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Christian Studies
10 May 2016
Some Thoughts on Evolution
Science has proven many claims that were first thought to be impossible. Take, for
instance, Galileos discovery of a heliocentric solar system. This new idea became the basis of
many others in astronomy. But what made this claim justifiable was that Galileo had the
evidence to back it up. Now, four hundred years later, the impossible claim is evolution. Ever
since Charles Darwin published his thoughts, many people have been seriously opposed to the
theory as a whole because of his racist comments and other offensive ideas. This and other
aspects have driven some of the more religious people from considering it. Even so, scientists
have continued to research how evolution could have happened. What may come as a surprise is
the fact that they actually have some evidence to back up their claims.
First, the idea of evolution does not constitute the idea that man came from a monkey.
The idea is that both humans and other primates (including monkeys) share a distant ancestor on
what scientists call the Tree of Life. This metaphorically represents any organism that has ever
lived and will ever live, each one leading back to one common ancestor. Scientists, however, are
not sure what this supposed common ancestor was. However, scientists know that humans and
these other mammals are related based on the following information: that there has been
evidence of species called intermediates, that we and other primates share 98 percent of our
genetic code, and that other species have evolved over time.
The first of these pieces of evidence is that humans and species such as chimpanzees
share 98 percent of our DNA. Think about that for a moment 98 percent is a gargantuan

number. Though this may seem underwhelming at the fact that we share sixty percent with the
banana tree, to some scientists, this number is so overwhelming that it seems almost impossible
that it isnt true. Extended research reveals that they also exhibit similar behaviors to humans,
including those such as tool-making.
The second piece of evidence scientists utilize is that of intermediates. Scientists have
discovered species that they classify as intermediates, species that demonstrate characteristics
of both one species and another. These species have very ape-like skulls, but also a curved spine,
something that humans have that other primates dont. Piecing together the evidence, scientists
have determined a process which they presume to have taken place that ended up creating the
Homo sapiens of today. As stated above, humans and other primates once shared a common
ancestor. A genetic mutation occurred somewhere along the timeline, causing a slightly different
species to branch out. Over time, this species continued to evolve in the same manner. Their
spines became more curved, and they began to be more upright-walking. Their limbs grew
longer; and their bodies thinner and taller. This process has continued up to the current species
Homo sapiens. According to scientists, this process will continue. So far, they estimate that it has
taken over two million years for the human to enter its present state, and that it has only been this
way for a few tens of thousands of years.
The final piece of evidence is that other species have evolved over time. This evidence is
set forth particularly in the evolution of certain species such as the dolphin and the whale.
According to scientific discoveries, there is a small, stray bone down near the whales
underbelly. Its placement suggests that it was once a sort of leg. There have been recent
discoveries of more intermediates for these species which have actual legs which are
completely formed. The same goes for dolphins. In fact, studies also show that they once shared

a common ancestor with the hippo. Scientists use this as evidence to back up their otherwise
seemingly impossible claims that whales and dolphins once had legs.
So, in conclusion, scientists have the evidence of intermediates, the genetic similarities of
us and primates, and the evolutions of other species. But how do scientists know they are right?
The truth is, they may never know. Though we have significant evidence, it does not constitute
solid fact. So, as we continue to search for answers, we will try to honor God and his methods
and act in a manner that respects Him.

Works Cited
Smithsonian Natural History Museum. . Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian. Plaque.
What Is the Evidence for Evolution? Stated Clearly, 10 Oct. 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

Drake, Nadia. "Human Evolution 101." National Geographic. N.p., 11 Sept. 2015. Web. 5 Oct.
2015. <https://>.
Shreeve, Jamie. "This Face Changes the Human Story. But How?" National Geographic. N.p., 10
Sept. 2015. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <https://>.

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