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“UNIT EIGHT In this Unit, the student will be exposed to the following: ° Porand Para > Concept > Uses Department af FersionLanguopes(COSTAATT) Advanced Spanish Slits [SPAN 120] PORNERSUS PARA Prepositions establish relationships between the noun that follows them and other elements in the sentence. The book is on the table. Tis is for you. ao Although most prepositions have a specific meaning, their use is not always Consistent with that meaning. For example, the English preposition on indicates a Position over a surface, while /n indicates location inside something; putting a paper on a box is quite different from putting a paper ina box. But we arbitarily say fo ride on a bus and to ride in a car, even though the relationship between the two vehicles and a Passenger is the same. A single preposition can have many different and seemingly unrelated meanings. Think about the many different uses of the preposition on in the following phrases: to turn on the lights, to be on the right, to be on fire, to be an time (which is different from to be in time), to put the dog's collar on, to be or get high on something, and so on. In Spanish, the use of prepositions can be equally arbitrary. Although each preposition has a basic meaning, the choice of the correct preposition for some situations depends on usage, and many Spanish prepositions have a number of English equivalents. Two Spanish prepositions that have several different English equivalents are por and para. The choice between them can radically affect the meaning of a sentence. A. PorVersus para: Cause and Effect Por expresses the motive for an action or the agent performing the action. Para expresses the goal of an action or the recipient of the action. Por looks back toward the cause (<)> nara lnnke frnmard tnurard tha affact ( »), POR (<) PARA (>) Lo mataron por o¢io. Estudia para ingeniero. They kiled him out of (motivated by) hate. She Is studying (in order) to become an engineer. Lo hago por mi hermano, Lo hizo para sobrevivir 'm doing it for (on behalf of, on account of) He did it (in order) to survive. my brother. El libro fue escrito por Jaime, El libro es para Ud. The book was written by Jaime. The book is for you. Department of Foreign Languagcs(COSTAATT) Advanced Spent Styli (SPAN 120) 110 Mandaron por el médico. ‘Son juegos para nifios. They sent for the doctor (motive of the call). They are games for (to be used by) children. Fue a la tienda por café. Es una taza para café. ‘He went to the store for coffee (motive of Its a coffee cup (a cup intended to be used the errand), for coffee.) Note also the use of para before infinitives to mean in order to. This meaning, often understood from context in English, must always be expressed in Spanish: Estamos aqui para estudiar. (Were here to study.) 8B. PorVersus para: Movement Through Versus Movement Toward To express movement in space and time, para retains its basic meaning of movement toward an objective (>). Por takes on a different meaning of duration or movernent through space or time with no destination specified (-»). POR (>) PARA (=) Pablo va por el pueblo Pablo va para el pueblo. Pablo passes through the town. Pablo heads toward the town. Van a caminar por la acera. Van a caminar para la acera. They're going to walk along the sidewalk. They're going to walk toward the sidewalk. Ana estara en México por tres dias. Ana estara en México para el tres de junio, Ana will be in Mexico for three days. Ana will be in Mexico by the third of June. Estaremos en clase por la mafiana. Terminenlo para majiana. We will bein class during the morning, Finish It by tomorrow. Note that many native speakers of Spanish use no preposition at all to express duration of time; Ana estara en México tres dias. C. PorVersus para: Other Uses Por and para also have uses that do not fit into the preceding categories. Por expresses in exchange for or per in units of measurement as well as the means by which an action is performed. Te doy cinco délares por el libro, IN give you five dollars for the book. El camién sdlo corre 20 kilémetros por hora. The truck only goes 20 kilometres per hour. Lo mandaron por avién (barco). They sent it by plane (boat). Department of ForlonLanquanes(COSTAKTT) Advanced Spanish iyi [SPAN 120) an

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