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1. addicted [dktd]/dk.

[to drug]
addicted (to) adicto ( f adicta)(a)
(fig) [to food, TV]
to be addicted (to) ser un fantico (de)
________________________________2. adult [dlt]/dlt, dlt/
[fully grown] adulto ( f adulta)
[mature] maduro ( f madura)
[suitable for adults only] para adultos or mayores
adult [dlt]
adulto m, adulta f
3. annoying [n]adjective uk us /n./
fastidioso ( f fastidiosa), irritante
4. careless [kels]
[inattentive] descuidado ( f descuidada)
[unconcerned] despreocupado ( f despreocupada)
------------------------------------------careless adjective us /kerls/
careless adjective (WITHOUT ATTENTION)
not using enough care: Careless drivers cause accidents. My sons
areless and sloppy.
5. cause [k:z] /kz/
[generally] causa f
cause (for) motivo m (para)
cause for complaint motivo de queja
cause to do something motivo para hacer algo

schoolwork is ofte

cause [k:z]
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison causar
to cause somebody to do something hacer que alguien haga algo
------------------------------------------------cause noun us /kz/
cause noun (REASON)
[C/U] something without which something else would not happen: [C] The investigatio
n will determine the cause of the airplane accident. [C] She studied the causes of hu
man behavior. [C/U] Cause is also reason for doing or feeling something: [U] He had
just cause to feel disturbed by these events. [U] There is no cause for alarm.
cause noun (PRINCIPLE)
[C] an idea or

principle strongly

supported by some

people: He

devoted himself to

table causes and gave away millions of dollars.

verb [T] us /kz/
The wind and rain caused several accidents.
6. damage [dmd] /dmd/
[physical harm]
damage (to) dao m (a)
to cause damage to something ocasionar daos a algo
[harmful effect]
damage (to) perjuicio m (a)
damage [dmd]
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison daar

plural noun
LAW daos mpl y perjuicios
7. delete [dli:t]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[generally, COMPUT ] Conjugaison borrar, Conjugaison suprimir
[cross out] Conjugaison tachar
---------------------------------------deleteverb [I/T] us /dlit/
to remove ( part or all of) a written or electronic text: [T] She accidentally delete
one of her computer files. [T] The editor deleted the last three paragraphs.
8. destroy [dstr]/dstr/
transitive verb Conjugaison
[ruin] Conjugaison destruir
[defeat] Conjugaison aplastar
[put down] Conjugaison matar, Conjugaison sacrificar
9. disagree [ dsgri:]/ dsri/
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[have different opinions]
to disagree (with) no estar de acuerdo (con)
[conflict] Conjugaison contradecirse, no concordar
[subj: food, drink]
to disagree with somebody sentar mal a alguien
10. harmful [h:mf l]adjective uk /hm.fl/ us /hrm-/
harmful (to) perjudicial or daino ( f daina)(para)
[substance] nocivo ( f nociva)(para)
11. harmless [h:mls] /hrmls/
inofensivo ( f inofensiva)
12. helpless [helpls]/helpls/
[child] indefenso ( f indefensa)
[look, gesture] impotente
13. invention [nvenn] /nvenn/

[generally] invencin f
[ability to invent] inventiva f
14. socialize
intransitive verb Conjugaison ,
intransitive verb Conjugaison [s laz]
to socialize (with) alternar (con)
-------------------------------------------socialize verb [I] us /so lz/
to spend time with other people for pleasure: Although he
ds time to socialize with friends.
15. successful [sksesf l]/sksesfl/
[generally] de xito
[attempt] logrado ( f lograda)
to be successful in something tener xito en algo
16. useless [ju:sls]
[generally] intil
(inf) [hopeless] incompetente
17. to do good
hacer el bien
18. to do harm
hacer dao
-----------------------------o do harm to somebody/something
hacerle dao a alguien/algo
19. do without
verb + adverb, verb + preposition + object

