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Fritz Albert Popp

The phenomenon of how information is transmitted within living systems was and is being
extensively studied by a bio-physicist Fritz Albert Popp. He discovered that photons provided the
vehicle for which information was transmitted in the body.
Photons are light particles without mass. They transmit information within a cell and between
cells. He showed that DNA of living cells stores and releases photons. He called this
"biophotonic emission".
The intensity is about 10 18th times lower than regular daylight. To study this phenomenon he
developed an instrument called a photon multiplier which could detect the glow of a firefly 10
miles away. DNA uses a variety of frequencies as an information tool suggesting a feedback
system of perfect communication through waves which encode and transfer information.
Another fascinating characteristic of photons is their coherence. In a healthy state the emission is
more coherent than anything that man has ever developed.
Quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to co-operate. These waves know
about each other and are highly interlinked by bands of electromagnetic fields. They can
communicate with each other. It is analogous to an orchestra where all photons are playing
together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts.
Therefore, biophotonic emission is a perfect communication system that transfers information to
many cells across the body and to other bodies.
Another important characteristic of biophotons is that they follow biological circadian rhythms
(i.e., daily, weekly, monthly and annually). In healthy individuals the biophotons are extremely
coherent and in rhythm with the world. In seriously ill people (i.e., cancer) they have lost their
natural rhythm and coherence. The lines of communication were scrambled and they lost their
connection with the world. In effect their light was going out.

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