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Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Changing food consumption patterns

and the role of marketing.
Amjad Ali Memon Muzzamil Hussain Umaiya Zahid Rajib Ali

This article is based on the conceptual framework of many other researches on food
consumption patterns in Pakistan. The issue of food consumption is at the fore front
regarding health consciousness, income level and relative concerns. The Household
Integrated Economic Survey (HIEs), 2013-14 data published by the Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Islamabad is used. The food consumption analysis is carried out by dividing
the households into three income level categories. The expenditure elasticity of
different food groups are estimated across the different income levels to know the
differences among different demographical segments food consumption. The results of
this study indicates that different geographical and demographical segments have
different food consumption patterns. However, households in the low level income
groups spend a larger fraction of their income on wheat, pulses and vegetable while high
income groups on rice, meat and fish. The study also focus on the impact of TV
advertisement in changing life style of Pakistani people according to their moral values,
habits and attitudes.
Keywords: Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIEs), food consumption
pattern, demographics, Household, Income.

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

1. Introduction
The households living in Pakistan make expenditure on different commodities to attain
utility and satisfaction. As food being one the most basic needs of every human being,
the expenditure on food commodities is most important in household behavior.
Therefore, in the analysis of consumer behavior, the food consumption is said to be
the expenditure made by the consumer on different food commodities, which he
purchases to meet the daily food needs. It is observed that people incurred expenditure
on food items like wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, meat and such other kitchen items.
The consumption of these food items of any household is generally the function of
income of household, prices of commodities, taste of the consumer and other factors.
Keeping other factors constant, Consumption function establishes relationship between
consumption and real disposable income of the consumer.
Consumption expenditure on food commodities can give the idea of living standard of
the household, measure of poverty level, and level of health consciousness in a
developing country like Pakistan. Changes in Consumption expenditure on food items
in different geographical areas can also depend upon the non-food items including
electricity, clothing, furniture, housing, transport and education etc. to facilitate the
several aspects of human life. Therefore, the analysis of consumption and consumption
patterns provides an insight into status of human resource of a country.
TV is the most popular activity for the leisure time in Pakistan, it inspires life styles of
people. TV is most impactful because of Voice and Visuals. These two features of
Television are widely used as an effective for product promotion (Advertisement). The
first TV advertisement made in Asia was on 28th of August 1953 in Tokyo. Initially the
TV commercials were different with on Black and White colors. Now a days the whole
perspective is changes and wide ray of dimensions are opened including celebrity
endorsement. Pakistani Youth is a great follower of their ideals most of which are actors.

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Till 1990 the TV advertisement was affordable only by large companies but with
introduction of desktop video many local businesses started making TV ads with past
years there has been a great increase in TV ads.
With the advent of internet and www. The whole dimension is changed with inclusion
of advertisers in every aspect of individuals life from mobile to desktop computer.
Large companies invest billions of Rupees of their income in advertisement through
Different media like Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, Billboards, Social Networks, and
Television etc.
The fast food companies McDonalds, Burger king, Dominos and KFC etc. take part in
marketing through self-regulatory program whose aim is to promote emphasis on
healthy food choices. Now coming towards what role these consumption patterns and
advertisements play on the health of individual the most common effect is obesity and
Nervosa. Obesity is an old phenomenon almost some 35000 years old. It has been argued
by Boyd Eaton and others that the 21st century epidemic of non-communicable diseases
(NCDs), including obesity, is attributable to mankind no longer enjoying the diet of our
ancestors for which we remain genetically and metabolically programmed Our Stone
Age forebears were in no position to take nutritional advice or make the right lifestyle
choices, so given the apparent female propensity towards obesity, it would seem that
nowadays the human race must be even more vulnerable given what has been widely
regarded by many experts as todays toxic food environment and the major role in it
is played by todays consumer specialists called marketers.

2. Objectives of Study
Keeping in view the importance of food consumption, the main objective of the study
is to analyze food consumption pattern of households in Pakistan at national level with
different income groups along with the impact on choices due to the promotional

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

activities on health of consumer. The study will be helpful to compare and contrast the
food consumption pattern among different regions in Pakistan. Expenditure elasticity of
selected food commodities are used to know the differences in consumption pattern of
households belonging to different areas, along with the latest trends and endorsement
in emerging market of consumerism and consumer persuasion of Pakistan. This study
provides a base with a combined study of different variables that are prominent in
consumption patterns for the role of marketing, changes in those patterns and effects.

