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Bryce Kearney

Alternative Ending for Romeo and Juliet

Act 4
Paris and Friar Lawrence in Friars garden talking.
Friar to Paris: Is this love that you have for Juliet real or just because Lady Caplet is so fond of you?
Paris responds by saying Me and Juliet were destined to be joined in marriage. It was written in the
stars. Lady Capulet knows what she is talking about and you would be a dunce to think otherwise.
Friar: Really, I do think that Romeo likes Juliet more than you ever have. As much as he floats around,
He does really love Juliet to the Heavens and back.
Paris: How can you say that about someone who has had more relationships then stars in the sky? Juliet
deserves a gentleman like me. Romeo even fled like a bird when faced by danger.
Friar: What do you want me to do? I cannot interrupt what is not in my control.
[Juliet enters]
Paris: Hello my fiarlady Juliet.
Juliet: Hello Paris. I came here for Friar Lawrence not you.
Paris: I will excuse myself once I bestow one question on you
Juliet: Thou question is what?
Paris: I know you are rosy red whenever you see me. Why do you not admit that you love thou?
Juliet: I do not love you Paris. You are nothing but a friend to me.
[Friar starts quietly laughing at Paris]
Paris: It is okay. I understand your love for the dunce or as you call him Romeo.
Juliet: He is my true love. Sorry my friend.
[Paris storms out garden tearing up several plants. Paris secretly hides in the hallway behind a plant
listening to the conversation]
Friar: He is very sad when he found out your relationship with Romeo. He truly believes that his
relationship with him was made in the stars.
Juliet: Made in the stars? That tickles me thinking of that. More like made in the dirt.
Friar: Interesting. Why have you come to see me today?
Juliet: I have come to ask advice of you Father. What should I do about my Father and Mother not
knowing about my relationship with Romeo?
[Friar picks up Bible.]

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Friar: Look here. It says Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a
promise, you should follow the word of thy highest Father.
Juliet: Okay, as many times as I have followed thy highest Fathers word, it has never failed me. I shall
do it once more.
Friar: Thank you Juliet for coming here for advice. Have you asked your nurse what she thinks?
Juliet: I do care about her like family, but I trust the highest one the most. I shall get my parents and
Romeo to meet at thy Nurses house to break this great news to them.
[Paris hears this and heads back outside]
Friar: Okay, I do understand thou
Juliet: Thank you. I shall also tell Romeo of Paris flirtation with me.
[Juliet walks out of garden.]
Scene 2
[Paris walks into Friar Johns room]
Friar John: Hello Paris? Is thy blessed as ever?
Paris: No, that is why I have come to you today. My one true love Juliet has turned away for me for a
dunce named Romeo. Romeo falls for new maidens like the wind. I have heard of a serum that thy has
that can bring thy do death?
Friar: Kill? Romeo? I shall not be a part of this!
Paris: How about now?
[Drops bag of highest ranking coins and jewelry. Around 1000 Lira]
[Friar Johns face dropped to the floor and turned strawberry red]
Paris: I have heard of your struggle to pay for your family and how you are stuck with the oldest books,
lowest wage of all officials and always being neglected of all the officials.
Friar: Yes, but how
[Paris drops another bag of Lira on Friar Johns old desk]
Friar: Okay here use this. One drop of this in thy body shall result in death. This shall never be spoken of
ever. Please excuse yourself.
Act 5
[Paris knocks on Juliets Nurse house with a baked pie in one hand.]
[Nurse opens door]
Nurse: Oh hey Paris, how is thy day flying

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Paris: Great. I have brought this pie you and Juliet.
Nurse: How sweet is thou. I shall let Juliet know that you have brought this for us.
Paris: Thank you, feel free to eat some before Juliet comes. Dont let her eat it all.
Nurse: Dont worry I wont.
[Paris leaves]
Nurse goes to the first table in front of the door and places the pie next to a card saying From thy lover
The Nurse even cuts a small piece off for herself and goes to her bedroom to eat it.
Scene 2
[Juliet goes into The Nurses house unannounced followed by her parents.]
Juliet: How sweet of thou to leave me a dessert.
Lady Capulet: Who is thou?
Juliet: Here sit down and I shall tell thou.
[Juliet cuts a piece of the pie for both of her parents and her.]
Juliet: This pie is good. Try it please.
[Both Capulets take a bite along with Juliet.]
Lord Capulet: Who is thou?
Juliet: Thou is Rom..
[Juliet instantly hits the floor coughing hard. A few seconds later her parents also suffer the same fate.
Romeo walks into the house.]
Romeo: What has happened here?
Lord Capulet: How dare thy poison us
Romeo: I did not poison thou.
Lady Capulet: The note says from thy love. You did not bake this death pie?
Romeo: No, it must be Paris.
Lady Capulet: No he wouldnt!
Juliet: Get thy Nurse!
[Romeo runs to the bedroom to find a blue nurse laying in the bed.]
Romeo: Thy has suffered the same fate as you. I love you Juliet from the stars and back tenfold!
Juliet: Thou feels the same way. Please avenge my parents death. I will join you in heaven.

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Romeo: I shall do anything for my love!
Scene 2
[Romeo walks outside of the Nurses house and is immediately attacked by Paris and is cut very badly in
the leg. He can barely walk.]
Romeo: Thy is the lowest of the low
Paris: Thou shall meet the same fate of thy lover. Death because of me.
[Romeo draws he sword]
Romeo and Paris battle. Romeo is struggling to stay standing up. He and Paris both get lots of big hits in
on each other when Paris sees out of the corner of his eye, people on horseback running by. The people
rush off in the way of the Princes palace. They are screaming for the Prince to break up the fight. Paris
kicks Romeo in the injured leg and Romeo crumbles to the ground.
Paris: A plague on both your houses!
That was the last straw for Romeo. Romeo gets up and starts trying to fight Paris as hard as possible.
Romeo cuts deeply into Pariss arm. Paris hits Romeos injured leg, Paris cuts Romeo in the chest fatally
wounding him. Romeo struggles to stand up. His vison is blurred and can barely see, what he does see is
lots of objects coming up in front of him. They scream for Paris to stop. It is the Prince. Paris is
immediately happy because of his longtime friendship with The Prince.
Paris: Thou slain the Capulets and tried to slay me.
Romeo: I did none those actions. I love Juliet to the stars and back.
Paris: Thou is equivalent to the Devil. He deserves his fate.
Out of the crowd someone is pushing through toward the fight.
Benvolio: You deserve the fate of 100 murders.
[Benvolio then stabs Paris killing him.]
Benvolio: Thy beloved Friar John took Pariss offer of riches. He then gave Paris a death serum.
Romeo He made a death pastry.
Benvolio: Thy Romeo, are there any last wishes of thou?
Romeo: Please place me beside my beloved Juliet. All I have ever wanted.
[Benvolio picked up his friend and place him next to Juliet. Benvolio then walked out the house
The Capulets and Montagues were never the same.

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