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Lesson plan

Teacher: Stepan Cristina

School: Liceul Teoretic ,, Arany Janos Salonta
Date: 27th of May 2016
Grade: 3rd D
Level: Beginner
Classroom management: Student centered
Textbook: Set Sail! 3
Unit of learning: In a week !
General description of the class: The 3rd grade students are intelligent, eager to
learn and very enthusiastic. They have benefitted of an extra English
hour per week and this has resulted in a lot of progress.
Topic: Days of the week; Daily activities
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the Ss will be able to:

name the days of the week;

describe daily routines;

practice present simple tense;

practice prepositions of time (in, on, at);

develop their listening and reading skills;

write about what they do on Saturdays or Sundays

Anticipated problems: they may have behavioral problems;

Teaching Aids:

textbook; worksheets; blackboard; posters; flashcards;

laptop; CD
Teaching techniques: Elicitation

- questioning
- contest

Stages of the lesson




- to help students get into the atmosphere of the English language;

- to get students ready for the English class by having an informal
-to warm them up


Teacher greets the students, introduces the guest and asks if

anybody is absent. She asks them how they are. Pupils respond to informal
T: Good morning, children!
Ss: Good morning, teacher!
T: How are you today?
S: Were fine, thank you!
T: Whats the weather like today?
Whos on duty today?
Who is absent?
Ss answer the Ts questions.

Time: 3 minutes
Interaction: T Ss; Ss T

- to check whether the students have accomplished their task;

- to check whether they have understood the previous lesson

Procedure: T. asks: Have you done your homework? Was it difficult? Who wants
to read? And then names a few students to read their homework and asks the
other to check and correct if necessary. Students respond individually.
Homework is checked. Their homework was exercise 9/ page 74
Time: 4 minutes
Interaction: T Ss; Ss T; whole class

Aims: - to introduce the new topic
-to share with the other students information about themselves
Procedure: Teacher starts off by looking at a calendar with everyone.
Everybody has some fun with the calendar first. Teacher asks students to point at
days such as Christmas and to point out their birthdays. Ask what day their
birthdays are on this year and point to the days row at the top of each month. T.
starts to teach the English words for the days as they discuss about their birthdays.
Time: 6 minutes
Interaction: T Ss; Ss T; Ss -Ss


Activity 1
Aims: - to present the theme of the unit;
Procedure: Ask the pupils what day is today. Write the day on the board. T.
points to it and she says the day again. The pupils repeat after the teacher. Then
say: The day after Monday is Tuesday. Write the day on the board. Point to it and
say the day again. The pupils repeat after the teacher. She follows the same
procedure to present the rest of the days. T says the days of the week from Monday

to Sunday. The pupils repeat after you. Teacher teaches the days of the week with
the help of some flashcards.
Then, T. says a day. She asks some pupils to say the day before and after.

Time: 6 minutes
Interaction: Ss-T; T-Ss


Aims: - to develop their listening skill;
-to develop their reading skill;

Procedure: T. plays a chant on the CD. The pupils listen and read. T. plays the
chant again. The pupils listen and join in. They repeat the chant without the CD
this time. Stop before a day and invite students to complete your sentences.

Time: 5 minutes
Interaction: T Ss; Ss-T; whole class


Aims: -

to develop the pupils reading and listening skills

- to develop their speaking skill;

- to ask about each other daily activities

Procedure: Teacher shows students some flashcards and elicits some activities
such as reading, speaking, writing, plating basketball, riding a bike, jogging. The
pupils, in pairs, ask and answer each other about the activities they do on different
days of the week. They use flashcards as prompts. T. checks round the class. She
asks some pairs to report back to the class.
A: What do we do on Tuesday?
B; We paint pictures.
A: What do we do on Wednesday?
B; We sing songs!
A: What do we do on Thursdays?
B: We make toys!
Then, the teacher prepares some slips of paper ( the days of the week in one pack,
the activities in another) on her desk face down. She invites a pair of pupils in front
of the class. One pupil chooses a day and the other chooses an activity and the act
out similar exchanges as in the previous exercise. T. repeats the procedure with
some more pairs.

Time: 8 minutes
Interaction: pair work


Aims: -to develop the pupils listening and reading skills
Procedure: Go through the pictures of the dialogue with the pupils and set the
scene by asking questions:

T: Are the children happy?

Class: Yes
Teacher: What is Lulu playing?
Class: a game
Teacher plays the CD. The pupils listen. The teacher plays the Cd again with
pauses for the students to listen and repeat chorally. Teacher checks the students
pronunciation and intonation. The, the pupils take roles and read out the dialogues.
Time: 7 minutes
Interaction: whole class


Aims: - to consolidate the previously learnt vocabulary

Teacher prepare seven cards, one for each day and writes an

activity that she does on that day.

e.g. MONDAY ride my bike
TUESDAY read a story
WEDNESDAY watch cartoons
THURSDAY paint pictures
FRIDAY go to my grandmas house
SATURDAY go to the park
SUNDAY play tennis

Tell students that they have to guess what you do on any given day. Brainstorm for
ideas. T. writes some prompts on the board. ( grandmas house, play tennis. Then,
T divides the class into two teams, A and B. Each team takes turns to choose a day
and guess what you do on that day ( they have two guesses). If the team does not
guess correctly, the other team is given the chance to guess.
T: What do I do on Mondays?
Team A Pupil 1: Do you go to the park?
Teacher: No, I dont.
Team A Pupil 2: Do you play tennis?
Teacher: no, I dont. Team B?
Time: 4 minutes
Interaction: Group work

Aims to help students develop the skill of an individual learner;
-to consolidate and reinforce learning done at school;
-to To help develop good work habits for the future

Procedure: Teacher

asks Ss to look at exercise 4, on page 77 and explains the

homework. Ss have to look at the chart and make sentences about Lulus daily

Time: 2 minutes
Interaction: T Ss; Ss - T

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