works a lot, Manny still

I don t think we can do without this machine

no creo que podamos prescindir de or arreglarnos sin esta mquina
you really think you could do without me?
de verdad piensas que no me necesitas?
you ll just have to do without, like everyone else
te las tendrs que arreglar, como todos los dems
I can o could do without your interfering!
no necesito or no me hace falta que te vengas a entrometer!
her coming to stay is something I can do without!
ni falta que me hace que ella se venga a quedar!
20. as a result
por consiguiente
por ende
the harvest was bad and coffee prices are high as a result
la cosecha fue muy pobre y por consiguiente los precios del caf estn altos
la cosecha fue muy pobre y por ende los precios del caf estn altos
2.2as a result of (as preposition)
a raz de

como consecuencia de
he died as a result of these injuries
muri a raz de or como consecuencia de estas lesiones
as a result of the article an inquiry was launched
a raz del artculo se inici una investigacin
21. first of all
en primer lugar
antes que nada
22. in addition
in addition to
adems de
in addition to our previous order
adems de nuestro pedido anterior
23. in my opinion
en mi opinin
a mi parecer
a mi juicio
in Freud s opinion
24. lastly [l:stl]adverb uk / us
[to conclude] por ltimo
[at the end] al final
25. Finally, at last, lastly or in the end?
from English Grammar Today

/lst-/ (also last)

Finally, at last, lastly and in the end all have a meaning of after a period of t
ime. However, we use them in different ways.
We use finally to refer to something that happened after a long time and usually
after some difficulties. In this meaning, finally most commonly occurs in the n
ormal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the main verb, after the
modal verb or the first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb:
There were no taxis and we finally got home at 2 pm.
Shes had over twenty interviews but Jasmine has finally got a job as a journa
At last
We use at last when we have been impatient as a result of long delays. Like fina
lly, at last occurs in the normal mid position for adverbs as well as in front a
nd end position:
At last Ive discovered how to print envelopes on my printer!
She has at last given me the book she promised me.
Theyre here at last!! Weve been waiting half an hour.

We use lastly to refer to something that comes at the end of a long list:
We need eggs, milk, sugar, bread and, lastly, we mustnt forget yoghurt for Da
Ive thanked my parents but lastly I must thank all my friends for their help.
In the end
We use in the end to refer to a conclusion after a long process, after a lot of
changes or after a lot of discussion:
We were going to ski in Austria, then the South of France and in the end we
decided to go to Italy.
And then, in the end, after months of discussion they offered to buy our hou
26. personally [p:snl]/prsnli/
[generally] personalmente
to take something personally tomarse algo como algo personal
[in person] en persona
27. to begin with
para empezar
they ll do to begin with
estarn bien para empezar
to begin with, he got the figures wrong
para empezar or en primer lugar, se equivoc con las cifras
let s begin at the beginning
empecemos por el principio
28. and, what is more,
y lo que es ms,
-------------------------------whats more lo que es ms , ms todava, adems
29. long [l]
largo ( f larga)
the table is 5m long la mesa mide or tiene 5m de largo
two days long de dos das de duracin
the journey is 50km long el viaje es de 50 km
the book is 500 pages long el libro tiene 500 pginas
a long time mucho tiempo
a long way from muy lejos de
long [l]
mucho tiempo
how long will it take? cunto se tarda?
how long will you be? cunto tardars?
how long have you been waiting? cunto tiempo llevas esperando?
how long have you known them? cunto hace que los conoces?
how long is the journey? cunto hay de viaje?
I m no longer young ya no soy joven
I can t wait any longer no puedo esperar ms
as long as a week hasta una semana

so long (inf) hasta luego or pronto

before long pronto
for long mucho tiempo
long [l]
the long and the short of it is that ...

