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Manuel Martinez

Brianna Balke
What are 2-3 of the most important or interesting things you learned in Chemistry this year? Explain why
they were interesting or important to you. How has this class influenced the way that you think about
science and/or the world around you? Explain. Has this class changed your interest level in science or
your attitude towards science? Explain.

Interesting things you have learned?

One of the most interesting things I have learned in Chemistry is the how to
identify materials. In the beginning of the year we talked about how to identify toxic and
nontoxic materials from waste. It was intriguing to learn that we could identify any
materials by finding the mass, volume and other by doing observations. I founded fun to
do but at the same time I thought it was a very tedious task. It was also interesting to be
able to separate many components from each other and be able to identify them
individually. For example in the sludge lab, I wouldve never thought I would be able to
separate them and be able to tell people what the components were.

Being able to find the saturation point of a solution was also interesting. When we
started the project I was confused with what we were supposed to do but then I
understood that I needed a certain amount of solution that would completely dissolve in
a solute. Which also would be viewed as an exact amount of solution compared to the
solute. But then how would I know how much solution it was needed? I was taught to
first take the mass of the solute before adding anything and then find the mass after

adding the solution, then take both measures and subtract the starting mass from the
final mass. I think it is very interesting because this method is often used in science
which means it is important to learn.

Another interesting topic that I learned in chemistry about was the science behind
an atomic bomb. It is interesting just to think about it because comparing the size to the
damage its mind blowing. Who wouldve thought that it is all happening in a molecular
level. It is amazing how humans could come up with such a destructive weapon that
would stop a war and terrify the whole world. I am intrigued by the fact that U.S created
the bomb but scientists from other countries were mostly involved in the most important
This class has influenced me to think that science is amazing and that through
science humans will achieve many goals in a near future and hopefully not ruin people's
lives. Before I thought science was extremely boring but now not so much. I was always
worried when it came to learn about science because I couldn't understand the logic
behind it but after this class everything makes more sense. I feel more prepared for
whatever may come.

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