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Claudia Patricia Burbano Garca

School of Engineering of Material-University of the Valley
Although the generation of waste of Construction and Demolition is intimately
tied to the activity of the sector of the construction, like consequence of the
demolition of edificaciones and infrastructures that have remained obsolete, as
well as of the construction of other new, proposes the recycling of this waste
like arid for distinct uses, between them: it proposes the use of this waste like
aggregated in the construction of concrete, a viable system for his recovery; in
this article poses a critical review of the works where have incorporated waste
of construction and demolition like aggregated in the production of concrete
and likewise the effect that these have had in the performance of the mortars
manufactured . Several of the most notable properties have been evaluated in
the distinct works and are brought to compilation, such like mechanical
resistance, permeability of chlorides, resistance to attack by sulphates, and
other properties related with the durability. The results suggest that an every
time greater content of the arid recycled can reduce the mechanical resistance
of the mortars, therefore, proportions very small do not attain repercutir of
important way in the mechanical properties.

The arid recycled; construction and demolition; armed concrete; taxes of

The sector of the construction consumes 50% of the total of the natural
resources and 40% of the energy; in contrapartida, generates 50% of the waste
and is responsible by a third part of the broadcasts of CO2 On the other hand,
the development of the countries, generates high volumes of waste of
construction and demolition (RCD) whose final destination finish being the
sanitary fillings or escombreras exhausting space because of his high volume,
supposes the main impact tombiental generated in the sector. [7]
Of this impact arises the need in the companies constructors to incorporate
new tendencies in the management of waste, with a greater respect to the
Environment, optimisation of resources and material, and economic
improvement of the result of the works, as well as the request to establish


suitable mechanisms for a fast and simple adaptation to the new development
of normace related with the matter. [7]
The composition of the RCD, varies according to the type of edificacin or
infrastructure that it treat and reflects in his majority components, the type
and distribution porcentual of the prime matters that uses the sector of the
construction, although it is necessary to take into account that these can vary
chord to the availability of the same and the constructive habits. The
minoritary materials depend instead, of a number of factors much wider as
they can be the climate of the place, the purchasing power of the population,
the uses given to the building [3] .On the other hand, the composition of the
edificaciones varies along the time and with this also changes the composition
of the RCD, as it was the age of the building or structure that is object of
demolition, to continuation, shows in the figure -1 the composition of the
waste of demolition and construction.

Figure -1: Composition of the waste of demolition and construction. [14]

The use of arid recycled (RA) of the construction treated and the waste of
demolition (CDW) like the replacement of the aggregated natural (NA) in the
production of products of new construction has been considered like one of the
most efficient methods to add value to these materials, with frequency
considered as without value. In fact, like alternative to deposit them in the
dumps, the use of RA creates new opportunities of market, that are also
favourable for the environment. [1]
In accordance with some recommendations and relative specifications to the
AR [2], there are three main types of the resultant materials of CDW, that, after
subjecting to processes of suitable profit in the plants of recycling certified, are
adapted for the production of products cementosos; these aggregated are
recycled of concrete (RCA), arid recycled of mampostera (RMA) and the arid
recycled mixed (MRA). After subjecting to trituracin and of profit in plants of


recycling of certificates, the aggregated resultant can be assigned to one of the

four following categories:

1) The arid of concrete recycled (RCA): The concrete finds in the majority
RA, since it is the material of construction more used in structural
applications. Organisations of several countries have developed
specifications, [8], [9] and [10], that include a definition for RCA. They
seem to agree that to be considered RCA have to comprise a minimum
of 90% in mass of fragments of basic cement portland and NA. [4]

2) Recycled aggregated Masonry (RMA)

Demolitions of mampostera is a collective designation for diverse
materials of resultant mineral construction of the construction and
demolition of buildings and structures of civil engineering. This family of
materials can include airy and light blocks of concrete, ceramic bricks,
bricks and blocks of slag of high hornor, and bricks of cal and sand. The
andscombros of mampostera often containsn the representation of
mortar and materials of clay cocgone such as you knit and knit [11]. It
composes of a minimum of 90%, in mass, of all the materials mentioned
previously. RA With high content of brick recycled produce commonly by
the centres of recycling of better practical in which it has done a
concerted effort to separate concrete and asphalt to other existences.
3) Mixed arid recycled (MRA)
This material is composed of concrete and mampostera triturado and
classified demolitions. The aggregated resultant is a mix of two main
components obtained of the profit ofC DW. Some specifications [12] and
[13] establish his composition as less than 90%, in mass, of the
fragments to base of cement Portland and NA. In other words it can
contain varied other common materials CDW such as material to base of
masonry (, concrete of ceramics of light weight). [4]
4) Construction and arid demolition recycled (CDRA)
Along this investigation, found that, in general, the literature contains
information limited on the origin and the composition of the aggregated
and like this, in which it was not possible categorizar fully the RA that
considered CDRA. In other cases, the AR contained high levels of
pollution (for example, asphalt, glass, plastics, wood) and also classified
in this category, since they do not belong to any of the others (RCA,
RMA, MRA). These materials can be the result of the pertinent waste of
the works of construction and of demolition that have not been through


