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Daniel Hoang
Independent Research
Title: An Exploration for the Solution to Poverty
Overview of Research:
This research project aims to find a practical solution to ending poverty given the
resources already available in the world. There is a focus on economics and government when it
comes to corruption and the distribution important needs. The problem with poverty is that too
many people have too little, and in order to solve that problem, it is necessary to create
opportunities and rules to play by. By studying different anti poverty programs and examples
from history, hopefully it can be proven that poverty is not an inevitable problem.
Background and Rationale:
Extreme poverty has been a persistent, lasting issue for millennia. There are many
examples of countries that have overcame their underdeveloped economies to become thriving
members of the global economy. Singapore once was a struggling with its post colonialism, as
many poor countries today are facing, however with the right leadership, Between 1965 and
1991, the tiny city-state grew at an astonishing compound annual growth rate of nearly 14
percent and also was achieving levels of per capita income that approached those of the
industrialized West (Spar). But extreme poverty still persists in some parts of the world. In
some regions in Africa for example, have actually regressed in economic development, despite
foreign aid investment (Bhagwati). This persisting problem of extreme poverty is attributed to
the corruption of local governments who spend all the foreign aid money before it reaches the
people that need it (Abugre).
There are many efforts in place to end extreme poverty, including Charles Abugres work
at the United Nations Millennium Campaign in Africa. They encourage developing nations and
donors to meet poverty-reduction goals by 2015 (Abugre). There are numerous organizations
and charities such as The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that invest large amounts of money
into building schools, the production of lifesaving vaccines and much more. There are also many
businesses that provide free goods such as Warby Parker with glasses and Toms with shoes.
There are even charities that provide emergency services, such as the Red Cross and Doctors
Without Borders. Despite all these great endeavors, poverty is still a huge problem.
There is a commonly held perception that poverty is an inevitability, that the world will
always have plenty of people that are starving, thousands of babies children that die because of a
lack of access to a vaccine, or millions of people who are to be enslaved for the totality of their
life. However this perception of inevitable inequality is frustrating given the fact that many
modern day technologies make it possible to produce more than enough food to feed the world
and create cheaper life saving vaccines. There is no reason why the impoverished have to be

ignored and not have human rights. By attempting to solve this problem of poverty, one would be
taking a step towards the betterment of mankind.
Research Methodology:
Research Question:
How can the problem of extreme poverty be most effectively solved?
Research Hypothesis:
Investment in public infrastructure needs as well as investment and encouragement of
entrepreneurship can best solve the problem of poverty.
Public infrastructure such as law enforcement, safe means of transportation, access to
sources of energy and clean water are more than necessary to any well functioning society, yet
these elements are largely absent or in disarray. It is necessary to build these foundations of a
strong society before deciding to invest in other endeavours. Also, encouraging and sponsoring
aspiring entrepreneurs is necessary to create a thriving economical system. Entrepreneurs
provide jobs as well as enter or even form new markets that could benefit everyone in an
impoverished area, because it includes them into a stronger economy.
Research Design Model:
Since it would be very difficult to visit impoverished areas around the world to conduct
social experiments and primary studies of their politics and economies, qualitative research
through meta- analysis will be conducted with a descriptive research model. The resulting
research will provide pieces of information of what works and what doesnt work, which will
eventually lead to a practical, applicable conclusion. The independent variables in this study
would be developed nations success stories such as post colonization Singapore, post World War
II Eastern Europe, and others. The dependent variables will include the under developed regions
where anti- poverty efforts took place and the effect of the efforts.
Data Collection:
Since it would be very difficult to visit impoverished areas around the world to conduct
social experiments and primary studies of their politics and economies, qualitative research
through meta- analysis will be conducted with a descriptive research model. A data collection
notebook will be compiled of the various plans of actions enacted by other poverty fighting
organizations with detailed observations of their effects on the region. After compiling the data,
positive and negative externalities of the effort will be quantified and weighed to determine the
effectiveness of the program and whether or not that effort deserves more investment.
Product Objectives:
After an academic year of study a website will be created to inform the public about what
is effective and what is not effective when it comes to anti-poverty measures in underdeveloped
countries. Visitors of the website can then make informed decisions in what organizations they
plan to support as well as come away with a better understanding of global issues in relation to
economics, and maybe even some hope for the future of underdeveloped countries and their

The target audience would include those who want to help others less well off than they
are and people that have an interest in the important issues taking place around the world.
Information on the website will help inform the visitor about effect anti-poverty programs and
describe the progress that is taking place in ending poverty.
A public website on the internet will serve as an open medium to those who are searching
for more information about how to end poverty.
Logistical Considerations:
Information from different charities and organizations that are attempting to end poverty
would be very helpful. Information describing the programs intent, course of action, and effects,
short term and long term, would provide a window into what is effective in minimizing poverty
and what isnt effective. Stories from news organizations about new breakthroughs or updates
about the progress of poverty would also be utilized to obtain information. Media resources such
as website designing tools, will be necessary to create a website for a interested person to access
it. There will be few monetary costs that go along with creating the website since the website
will not be anything too fancy. The website should appear in the search results based on
keywords inserted into the search engine. There may need to be some permission granted in
order to collect data from private organizations and to publish the data, but most likely the data
will be free and provided in their own website or newsletter.
A timeline will be added that outlines the data collection, product development, and
audience distribution
Student Signature
G/T Resource Teacher Signature
Mentor/Advisor Signature

Works Cited:
Abugre, Charles. "Foreign Aid Is Wasted on Africa." Is Foreign Aid Necessary? Ed.
David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from

"Why Foreign Aid and Africa Don't Mix." 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web.
11 Dec. 2015.
Bhagwati, Jagdish. "Foreign Aid Is Ineffective in Alleviating Poverty." US Foreign
Policy. Ed. Nol Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing
Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Banned Aid: Why International Assistance Does Not Alleviate
Poverty." 2010.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 Dec.
Spar, Debora L. "The secret of Singapore: why Cuba should look to Lee Kuan Yew's thriving
city-state for economic inspiration." Foreign Policy 213 (2015): 104+. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.

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