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EFFECT OF ne ALLOYING ELEMENTS 1-600-272-1637 ALUMINUM: Aluminum is probebly the most active deoxidizer in ‘common use in producing steel Its used in contvoling Inherent grain size. BORON: Boron is added to steo! in amounts of 0.0005 to 0.003% {o improve hardenabilty. In combination wth other alloying ‘elements boron acs a8 an intensfi,” inreasing the depth lof hardening during quenching CARBON: When a small amount of carbon is edded oon, the Properties which give steel ts great velue begin fo appear. AS the amount of carbon increases up to £0 or 80%, the metal becomes harder, possesses grater tensile strength, and what ‘most important becomes increasingly responsive Yo heat, treatment wit corresponding development of very high strength and hardness. carton were tobe increased beyond certain limit in pain catbon steel, the abil to be worked ether hot or cold would Sisappear almost entirely, and it would begin to assume the characteristics of cat Ion, which usually has 1.7104 8% carbon, CHROMIUM: Chromium increases response to heat treatment ‘iso increases depth of hardness penetration. Most

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