3. Review of Literature
Aguiar and Hurst (2005) show a comparison between household food consumption
patterns, expenditures and their status of unemployment and retirement in the United
States. The analysis is estimated by using two data sets that are the National Human
Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS) and the Continuing Survey of Food Intake of
Individuals (CSFII) for the year 1989-91 and 1994-96. The changes in an individuals
food consumption after retirement is judged by the nutritional composition of the
individuals diet, individual categories of food consumption, consumption goods with
an observable quality component and consumption index. The consumption and
expenditure analysis is based upon the criteria of food consumption at home and away
from home.
Syrovtka (2007) investigates the household demand pattern for various meat and meat
products by using the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) data of the years 19952000 in Czech. The highest magnitude of income elasticity is found in the first quarter
data of 1995 while lowest magnitude of income elasticity is found in the fourth quarter
data of 2000. It is also evaluated that meat and meat products are considered to be
luxuries. The overall meat demand pattern is only dependent upon the real level of
household income. The meat and meat products demand rises due to increase in the
income level of the households.

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Fabiosa and Soliman (2008) determine the household expenditure pattern for four food
and non-food consumption heads in the urban and rural areas of Egypt. The main focus
of the study is to address the problem of food crisis and its alleviation measures.
Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey (HIECS) data of the eras
1999-2000 and 2004-2005 is used to analyze income-expenditure shares and elasticity
by employing Working-leser model. The HIECS data of 2004-05 give higher food
consumption elasticity as compare to the HIECS 1999-2000. There is not so much
difference between the expenditure shares of two survey periods and all the estimates of
expenditure categories are significant at one percent level in all equations. Lower income
households show a higher demand pattern for food rather than non-food commodities.
It is also observed that the rural households are more responsive to change in income
for food categories as compare to urban households.
Tey et al. (2009) compare the rural and urban household vegetables consumption trend
and determine the impact of household characteristics upon demand patterns of
vegetable in Malaysia. Semi Logarithmic functional form is used to estimate expenditure
elasticity applying Weighted Least Square (WLS) technique. The data is obtained from
the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) of the year 2004-2005. The expenditure
elasticity are found less than unity. Vegetable expenditures are found negatively related
with the household size in rural urban Malaysia and these expenditures are positively
related with the age of household members. Urban households show a higher quality
demand pattern for bulb, stem and processed vegetables whereas rural households make
a quality demand for fruiting, flowering and podded vegetables. The demand for leafy
and salad vegetables in both areas is positively affected by the income of the households.
Obayelu et al. (2009) assess the comparison of food consumption pattern in the rural
and urban areas of North-Central Nigeria. Household food consumption survey data of
the phase 2006-07 is used to analyze the household consumption differential for 15
food items and nine types of meat commodities. The impact of household demographic
and socioeconomic characteristics is also determined and the overall estimation is done

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

by employing Double-Hurdle model. It is observed that the consumption of rice, oil,

bread, soft drink, sugar and milk is most common among urban households while yam
and cassava flour are the major consumed items of rural households. In case of meat
items beef, goat meat and fish are majorly consumed in the urban areas while bush meat
and ponma in the rural areas. The consumption of eggs, beans and such type of protein
are very lower due to high cost of these products and less awareness of the households
about its importance.
Oguoma et al. (2010) scrutinize the aggregate household demand system for edible oils
in the Imo State of Nigeria. Primary data is used in this study which is conducted from
the stratified random sample of 92 consumers of the two products across the three
agricultural zones in the state. Cobb-Douglass model is used to estimate own price, cross
price and income elasticity whereas the consumer preferences are determined by the
logistic techniques. The own and cross price elasticity of palm kernel oil is higher as
compare to the groundnut oil and it is not a close substitute for it. The demand for palm
kernel oil is reduces while for groundnut oil increase with an increase in consumers
disposable income so the income elasticity of palm kernel oil is lower as compare to
the groundnut oil. It is evaluated that if there is the reduction in the palm kernel price
and increase in the groundnut price then it will lead a strong competition between them
for revenue generation in the state.
Parpiev and Yusupov (2011) examine the household consumption pattern for seven
food and non-food consumption heads in rural and urban areas of Uzbekistan.
Parametric and nonparametric forms of Engel curves are estimated by using the
Uzbekistan Regional Panel Survey (URPS) data of the interlude 2005. The main focus
of the study is to deal with the problem of reported zero expenditures and to investigate
the impact of household characteristics on their demand by employing the Tobit
estimation technique. It is examined that the existence of economies of scale is most
common in the household consumption of education, clothing, transportation and health
as compare to the shelter and food consumption. The influence of household size on

