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5th Year Pediatric Exam 2016

1. One of the following can cause thrombocytopenia not due to increased peripheral
platelet destruction :
a) DIC
b) Acute Leukemia
c) Hypersplenism
d) ITP
e) HUS

2. Aggressive treatment of Hypothyroidism is to prevent :

a) Growth Failure
b) FTT
c) Mental Retardation
d) Hypoglycemia

3. Soccer female player , 12 y old , presented with left tibial tuberosity swelling and pain
for 3 months , What is the most probable Dx :
a) Osgood Shlutter Dis
b) Patellar Tendenitis
c) ACL Tear
d) Medial meniscus tear
e) Patellofemoral syndrome

4. Typical case of Wilson Dis , what is the main laboratory finding to be seen :
Ans : Decreased Ceruloplasmin

5. MCC of Shock in pediatric age group :

a) Septic Shock
b) Hypovolemic Shock

6. Not caused By viral infection :

Ans : Impetigo

7. Regarding Posterior Urethral Valve , all are true except :

Ans : Renal Damage is mild or there may be mild hydronephrosis

8. Child presents with Bilateral Renal mass with suprapubic mass , Dx :

Ans : Bladder neck obstruction

9. Which of the following contributes for SIDS :

a) Maternal Smooking during Pregnancy
b) Hard Mattress

10. In SVT which of the following is not true :

a) gradual onset and gradual termination
b) response to adenosine

c) HR more than 220 in infants

d) response to vagal stimulation

11. All of the following are causes of Spleenomegally , except :

a) Hereditary Spheocytosis
b) Sickle cell disease
c) CMV Infection
d) EBV Infection

12. MCC of malignancy in children is :

Ans : Leukemia

13. All are true for nephrotic syndrome , except :

a) Steroids are given for children with age between 1 to 10 years without biopsy
b) Hyperlipidemia is not a feature of minimal change disease

14. Peekaboo and Waving Bye Bye at any age :

a) 2-4 months
b) 7-8 months
c) 10-12 months
d) 15-18 months

15. Drowing a circle is achieved by which age :

Ans : 3 years

16. A child with 2 years of age , what he/she is not able to do :

a) Group playing
b) 2-3 Words Phrases
c) 2 Step Command
d) Turns a Page at a time

17. HIE ( Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy ) can cause which type of CP :

a) Dyskinetic CP
b) Diplegia
c) Quadreplagia
d) Hemiplegia
e) ataxic CP
18. Typical case of Autism ( Poor Social interaction , Language problem )

19. All of the Following can be seen in children with Down Syndrome , except :
Ans : Undescended Testis

20. In the Case of Cerebral Palsy , which of the following is not seen :
Ans : Diarrhea

21. The first step of management in a Comatosed child is :

Ans : ABC

22. The most common cause of status epilipticus in children is :

a) Hypoglycemia
b) Unknown cause

23. All of the following presents with shock , except :

a) Hypotension
b) Hypertension
c) Cold Extremities
d) Hot Extremities
e) Metabolic Alkalosis

24. Which of the following is not a measure to be done in order to prevent SIDS :
Ans : Apnea monitor during sleep

25. Regarding Organophosphate Poisoning what is true :

a) It can cause Mydriasis
b) IV Atropine is the 1st line Treatment
c) Naloxane is the antidote

26. All are indications of admission due to Burn in children :

a) Significant Inhalational Injury
b) Suspected neglect or child abuse
c) Burn involving 10% of BSA
d) CO Poisoning

27. All of the following are features of autososmal recessive disorders , except :
a) the number of affected children is more than in dominant disorder
b) The risk to have affected child is 25 %

28. Matching :
- Is associated with streak ovaries ( Turner synd )
- Aneuploidy ( Turner synd )
- Lymphedema in hands and feet ( Turner synd )

29. In SGA children , all of the following are possible problems to occur except :
a) Hypothermia
b) Hypoglycemia
c) Polycythemia
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

30. Matching : ( Coronal Craniocynostosis , Sagital Craniocynostosis ) :

- Repaired for cosmotic purposes (

- Can be Primary or Secondary (

- Can present as an isolated lesion or as a part of syndrome (

31. All of the following are Gram ve bacteria except :

a) Bacillus Anthracis
b) haemophilus Influenzae
c) Nisseria Meningitides

32. Newborn presented with ( Cataract , Heart Disease , Otitis Media ) , what is the most
probable Congenital infections is the most probable cause :
Ans : Congenital Rubella infection

33. Absolute contraindication for breast feading :

Ans : maternal active TB

34. Matching : ( HSP , Mangolian Spot , Molluscum Contagiosum , Strawberry naevus ) :

- Resolves Spontaneously (


- Presents in the distal sacrum and buttocks ( Mangolian Spot ).

