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Isabella Manzanares

When you turn on the news all you hear about now-a-days are politics and
terrorism. Terrorism is not a new thing going on. Destruction, shootings, suicide
bombers have been happening since the beginning of time. The first recorded event of
terrorism was the Sicarri. The Sicarri was a group of jewish people that murdered their
foe or friend to get a Roman Ruler from Judea. In 2001, there was a attack in New York,
that killed over 3,000 people. Most recently there has been bombings in Brussel,
Belgium. In recent times, terrorism has increased dramatically. Security has tightened
with each attack happening or any threat posted. Fear and terror has plagued society
for centuries.

This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today. It is perpetrated by
fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life, and we, the
democracies of this world, are going to have to come together and fight it together. The
British Prime Minister said about 9/11. At 8:46, a hijacked American Airlines Flight 77
flew straight into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The building was up in
flames in a matter of seconds. Smoke was coming out of the building, people were
scrambling to get to an exit. However, the first plane hit between the 92nd and the 98th
floor. This blocked people from the 110th floor to run down the stairs to safety. Citizens
were desperate to get out a building that was getting ready to collapse and burn up into
flames. They started jumping off buildings in groups or alone. Another plane hit the
South Tower of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. All of this tragedy and death

was due to terrorists. Many people lost their lives and others were severely injured. The
United States was a nation that was full of fear after what had happened in New York.

Even though there were explosions in 92 and 93, it did not bring a lot of attention.
However, when 9/11 happened the world became more fearful and attentive. Security
has transformed in the past years. Back then you did not have to take off your shoes,
there was no Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the airline company
would have check you. After the New York incident, security was more restricted. Now,
you have to go through metal machines to get to your destination. You also have to take
off your shoes because there was a case in 2001, where there was a man who tried
sneaking a bomb into an airline inside of his shoe. When 9/11 happened, it was a wake
up call for America. Besides security that is now really strict, there are now more threats
being made all over the world. An example of this happening is the group ISIS or ISIL.
They have released numerous threat videos or pictures, saying they are going to invade

The most recent terrorist attack happened on March 22, 2016 in Brussels,
Belgium. There were two bombs that went off in Brussels airport and another in a
subway station that was packed with people. These bombs killed 30 people and harmed
230 other citizens. ISIS or ISIL has claimed that they were responsible for this attack.
One of the victims said I am very lucky to be alive. Everybody was scared for their
safety and for others around them. With people on the ground and trying to run for help,
they were dripping in others blood. Nothing would be the same in Belgium. Everyone
around the world is now frightened for what is to come in the future.

In conclusion, terror is among us. There will always be someone who demands
attention threatening destruction. In the past, we have seen 9/11 happen, people
running out of buildings, family members searching for loved ones. However, since then
not just America but other countries have upgraded security to help calm the fears. But,
the fear just keeps on growing.

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