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Archaebacteria are known for living in extreme

environments where there is often not a lot of oxygen

available. There are three types and they all live in different
kinds of extreme habitats. For example, one type lives in hot
acidic waters of sulfur springs. They thrive deep in the ocean
floors cracks where the temperatures are often above 100
degrees Celsius. Scientists believe that since these
archaebacteria live in such odd, unique environments, that
they must have an ancestor from several billion years ago.
Eubacteria live in more common environments.
E.Coli and streptococcus are two examples of eubacteria. They
are both prokaryotic, which means that they do not have a
nucleus. All eubacteria are prokaryotic because they are a type
of bacteria and all prokaryotic cells.
Eubacteria can cause diseases like food poisoning
and strep throat. Food poisoning can occur because of
contamination of food, like cross-contamination, or eating
raw/uncooked food. Strep throat occurs when a bacterium
called streptococcus spreads from one person to another
through airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or
Bacteria are very important for decomposing,
because they help retain nutrients in a cell that could be very
important for the nitrogen cycle. Bacteria help immobilize the
fixed nitrogen in plants or animals keeping it in root zone.
These bacteria are very important to soybeans because
soybeans are high in protein and need a symbiotic relationship
between soil bacteria and legume plants. Also, some bacteria
help break down soil pollutants like pesticides. This can be
very important to the environment. Bacteria can also be
beneficial in food production. It would be impossible to make
cheese, milk, yogurt and beer/wine without bacteria giving
them their final taste and texture.
Immunity is the ability for an organism to resist a
particular infection with the help of antibodies. There are two
types of immunity, passive and active. Passive is when
antibodies are given to you, for example from child to mother
during pregnancy. Active is when your body builds up
antibodies to fight, for instance vaccines are used to do this.

Smallpox and influenza are caused by viruses. A

vaccine is a chemical that help to build up immunity to
bacterial infection and stimulates the bodys immune system
to produce antibodies. Scientists developed the flu vaccine by
finding strains of the virus then inactivating it and giving it to
you with a needle to cause antibodies to develop for this
particular virus. The flu shot does not cause the flu because it
doesnt contain a live virus in it. Antibiotics are different from
vaccines because they are used for treatment to help the
immune system, and they are only used on pathogens. A
vaccine is used as prevention to strengthen the immune
system. Antibiotics will not treat the flu or colds because those
are viruses and it can only treat bacterial infections or
All protists are unicellular, both heterotrophic and
autotrophic and eukaryotic.

Protists can negatively impact the environment in

many ways. For example one time in Sydney, Australia the
shoreline water turned red. Scientists soon found out that this
was because of a type of algae that lived in the ocean called
red algae. There are red pigments in the algae that cause it to
be this way. In Sydney, the hot weather and large amounts of
rainfall triggered the red algae to appear as a blood red color
in the ocean.
Protists can also cause diseases such as malaria.
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that enters the red
blood stream by using a mosquito as the host animal.
Three fungal diseases that affect humans are
ringworm, aspergillus and blastomycosis. A fungal disease that
also affects plants is corn smut.
Fungi play a very important part of the ecosystem. They help
to break down and decompose dead plants and animals. Fungi
also form many important symbiotic relationships with plants
that could be helpful to the environment. For example fungi
can help transfer nutrients from the soil into pant roots and in
return receive carbon from the plant.

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