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This study is itended to analyze the linguistic signals of power and solidarity
in the javanese language at kalikejambon village Jombang.The javanese language
has many style levels which each reflects existence of power and solidarity in the
society. The Javanese people have to dertermine the style levels that is appropriate
to be used because every situation requires the speaker to make the most exactling
discriminations about his attitude toward the listeners states. She have to choose
one of the three basic stylesof the language and decide wheter or not he will employ
special terms known as honorifics.
The main problem described and identified in this thesis is the linguistic
signals of power and solidarity in javanese language at kalikejambon village
Jombang and the social contexts that determine the execution of power and
solidaruty in javanese society.
The descriptive qualitative method is used ro conduct this research. The
javanese people that include a teacher. Student of javanese department trader and
farmer are taken as the informants. The observation and interview is done to obtain
the data futher, the data are recordered on the tape and jetted down on the notes.
In doing the analys is the writer divides the data into three part i.e the
address system in javanese language as linguistic signals of power and
solidarity,after that the second contexts that determine theexecution of power and
solidaruty will be analyzed.

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