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Definition: Hasty generalization is an informal fallacy of

faulty generalization by reaching an inductive
generalization based on insufficient evidenceessentially
making a hasty conclusion without considering all of the

An anti-Muslim ad that was run on public transportation on

buses, subways, and other forms of public transportations

Rhetorical Analysis of Visual Fallacy

The previous ad was plastered across public transportation in multiple cities recently, and has been met with severe outrage
from a large majority of the public, one such city was San Francisco, a city known for its liberal policies and incredibly
progressive social environment. The ad was developed for the sole purpose of disparaging and degrading a sect of people
whom have been recently ostracized by a large portion of the world. The ad itself is preying on the fears of Americans who
have been convinced that Islamophobia is the answer to the growing problem of Radical Islamic Terrorism. Despite that
these horrid organizations make up less than 0.2% of all Muslims, and its those same innocent Muslims who generally suffer
far greater tragedies at the hands of these radicals, who are then discriminated against when coming west. There has been a
growing sentiment in the West, primarily the U.S, to discriminate against all Muslims, all 1.6 billion of them. This ad is a direct
representation of this fear, and the attempt of the devious to twist that fear into full-fledged religious discrimination by
associating Muslims with the likes of Adolf Hitler and anti-semitism in general. This ad was created with the intention to
humiliate and alienate Muslims all around the world. Although the ads true purpose is to depict Muslims as pure evil through
the association with Hitler, the ad masks as a plea to end foreign aid to Muslim nations, a prospect not only cruel and unjust,
but logistically ridiculous. However, logic isnt the strong point of this ad, the ad is a piece of propaganda that entices fear
mongering and prejudice. For fear is the strongest emotion in the human brain, and this ad plays to that. The black and white
coloring of the ad is also an interesting choice, primarily because black and white generally represent good and evil in
Western culture, therefore creating an automatic association of Islam with evil. One of the ads core tenets is that Muslims
hate Jews, due to the mistreatment and violence against the Jewish people throughout history, many Americans feel
themselves needing to be somewhat paternal and protective of Jews. The overgeneralization of the Muslim community has
become a hot issue in recent months, partly due to the political rhetoric of the current Presidential campaign cycle, and partly
due to the intense fears of Islamic Terrorism that many Americans have adopted. The result is living in a society where
people, rather than having an idea of the common good, increasingly see their own personal well-being or their own
community's or ethnicity's well-being as the essential issue of democracy. Increasingly, this behavior has become
mainstream, a great example being this advertisement, which is seemingly radical and prejudiced, but unfortunately, has
become quite commonplace anti-Muslim rhetoric. This ad not only overgeneralizes all Muslim nations as evil, but all Muslims
as evil.

Verbal Fallacy: Adolf Hitlers The Jewish Question Speech

One thing I should like to say on this day which may be memorable for others as well as for us
Germans: In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet, and have usually been ridiculed
for it. During the time of my struggle for power it was in the first instance the Jewish race which
only received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership
of the State, and with it that of the whole nation, and that I would then among many other things
settle the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they
have been laughing on the other side of their face. Today I will once more be a prophet: If the
international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once
more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the
victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

Rhetorical Analysis of Verbal Fallacy

This is an excerpt from Adolf Hitlers The Jewish Problem Speech that he delivered to the Reichstag on January
30th 1939. Why did he choose that cold winter day to first announce his intentions for his annihilation of the
Jewish race in Europe, who knows. It might have been that it was exactly six years previous that he was
elected Germanys Chancellor. In his speech he addressed the core of the German Government in hopes to
persuade him on his ideas; that being since some Jews laughed at his proposal that he was a prophet, all Jews
are terrible and disrespectful people and they should be annihilated. Hitler overgeneralized that all people of
Jewish religion were rude and awful people that, in his opinion, did not deserve to live and would only add to all
of the problems Germany was facing at the moment. But this speech was not solely intended for the German
Government, he wanted all of germany to hear it because with his amazing oratory skills, he could persuade the
German citizens to believe his ideas. And that he did. He tapped into citizens reptilian hot button, which made
millions not only believed but do what he said and the fact that so many believed his overgeneralization is scary.
Its safe to say that the overgeneralization he made was crazy and he never bothered to talk to any other Jews
because he was so fixed on all Jews being like those specific ones that laughed at his ideas. And in our world
today, it's easy to make overgeneralizations, and we make them all the time. Maybe not to that extent, but there
is always other people judging people.

Ethereal Air-Scented Air Freshener


Ethereal Air Scented



Wonderfully clean for you

and the environment.

Not only is Ethereal

Clean Air its REAL

Created by Ethereal Air Cleansing



air for a better tomorrow

Using Vibrating Mesh

Technology, Ethereal
has crafted the
perfect blend of
aerial purity and
passion to envelop
our customers in
the beauty of
nature while staying
true to our Ethereal
Clean Green

Personal Ad Analysis
Ethereal Airs purpose is to provide the customer with high quality air freshener while also caring for the
environment. As you can tell from the ad, we always keep Mother Nature in mind when creating and
testing out products. We want them to have a sleek, modern design while also being eco-friendly. All of
our resources are 100% recyclable, organic and made in the US. Since we care about Earth and the
environment, you can always find our ads and products sporting earth tones such as green, blue and
brown. When designing our bottle, the Earth was our inspiration, but seeing that a round bottle wouldnt
be the best choice, we modeled our bottle with very organic flowing curves just like the Earth. We bottle
our air from areas where the American Lung Association has deemed is the purest such as Sweden,
New Zealand, Canada, and Iceland. And although we are very eco-friendly, we are also very innovative.
We recently came out with our new vibrating mesh technology to ensure that our user are not only
provided with the cleanest air, but that the way in which it is administered and spread is the most
effective. Ethereal Air represents elegance while still being environmentally friendly. Despite the relative
uselessness of the product consumers should be impressed by our commitment to environmentally
friendly production, american made products, and a certain degree of refinement and sophistication.

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