en pocas palabras lo que pasa es que

long [l]
transitive verb Conjugaison
to long to do something desear ardientemente hacer algo
as long as
conjunction ,
so long as
as long as you do it, so will I

siempre y cuando t lo hagas, yo tambin lo har

long for
transitive verb inseparable
desear ardientemente
30. away
Ingls americano: /we/
Ingls britnico: /we/
Traduccin de away en espaol:
away often appears as the second element of certain verb structures in English (
back away, do away with, slip away, etc). For translations, see the relevant ve
rb entry ( back, do, slip, etc).
1 1.1 (from place, person) I looked away
apart la vista
he limped away
se alej cojeando
they dragged the fallen tree away
se llevaron el rbol cado arrastrndolo
I turned away
me di la vuelta
me di vuelta (Southern Cone)
1.2 (indicating removal) the bark had been stripped away
haban quitado la corteza
see also blow away take away wash away wipe away etc
2 2.1 (in the distance) it isn t far away
no queda lejos
we re still a long way away
todava estamos muy lejos
Easter is a long way away
falta mucho para Pascua
it s 20 miles away
queda a 20 millas
she lives an hour s drive away
vive a una hora de aqu en coche
2.2 (absent) she s away in Canada

est en Canad
they re both away today
ninguno de los dos est hoy
I ll be away all next week
toda la semana que viene no voy a estar or voy a estar fuera
2.3 (Sport) (esp British English)to play away
jugar fuera (de casa)
Oraciones de ejemplo
3 (on one s way) we were away before sunrise
partimos or salimos antes del amanecer
a couple of drinks and she s away [colloquial]
se toma un par de copas y se desata
you only have to mention golf and he s away [colloquial]
apenas le mencionas el golf y no hay quien lo pare
4 4.1 (with imperative) I ve got some questions to ask you OK, ask away!
tengo algunas preguntas que hacerle dgame! or (Latin America tb) pregunte noms!
see also fire away 4.2 (continuously) he s been painting away all morning
se ha pasado toda la maana pintando
I could hear him singing away in the bath
lo oa cantar en el bao
5 5.1 (into nothing) the ghostly figure melted away into the darkness
la figura fantasmal se desvaneci en la oscuridad
see also die away fade away waste away etc 5.2 (indicating use of time) you re dr
eaming your life away
se te est yendo la vida en sueos
they danced the night away
bailaron toda la noche
6away from (as preposition) 6.1 (in opposite direction to) to face away from
the light
ponerse de espaldas a la luz
the hotel faces away from the sea
el hotel da hacia el lado opuesto al mar
she pulled the child away from the cliff edge
apart al nio del borde del acantilado
6.2 (at a distance, separated from)
lejos de
away from his family
lejos de su familia
stand well away from the fire
no te acerques al fuego
the ideal place if you want to be/get away from it all
el lugar ideal si te quieres alejar del mundanal ruido
Oraciones de ejemplo
7away with [literary] (as preposition) away with her to the tower!
llevadla a la torre!
away with these stale old conventions!
abajo con estos convencionalismos caducos!

(before noun) away game o (British English also) match
partido (masculine) que se juega fuera (de casa)
---------------------------------------------------------away [we]
[move, walk, drive]
to walk away (from) marcharse (de)
to drive away (from) alejarse (de) (en coche)
to turn or look away apartar la vista
[at a distance - in space, time]
away from a distancia de
4 miles away a 4 millas de distancia
a long way away muy lejos
the exam is two days away faltan dos das para el examen
[not at home or office] fuera
[in safe place]
to put something away poner algo en su sitio
[indicating removal or disappearance]
to fade away desvanecerse
to give something away regalar algo
to take something away from somebody quitarle algo a alguien
he was working away when ... estaba muy concentrado trabajando cuando ...
away [we]
sport [team, supporters] visitante
away game partido m fuera de casa
----------------------------------------------away adjective, adverb [not gradable] us /we/
away adjective, adverb [not gradable] (SOMEWHERE ELSE)

somewhere else, or to or in a different place, position, or situation: Barbara is aw

y on vacation until the end of the week. The Jeffersons went away for the weekend,
but theyll be back on Monday.
awayadverb [not gradable] us /we/
away adverb [not gradable] (DISTANT)
at a distance (from this

place): How far away is the


away adverb [not gradable] (IN THE FUTURE)

in the future; from now: The

wedding is still six

months away.

away adverb [not gradable] (INTO PLACE)

in or into the usual or a suitable
s away before you go out again.

