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Taylor Dennis

Grade Level: 11th Grade

Date: 2/3/16
of lesson: 86 minutes


Title/Theme/Focus of lesson:
Wednesday: Introduction to reading informational texts with a focus on
A Change of Heart About Animals
Common Core State Standards:
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Resolve issues of complex or contested usage, consulting references
(e.g., Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage, Garner's Modern
American Usage) as needed.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning
words and phrases based on grades 11-12 reading and content,
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries,
glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the
pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its
part of speech, its etymology, or its standard usage.

Diagnostic: Students will take a kahoot quiz to review what they
remember about ethos, pathos, logos.
Formative: Students will be able define key vocabulary so they are
ready to read A Change of Heart About Animals article. Students will
also be able to make predictions and ask questions in preparation for
Summative: There is no summative assessment today but the activities
will get them ready for writing a Letter to the Editor paper at the end of
the unit.
Classroom seating chart
Power point
SSR book
Apple TV
Document Camera
Kahoot quiz 1
Advertisement worksheet finished
A Change of Heart About Animals key vocabulary worksheet
A Change of Heart About Animals Pre-reading predictions and
questions worksheet
Room Environment:
Students will be sitting at their desks, which will be in 7 rows of 5.
Students will be placed in alphabetical order so that I can easily learn
their names. I will be at the front of the room but I will circulate around
the classroom. I will use the document camera at the front of the room.
I will also use my I pad for my power point which I can hold while I
Accommodations and Modifications for Diverse Learners:
English Language Learners:
My students who are also English learners will benefit from my
use of visuals in my power point and the video. Students will be able to
work collaboratively in groups during parts of the lesson.

Multiple Intelligences:
Visual learners will benefit from the visuals I will use in the
power point.
Interpersonal learners will benefit from discussing
with their pair share partners as well as in whole class discussion.
Linguistic learners will benefit from verbalizing their opinions and
personal experiences with their pair share partner as well as writing
down their ideas on the worksheets.
Auditory learners will benefit as we discuss ideas as a whole
class and listen to one another.
Special Needs:
Students will be able to verbalize first with their partner before
the whole class, which will help them feel more comfortable speaking
in front of everyone. I may modify the lesson further if I have a student
with a severe disability by providing notes online, working with them
one on one, and assigning royal time if they need extra help. With
particular students I will modify what they need to accomplish in order
to receive full credit.
High Achieving Students:
High achieving students will have the opportunity to help others
in the groups who may need more assistance. They will be able to
finish the Predictions and Questions worksheet faster and not have
Instructional Procedure
Anticipatory Set:
I will start class by shaking each students hand and introducing
myself at the door.
Good afternoon class! Welcome!
Students will read their SSR books for 20 minutes.
I will give the students a Kahoot quiz as review for ethos, pathos,
I will collect the students advertisements and hang them around
the room.
Students will participate in a gallery walk. They will be able to
stand up, walk around the room and see the different
advertisements their peers created.
Students will sit down.
I will talk to them about how important it is to understand key
vocabulary in a text so they can understand the entirety of the
I will pass out A Change of Heart About Animals key vocabulary.

I will guide students through the vocabulary worksheet as a

whole class.
I will explain the importance of making pre-reading predictions
and questions.
I will pass out the A Change of Heart About Animals Pre-reading
Predictions and Questions.
I will guide students through the predictions and questions and
then they will have to finish it for homework.
Guided Practice:
I will guide students through the key vocabulary and predictions /
questions worksheet.
Listen to students as they do the gallery walk.
I will monitor by circulating the classroom while the students
work on the worksheets.
I will walk around if students need help throughout the whole
Independent Practice:
Students will engage in independent practice by completing the
Kahoot quiz.
I will have students write down their homework (bring their SSR
book and writers journal. Finish the pre-reading predictions and
questions worksheet) either on their phone or in their agenda or
take a photo.
I will end with an exit ticket (if time) where they need to write
down one thing they learned today.

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