se-rem- Mamatomba serembe negro can - tayse va. the black man sings and goes. cue - me -me yam-bam-bo a-6é =~ yambambd ae, Ney te yam-bam-bé 2 6 SS dambambé ad, —— >» ——— = fel_ne- gro que Tam - ba, tam-ba, tam - ba, tam- ba, tam - ba the black man Tamba, tamba tamba, tamba, tum - ba, — tam - ba del ne-gro, ca - ram - ba, ca - staggers the black man staggers, caramba, ca - ram - ba, queel ne-gro caramba, the black man’ = ae iYam - bam - bé, yam - bam - b6, yam - bam - be! yambambé, dambambs, yambambé! Sf Soo iBai-la yam-bo s0-bre un pi¢! he dances the yambo on one foot! Duration: 1:15

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