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Thursday 11TH JUNE 2009

1. Attendance

2. Problems with Twelfth Night on London Road. Exactly what is going on?

3. People need to pay their money in for Globe trip by Friday. Lee to fill out the
Trip information pack, downloadable from the uni website and a Student
Activities order form.

4. Paperwork, I’ll do it, then forward it to everyone to have a look at and offer
suggestions fro change.

5. Annual fund. I say we get lighting equipment.

6. Our grant fund needs to get used up. Posters

7. Choosing the musical anytime soon? What are we looking for in a musical? Pull
up discussion group and see what’s in the running.

8. Extra committee training dates available – 23RD June 2-3, 24th June 1-2.

Transferable skills dates available – 12th June 10-11 Presentation Skills/ 22nd June
3-4 Marketing Your Society/ 23rd June 3.30-4.30 Presentation Skills/ 24th June 2-
3.30 Organising Events.

Leavers social – can me make a firm action plan?

9. Fresher’s Proposals – what do we want to hear from them? Will George get a

10. Societies convention. I move that everyone should have to go at least once.

11. Activities handbook

12. Ant H, please submit new information to Deborah to put on the RUSU website
about RUDS.

13. Any other business? (what happened to my pizza money?)

14. Next meeting?

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