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Administrators and other staff have discussed and addressed the concerns and allegations that

the parent has raised since last fall. At numerous meetings with school and district
administrators, the parent voiced her concerns, administrators listened and the parent(s) and
administrators participated in collaborative problem solving. Subsequent, routine meetings were
scheduled to maintain close monitoring and make certain that the parent(s) had continued
access to appropriate staff to share any and all concerns and to provide input and revisions on
the action plans that had been mutually developed. For almost five months this process
appeared to be effective based on the input shared by the parents as expressed orally and in
emails. However, in late March, the parent(s) ceased to participate in collaborative problem
solving, and unilaterally abandoned the action and communication plans that had been
previously agreed upon. In addition, school and district administrators saw behaviors which
raised safety and security concerns. At that time, the District met with Pelham and Amher
police to discuss the escalating and threatening parental comments and actions, received their
input about safety and security in light of relevant history. In fact, Pelham police had been
consulted previously about this matter last fall when tensions were high. Law enforcement
officials reviewed the situation in late March. With their knowledge of information not available to
school staff or the public, as well as their expertise, the police determined that the safety
concerns were credible and a stay away order was recommended. As school officials have a
primary responsibility for safety and security in the schools, the decision was made to have a
stay away order for one parent along with other steps taken by the police to monitor safety. At
the conclusion of the April vacation period, and in consult with the police, the stay away order
was modified in order to permit the parent to pick up and drop off her child.
The implementation of the stay away order was done to address the immediate safety concerns.
School and district administrators would take the same action no matter the race, background,
or financial circumstances of any family. The District would be remiss if it did not take the action
recommended by the police when confronted with safety concerns. The District always
supports the engagement and involvement of families in their childrens education, even when

relationships are challenging. In order to move forward to recreate a partnership with the
parent, the District offered on March 29 to begin a restorative practices process to restore
productive and respectful communication. An experienced facilitator who had been referred to
the District by a community advocate was contacted and met with individuals, including the
parent, to offer this restorative process and resolution to the stayaway
order in mid April,butthe parent was unwilling to engage in a process without the stayaway
order first being lifted.

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