any type of classification and therefore it can contain valuable materials,

as well as contaminantes. [4]
The aim of this study is to gather, analyse and evaluate the results of a total of
five works by means of a review of the criteria of utilisation of the arid recycled
of waste of construction and demolition in the production of diverse
components of concrete (C + D) that have employed along these, evaluating
like this possibilities really viable for the aprovechamiento of this waste and of
this way contribute with the environmental sustainability. In the distinct
investigations determined lace physical properties of the aggregated obtained
and compared to the aggregated normal. In addition to some studies to
determine the properties of durability and of permeability of these products.


1) Cement: The cement used is of the type CEM I 42,5R. His composicin
shows to continuation in the figure 2.

Figure-2-Composition of the cement [5]

2) Waste of materials of demolitions of concrete which entered in the unit

of trituracin and tamizaron to achieve sizes required, as aggregated
fine (0-5 mm) and agregados thick (5-12 and 12-22 mm).
3) Added of hornfels, that is a metamorphic rock formed by the contact
between lutolita / esquisto, or another rich rock in clay, and a body gneo
hot, and represents an equivalent altered by the heat of the original




rock, obtained from a natural quarry (from now on, arid natural or NA),
used to produce mixes of control.
SAnd used 100% of aggregated recycled of waste of construction and
demolition (from now on CDWA) for a wide range of combinations of
bitumen and contents of water.
Tambin Found other impurities such as ceramic, pieces of metal,
plaster, plastic and glass.
Ceramic waste.
Waste of bricks of red clay.

Experimental procedure (Methodology)

In the article #1 lace physical properties of the arid recycled determined and
compared to the ones of the aggregated normal. Lace price of total
replacement of arid of concrete recycled determined in 40%, 30% and 20%. To
continuation, can observe of way detailed the experimental procedure in the
figure 3.

Relation waters/cement
First part: mixes that
can be used in concrete
Second part: Mixes for
the production of stone
of paving, kerb, armed
concrete and tubes of

C 25/30 add a sper

plastificante to base of
policarboxilato. Tax of
density 1.19 g/cm^3.

replacement 40%, 30%,



Figure-3-experimental procedure [5]

They made essays of compression on samples of cubes of 150 x 150 x 150 mm

and essays of permeability to the ion chloride, of agreement to the norms IN
1340 and ASTMC 1202. [15] [16]
Paving of production of stone with arid recycled: Tax of replacement of
arid normal 20%, added of size (5-12 mm), in total the stone of paving of
built with a tax of replacement of 40%.
Production of kerbs: Tax of replacement of arid 25%, added that they
recycle from the construction and demolition. Aggregated fine (0-5mm)
and aggregated thickness (5-12mm).


Tubes of armed concrete: Tax of replacement was of 10%. Added of size

(0-5mm) and (5-12mm).

Inl to corresponding methodology to the article #4, employed

agglutinative for the aggregated of waste of construction and demolition an
emulsion of bitumen catinicor (60% of content of bitumen). To determine the
content of optimum water and of bitumen in this case supposes n additions
that produce mixes with the best mechanical properties possible. However, any
of these methods takes into account the changes in these optimum contentss
on the time of cured. SAnd selected a series of different contents of
agglutinative and for each one of them, linked the same series of contents of
water, the obtaining of a matrix of different combinations of content of
agglutinative of water. For each combination, produced a series of samples. [6]
The mechanical property studied was the rigidity, since the proofs are not
destructive and the same samples could test in several occasions after
different time of cured. They kept the samples in a time of cured artificial of 3
days to 60 C in a ventilated oven. After this time of cured artificial, the
samples stored to a temperature acclimatise of laboratory (20 2 C) with a
relative humidity of 30-40% during 18 months. [6]

To continuation, are in the figure 4 and 5, the results of the proofs of resistance
to the compression and settlement obtained in the different samples. Followed
of the results obtained of the essays of permeability to the ion chloride showed
in the figure 6.


