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3 CCTV Camera, Saving Memory Using Sensors

4.3.1 Problem Statement
CCTV camera is used for security and safety design and CCTV camera is
installed in type of sectors like shopping malls, stations, shops, etc. CCTV
camera recording is stored in ROM (Read Only Memory) like CD-ROM, hard
disk and magnetic tapes. At one peak of view, all the recordings should be
deleted to avoid full memory and unnecessary recording can be averted.

4.3.2 Opportunity Statement

The opportunity we have to design the CCTV camera is to record when more
or less risk or chance event happens and our target is to zoom a particular
object or individual. This camera can be installed in closed areas like bank
lockers, library, houses, etc. so that it can be taken particular object or
person easily. When a person enters a particular place where the sensors in
the camera detect and activates recording till the object or person moves out
of the place. This CCTV camera can even transmit the signal to the particular
person or security management. In this CCTV camera with sensor
considering three main opportunities.
1. Identifying a particular object or person.
2. Covering all sections of view in the room.
3. Reducing memory space of the recordings.

1. Identifying a particular object or person.

In this CCTV camera consider of PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor in which
it can detects an object and can easily identify the distance between
the camera and object. This camera can be focus and move according
to object and starts recording. We can also implement thermal sensor
also for the movement of humans in bank or lockers etc.


2. Covering all section of view in the room.

This CCTV camera is main aim to cover all section or corners of the room by using 3600
rotating camera in which to cover the movement of object or person.

3. Reducing the memory space of the recordings.

This CCTV camera starts to record only when the object is identified by camera. It starts
to record till when the object or person exit from the frame of the room. It can send the
message to the security centre as alert message with help of WIFI-module transmitter.


4.3.3 Preliminary Solution Concept

This CCTV camera is installed at any particular place where it could be
surveillance and the objective of this CCTV camera is to record a particular
incident throughout the place automatically. Our purpose is to find the object
or person and start to read till the activity is stopped. In this camera, PIR
(Passive Infrared) sensors are applied to observe and measure the object.
When this sensor detects the object, it sends the signal to the camera,
activating and starting to read. It can be used in PTZ camera also which
rotates 360 degrees both clockwise and anti-clockwise. This PTZ (Pan Tilt
Zoom) camera can zoom particular object and gives the clear object. The
video of particular incident is entered and stored individually. From this we
can record a particular incident and the residue of the time the camera can
be kept as ideal.

PTZcamera Source :(


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