place, esp. one that is

enclosed: Put the groceri

away adverb [not gradable] (GRADUALLY)

gradually until

mostly or

completely gone: The

away adverb [not gradable] (CONTINUOUSLY)

music faded away.

continuously or repeatedly, or actively: Chris has been working away on the car all
31.way [we]
[manner, method] manera f, modo m
ways and means medios mpl
in the same way del mismo modo, igualmente
this/that way as
in a way en cierto modo
in a big/small way a gran/pequea escala
she has fallen for him in a big way est locamente enamorada de l
to get or have one s way salirse uno con la suya
to have everything one s own way salirse siempre uno con la suya
to have a way with people tener don de gentes
to have a way with words tener un pico de oro
he had a way of making people laugh tena la costumbre de hacer rer a la gente
to be in a bad way estar bastante mal
[route, path] camino m
to lose one s way perderse
to find one s way around orientarse
the way back or home el camino de vuelta a casa
way in entrada f
way out salida f
it s out of my way no me pilla de camino
it s out of the way [place] est algo aislado
on the or on one s way de camino
I m on my way voy de camino
across or over the way enfrente
to be under way (fig) [meeting] estar en marcha
to get under way [meeting] ponerse en marcha
to be in the way estar en medio
to get in the way ponerse en medio
to get out of the way quitarse de en medio
to get something out of the way [task] quitarse algo de encima
to go out of one s way to do something tomarse muchas molestias para hacer al
to keep out of the way mantenerse alejado
to keep out of somebody s way mantenerse alejado de alguien
to make one s way to dirigirse hacia
to make way for dar paso a
to stand in somebody s way (fig) interponerse en el camino de alguien
to work one s way to conseguir llegar a
[direction] direccin f
come this way ven por aqu
go that way ve por ah
which way do we go? hacia dnde vamos?
which way is it to the cathedral? por dnde se va a la catedral?
the wrong way up or round al revs
the right way up or round del derecho
all the way todo el camino or trayecto
we re with you all the way (fig) te apoyamos incondicionalmente
most of the way casi todo el camino or trayecto
it s a long way away est muy lejos
we have a long way to go queda mucho camino por recorrer
to go a long way towards doing something (fig) contribuir enormemente a hacer
we ve come a long way since then (fig) hemos avanzado mucho desde entonces
to give way under weight, pressure ceder

give way (UK) AUT ceda el paso

no way! ni hablar!
way [we]
(inf) [far] mucho
it s way too big es tela de grande
plural noun
[customs, habits] costumbres fpl, hbitos mpl
somebody s funny little ways las curiosas costumbres de alguien
by the way
por cierto
by way of
[via] (pasando) por
[as a sort of] a modo de, como
in the way of
what do you have in the way of wine? qu clases de vino tiene?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------way noun us /we/
way noun (ROUTE)

[C] a route or path to follow in order to get to a place: Do you know the way to th
ain station? [C] If you dont know your way, cant find your way, or have lost your
are not sure or do not know how to get where you want to go: I dont really know my w
ay around town yet. [C] Way also means street: Our office is at 17 Harbor Way. [C] W
can mean the direction, position, or order of something: The numbers should be the ot
her way around 71, not 17. [C] Your way can also be the progress of your life: He ma
e his way from sales assistant to head of sales.
way noun (DISTANCE)
[U] (also ways, /wez/ ) distance, or a period of time: We walked just a short way
ore he got tired. When Mom called us for supper, we were still a ways from being fi
way noun (MANNER)

[C] a particular manner, characteristic, or fashion: I like the way your hair is f
Jack and Beth feel the same way about animals. There is no way I can leave her. Th
ey dont write songs the way they used to. [C] Your way is also the ability to do thin
gs in the manner you want: My little sister gets furious if she doesnt get her way.
by the way
in a way
in the way
way adverb [always + adv/prep; not gradable] us /we/ infml
way adverb [always + adv/prep; not gradable] (FAR)

(used for emphasis) far or long: That skirts way too much money. Come on now, Alexan
er, its way past your bedtime. slang Way can also mean very: That car is way cool!

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