Figure-4-Resulted of proofs of resistance to the compression and settlement. [6]

Figure-5-Resulted of proofs of resistance to the compression and settlement. [6]

Figure-6-Resulted of essays of permeability of chloride. [6]

Variations or increase of the rigidity to different time of cured him them

different samples in a half to temperature acclimatise can observe in the figure
7, followed of the evolution of the mechanical resistance of the four mixes in
different time of cured in the figure 8.


Figure-7-increase of the rigidity to different time of cured to temperature acclimatise.

Figure-8- Evolution of the ITSM of 4 different mixes over the curing time.


The results of the proofs of compression settlement are showed in the

figure 4 and 5, in where despus of the essays of resistance to the
compression for concretes premezclado, observed a reduction of the


resistance 20% in the products with the use of the tax of replacement of
arid recycled of 20%, and a reduction of the resistance of 30% in the
products with the use of the tax of replacement of arid recycled of 30%
and, finally, determined the reduction of resistance of 40% in the
products with the use of the tax of replacement of arid recycled 40%. In
accordance with these results, exists a linear correlation between the
taxes of replacement of the aggregated and the reduction of resistance
to the compression. The use of arid recycled that have greater
absorption of water affected negatively the resistance of the
concretes. [5]
The results of the essays of the permeability of chlorides find exposed in
the figure 6, where fits to notice that no evidenci a background
difference between the samples with proportions of addition of 30%,
40% and 20%. It considers that these differences can be due to the
experimental uncertainties like the condition of the samples and the
people that make the proofs. However, there is not any significant
difference between the replacement of aggregated thickness and fine of
the same relation of replacement for the concretes of class C25 / 30 and
concretes 0-fallen in these proofs. In the literature, does not exist a clear
differentiation of replacement of arid thickness and fine in the properties
of permeability. [5]
Can observe in the figure 7 that the level of rigidity increased of way no
uniform on the time of cured, and that the increase of rigidity depended
mainly of the content of bitumen,p or the so much, the contents of
bitumen higher correspond to a greater increase in the rigidity on the
time of cured. After 6 months, the ITSM of CDWA mixes with only 3% of
content of bitumen increased in roughly 14%. However, the same mixes
with content of bitumen 8% increased in more than 100%, that is to say,
that duplicated his rigidity. After the next 6 months (12 months in total),
and although the increase had not been so strong, some of the mixes
with content of bitumen 8% increased to almost 150% (in terms
accumulated), whereas the mixes with content of bitumen 3% hardly
increased to 20%. After 18 months, observed that the level of rigidity of
both mixes CDWA and NA was practically the same that the value
registered after 12 months (in some cases even a bit lower). [6]
In base to the figure 8, can see as after the time of cured artificial of 3
days to 60 C (t = 0 months), the mixes CDWA showed a content of
main bitumen of 5%. However, after 6, 12 and 18 months to temperature
acclimatise, this 5% of rigidity did not increase in the same way that in
6% and 7% mixes when changing the main content of bitumen of 5% to



At the end of the experimental and industrial studies, these arid

recicsides found feasible for his use like aggregated in the construction
of the stone of paving, kerb, tubes of concrete and the elements of pipe
of armed concrete in accordance with the norms related.
It sees that the environmental problems that originate from sector of
the construction can be deleted and an alternative solution can provide
by means of the use of these aggregated recycled in products of new
It suggests that the corresponding optimum taxes to the percentage of
aggregated have to apply, for like this ensure and guarantee the
mechanical properties required related with the norms of the products.
In general, the contents of bitumen higher correspond to a greater
increase in the rigidity on the time of cured. This appearance was more
evident in the mixes CDWA. Although there are not methods of standard
design, this consideration has to take into account in the projects of
roads on a long-term basis. Therefore, still it needs more investigation
on this appearance.
The source of the aggregated affects clearly the remaining quantity of
water intersticial in the samples after the process of compactacin. An
aggregated of high absorption, such as CDWA, preserve significantly
more water, what increases the length of the process of loss of water.
It considers indispensable continue with a research of applications in
which it can employ a greater percentage of aggregated.

The author of this article wishes to award and recognise gratitudes to the
University of the Valley, for providing favourable tools of investigation as they
are it the different databases to which offers us access. On the other hand, to
all the group of professors that form part of the school of engineering of
materials for offering the necessary knowledges for the good understanding of
the different processes investigativos.


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