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Study Guide for Hydrogeology Final Exam

This is just a guide. Expect a difficult but fair exam. It will be open book (textbook and
well theory notes only.. no labs or other misc. papers).
In addition to reviewing these topics, be sure to pick up your graded labs (in box outside
my office door), and review mistakes. Answer keys will be posted on the web. Email me
at if you have questions.
- Vadose Zone Hydrogeology
know the general ideas
how does flow of water in vadose zone differ from saturated zone?
- GW and wells
know Theim, Theis, Jacob, Hvoslev methods, and when to use them
be comfortable with well functions and tables in the appendices
be able to interpret different shapes of drawdown vs. time curves
know how to use image wells
- Regional gw flow
gw-river interactions (gaining, losing, etc..., hyporheic zone, Woessner paper)
gw-lake interactions (leaky lakes, stagnation point)
gw-ocean interactions (equations for depth of fresh water lens)
- Water chemistry
review ionic strength, activity coefficients, ion activity vs. concentration
saturation index and mineral solubility
adsorption (adsorption isotherms, linear Kd model, pH dependence)
redox reactions (valence states, Eh-pH diagrams.. how to interpret them)
nitrate in groundwater
- Contaminant Transport
review equations for 1-D transport (hydrodynamic dispersion)
retardation equation (using linear Kd)
Kd for organic contaminants
capture zone equations (pump and treat)
review powerpoint presentation on Mercier site (posted on web)
read (and understand) paper on Otis Air Force Base (handed out in class)
- General things from beginning of class:
Darcy's Law (for Q and for Vx)
calculation of hydraulic gradient from information on a map, or cross-section
pressure head, elevation head, hydraulic head

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