- Rash over Thighs and Buttocks (



35. All of the Following are possible causes of renal failure , except :
a) Hyperkalemia

b) Hypoalbumenemia
c) Glomerulonephritis

36. In a child on mechanical ventilation , sudden drop of O2 Sat into 50 % , all are
possible causes except :
Ans : Duct dependant CHD

37. Early discharge from neonatal ward is defined as discharge before 48 hours in a term
child or before 96 hours in a preterm child , the MCC of Readmission during the first 7
days after discharge :
a) Sepsis
b) Hyperbilirubinemia
c) GI malformations

38. The best advice for a mother regarding breast feeding :

a) Increase protein and calories intake
b) To breast feed immediately after 3 hours of birth

39. The most common presentation of Mickels diverticulum in children is :

Ans : asymptomatic

40. A 4 year old child presents with GI Bleeding , the most likely cause is :
a) Mickels diverriculum
b) Juvenile Polyposis

41. Which of the following is true regarding Phototherapy :

a) Bronzage discoloration in conjugated hyperbilirubenenmia
b) Temp Instability

42. In consanguinity , the risk for congenital diseases is :

Ans : 6-8 %
43. What is true regarding growth :
Ans : The child duplicate his/her weight 7 times by the age of 7 years

44. A child is sick and his mother was sick from 4 days before and I week after the onset
of his/her childs illness where she complained of post-tussive vomiting , what antibiotic
is the best to be used :
a) Azithromycin
b) Ceftriaxone
c) Amoxicillin

45. Water Volume in 3 Kg child is :

Ans : 240 ml ( 80 ml/kg )

46. Normal energy requirement in a full term child :

Ans : 100 Kcal/Kg

47. All of the following are abnormal findings , except :

Ans : Sinus Arrythmia

48. Which of the following pairing is false :

a) Iodine def and Mental retardation
b) Vitamin A def and Infection
c) Iron and Delayed motor development

49. Vaccine is allowed to be given in which of the following :

Ans : if the childs age is beyond the age at which the vaccine must be given

50. In an 18 mo age child , which of the following is true :

Ans : weight : 11 Kg , Height : 82 cm , HC : 47.5

51. Which of the following is known to cause : ( Conjunctivitis , Hemorrhagic Cystitis ,

Pneumonia ) :
Ans : Adenovirus

52. Clear CSF , Normal CSF prot and glu , Lymphocytes 90 % :

Ans : Enterovirus

53. Intermittent diarrhea in a 2.5 y old child with normal abdominal exam , and free PR ,
the most likely cause is :
Ans : Toddlers diarrhea

54. All of the following can cause UTI , except :

a) Constipation
b) Polycytic Kidney disease
c) Pinworm infestation
d) VUR

55. In a 6 mo old child with feature of meningitis , broad spectrum antibiotics are given
to cover :
Ans : Strep Pneumonia

56. The most common finding seen in Upper Respiratory Tract obstruction :
Ans : Inspiratory Stridor

57. Regarding HSP , what you expect to find :

a) Thrombocytopenia
b) Normal Clotting
c) Low complement level
d) Increased BUN and Creatinine

58. The most appropriate approach to prevent Infection in nursery :

a) washing hands between babies
b) the use of 70% Alcohol to sterilize hands and Stethoscope
c) Ordering all who is in the ward to wear a Gown

59. Regarding T-lymphocyte , which of the following is true :

a) T-cell lymphoma has a better prognosis
b) T-cells are the predominant lymphocytes in the blood

60. High Reticulocyte count is seen in :

Ans : Hereditary Sphrecytosis

61. Regarding otitis media , what of the following is wrong :

Ans : Clindamycin is the drug of choice

62. All of the following are components of TOF , except :

Ans : ASD

63. Regarding Reye syndrome all are true , except :

a) Chicken Box is a cause
b) related after Aspirin consumption
c) fatty liver infiltration
d) ( The wrong answer ).

64. Regarding Biliary atresia , all are true except :

a) Proliferation of the Bile ducts
b) Polysplenia

c) Kasai procedure carries good prognosis if performed after 2 months of age.

65. The most common cause of convulsions in a 5 y old child is :

a) Hypoglycemia
b) Head Trauma
c) Fever

66. Regarding Werding Hoffman disease , all of the following are wrong , except :
Ans : Fasciculation of tounge

67. In a child presenting with Hypernatremic dehydration + 10 % Total body weight loss ,
all are true except :
a) Lethargy
b) Thirst
c) Intravascular volume is less than excepted in dehydration

68. All of the following are indications for urgent admission in a child , except :
Ans : Chest Pain

69. The most common presentation in Enterobius vermicularis :

a) Appendicitis

b) Perianal itching
c) intussusception

70. Regarding Post-infectious Glomerulonephritis , all are true except :

Ans : Complement level remains low for several months or years

Best of luck

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