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Genetically modified foods are a production of newer times; it is the

role of these genetically modified foods and plants to not only be a solution
for loss of plants due to pests but to also be integrated into the food world
entirely. The problems that the food world is facing ranges from starvation,
pests, environmental issues, as well as numerous others. The benefits that
genetically modified foods and plants have been providing have by far
surpassed the risks that come along with the modifications. If people want to
look at the best interest of their world, then it is everyones job to push for a
larger role of genetically modified foods in the global food supply.
Several environmental groups have been extremely critical of these
upcoming genetically modified foods. Specific local civic groups and
scientists even conducted a study where they established from all countries
we visited that genetically modified organisms are a health hazard (Source
G). However, although some studies reported this, it was not stated whether
or not these genetically modified plants were regulated. It has been shown
that with regular management of genetically modified organism related
products the risks were very low (Source F). The University of Queensland
reported that the UQ PhD study found the benefits of genetically modified
plants and food outweighed the risks. Through excessive research and
multiple studies, it seems that integration of genetically modified organisms
into the food supply would not bring up enough health concern to ever stop it
from happeningand therefore, it should happen.
The issue of starvation and food shortage is something that is
consistently coming up within the global community. According to the Human
Genome Project, a societal benefit from genetically modified foods is
increased food security for growing populations. Not only will this help these
growing communities but it will provide those already existing with bountiful
amounts of food. The dozens of problems the global community faces can all
be solved by this genetically modified food production. Alongside these
readily available genetically modified foods, other measures will be
implemented to benefit the global communities (Source B). At this point in
our world, it would be remotely sensible to justify not using new
technologies such as genetic modifications (Source B).
Genetically modified foods are already providing benefits in the state in
which they exist in our world today. It would be in the best interest of the
global communities to wash up and enjoy some of those genetically modified
foods, health-risk free!

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