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Int. Speaking/Listening


Fable Video Project Rubric

Content &




Smooth, logical
sequence of
information that is
easy to follow and
understand. Good
introduction to the
fable and conclusion.

Creative and captures

the audiences
attention using good
paralinguistics. Great
tone, pitch, volume in
storytelling. Shows a
clear understanding of
the task and topic.
Strong evidence that
video was wellprepared.

Video was completed

on time and did not
exceed the time limit.
Any speaking involved
was in English. Shared
responsibilities with
partner and worked

Video was completed

on time; however, it
exceeded the 5-minute
time limit slightly.
Worked with partner to
complete the task.

Fully satisfies the

requirements of the
task. Selected a
fable that is
appropriate for the
assignment that
contains a proverb or
lesson to the story.

Mostly covers all the

requirements of the
task. Good choice of
fable that has a clear

Contains a beginning,
middle, and end with
good organization.

Design shows
thoughtful preparation
and utilizes a variety
of resources to create
something original.
Tries to add variety in
nonverbal cues.

Addresses some
requirements of the
task. Video is lacking
focus (hard to hear/
understand, too
many visuals and not
enough storytelling,

Attempts to organize
information with
transitions, voiceover,
music, etc. but video
is a bit difficult to
follow and

Information is largely
cut and paste from
limited sources and is
presented in a
confusing manner.

Video was completed

on time but far
exceeded the time limit
to over 5 minutes long.

Attempts to address
the requirements of
the task but few
relevant information.
Complete lack of
clarity making it
difficult to understand
the video.

Organization of
information is
confusing or there is a
complete lack of

Did not correctly

complete the task
and/or shows a lack of
understanding of the
topic selected.

Did not submit

completed video on
time nor did it meet the
time requirement.


Instructor Alice Kim


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