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Test 1

Colorati fructele si legumele dupa cum se specifica.

orange and green

green and yellow

dark red, brown and green

green and red
Put the words from the brackets using Present Tense Simple!

1. I ___ (to swim)

2. You ___ (to swim)


3. We ___ (to walk)

4. He ___ (to walk)

5. They ___ (to sing)

6. She ___ (to read)

7. it ___ here (to be)

8. My father ___ here. (to come)

9. The birds ___ fast. (to fly)

10. The eagle __ very high. (to fly)

11. You ___ at the theater. (to be)

Test 2
Make sentences using Present Tense Simple like it is asked in the brackets!
1. I play here. (interogativ)

2. We applaud. (negativ)

3. You swim. (interogativ)

4. It jumps high. (interogativ)

5. He has a green hat. (negativ)

6. They have many pets. (negativ)

7. She speaks english. (interogativ)

8. Pavel writes a letter. (negativ)

9. You go to church. (interogativ)

10. I see a car. (negativ)

11. The bears run fast. (negativ)

12. We make the meal. (interogativ)

Alegeti varianta scrisa correct, a cuvintelor urmatoare.

1. maimuta= monkey/manckey
2. fluture=baturfly/butterfly
3. vaca=couw/cow
4. sarpe=snake/sneick
5. vulpe=focx/fox
6. oaie=sheep/seehp
7. porc=pyg/pig
8. tigru=tiger/tayger
9. elefant=elephant/elyphant
10. iepure=rebbit/rabbit

Test 3

Faceti legatura intre cele 2 coloane.

1. mama

a. father

2. bunic

b. bebelus

3. frate

c. parents

4. parinti

d. mother

5. familie

e. grandmother

6. tata

f. family

7. bebelus

g. grandfather

8. bunica

h. brother

Translate into English/Romanian!

1. Eu mereu imi fac temele.

2. Tu pictezi?

3. Maria doesn't play.

4. The kangaroo is weird.

5. Noi nu criticam.

6. This horse seems nice.

7. Unde dormiti?

8. Munciti aici?

9. My sister has blue eyes.

10. Nu plec maine.

11. Zboara? (el /ea, neutru)

12. I don't know.

Test 4
Faceti legatura intre cuvinte si partile corpului de pe

Alegeti 10 ingrediente necesare pentru o supa din lista

urmatoare si traduceti-le in limba romana.
garlic, tomatoes..
Test 5
Put the verbs from the brackets inn Present Tense

1. I ___ (to write)

2. You ___ (to swim)

3. We ___ (to walk)

4. He ___ (to walk)

5. They ___ (to read)

6. She ___ (to sing)

7. I ___ here (to play)

8. My father ___ here. (to come)

9. The birds ___ fast. (to fly)

10. The eagle __ very high. (to fly)

11. You ___ to the theater. (to go)

12. He ___ two books. (to have)

13. She ___ good to you. (to be)

14. I ___ a student. (to see)

Scrieti denumirile in limba engleza sub fiecare imagine.

Test 6
Translate into English the words from the brackets!
1. ___ is pretty. (ea)

2. ___ was a deer. (el/ ea)

3. Give ___ the prize. (lui)

4. ___ speak english. (tu)

5. ___ are whise. (voi)

6. The earth is for ___. (toata lumea, fiecare)

7. ___ go to mountain. (noi)

8. ___ are our flowers. (acestea)

9. Play with ___! (noi)

10. Let`s buy ___ a car. (noi insine)

11. The girl ___ read the book is my sister. (care)

12. ___ tree is a cherry-tree. (acel)

13. ___ go home. (eu)

14. Have you seen ___? (pe ei)

15. This is ___ book. (a ta)

Alege forma corecta.

1. Paul is/are a boy.
2. They are/is children.
3. It am/is sunny.
4. Lamia is/am my sister.
5. We is/are friends.
Completeaza spatiile libere cu am/m not, is/isnt,
1. I ...... ten years old.
2. Snoopy ...... my dog.
3. You ...... funny.
4. We ...... a family.
5. Danny and Sammy ...... in the same class.
Test 7
Translate into English/Romanian!

1. In 2012 January has 29 days.

2. Vacanta incepe in iunie.

3. Ne plac vacantele de vara.

4. She has an exam on Monday.

5. The Saturday and Sunday days are called weekend, too.

6. Lunile de toamna sunt septembrie octombrie si noiembrie.

7. Decembrie este o luna de iarna.

8. Can you come on Friday?

9. Martie este a treia luna din an.

10. She was born in a Thursday.

11. Unde ati fost miercurea trecuta?

12. Iarna trecuta a nins mult.

Look and write:

They are dancing.

( dance)

( run)
1. _____________________

( hold a pumpkin)

( listen

to music)
2. _______________________

( swim)
4. ________________________



( make noise)
5. ________________________

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