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

food is highly negative for richest households as compare to poor and it is statistically
insignificant for almost 25% of poor population. The expenditure allocation for shelter
is negatively significant for all income groups; for health is positively significant for
middle income classes and positively significant for all the other commodities in all
income groups.
Shanthy A. Bowman conducted a research from (1994-1996) for the purpose of
examining the relation among overweight, eating practices and health status & television
viewing in United States. The study used a sample of adults above 29 (male female)
years age and data were collected through an interviewer using multi pass technique and
then it was processed through multiple regressions. The results showed that adults who
watch television more than 2 hours consume more energy-rich snacks type food, grain
mixture like pizza and regular soft drinks as compare to adults who
watch less than one hour.
Advertisement plays an important role nowadays in persuading consumers to
purchase product and services but unfortunately consideration to assessment of
advertisement effectiveness is less and only some organizations and industries evaluate
the effectiveness of their advertisement (McCarthy 2000).
A research based investigation was conducted by Muhammad Esmaeil Ansari in
November 2011 on effect on consumer purchases and their satisfaction due to TV
advertisement. The model used by him was AIDA as a hierarchy of effective model in
advertising for investigation the effects. He developed 5 hypotheses. The objective of
this research was to clarify the effects of TV advertisement on consumer attention to
advertisement interest for purchasing desire and action for purchasing and eventually
customers satisfaction. And a questionnaire was used the first part of which consisted
of demographical questions and second part was designed to test hypotheses and
contained 4 questions for each hypotheses. Correlation and regression were used and
after that all hypotheses were significant and it concussed that TV advertisement have

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

positive effect on consumers attention regarding interest for purchasing, advertisement

& desire for buying-action of Purchasing and customers' satisfactions.
Attitude plays a critical role in most behavior models. According to Schiffmann and
Kanuk (2004), attitudes are predispositions learned by an individual which allow him
her to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way with respect to an object.
Promotional activities take forefront in shaping attitude for a certain products. The
marketers provide all sort of products for all levels of household with different offerings
that may vary in size or quality.
Outside factors range from the obvious influence of food availability and physical
activity to less tangible elements such as in utero conditioning, epigenetics and hormone
mimicking environmental pollutants. The repeated mantra of the global food and
beverage industries seeks to shift responsibility onto the consumer to make healthy
choices while enjoying their unhealthy products as part of a balanced diet. The strategy
serves to distract from the commercial imperative to seek growth in sales and profits by
constant promotion of their products.
Although great concern in the present day food debate has been focused on the way genetically
modified products have been introduced in many areas when the health consequences are
unclear, the predominance of processed foods, confectionery and calorie-laden drinks over
several generations has produced a widespread acceptance and even dependence on inert
packaged foodstuffs with extended shelf lives, a surfeit of empty calories and a deficiency in
fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. Moreover there is a lack of knowledge of the origins of
food and the healthiest nutritional combinations.
The presentation of such products using Gorilla marketing impacting even on the subconscious
level of consumers leads so many dilemmas for marketers but however the ultimate decision
maker is consumer and more important their reference group.

The most credible information source and normative reference group is parents about
advertisements for children (Fan and Li, 2009) Advertisements are one of the greatest
information sources about the product and services. The factors such as Social class,

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Economic, Age, presentation of message, relationships governing the time watching

television effect on childs perception of TV advertisements and structure of family. In
Isfahan city a research was conducted impact of TV advertisement messages among the
elementary students. For this purpose sample of 385 students was obtained by means of
cluster random sampling method. Survey of 385 elementary students of ages 7 to 11 was
conducted in Isfahan City using a structured questionnaire. Then it was processed in SPSS
16, the results showed that childrens perception about TV ads intents are influenced by
family social class. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between childrens
social class and their perception about why some TV ads are attractive.

4. Theoretical Framework
The research study on a specific topic is always carried out by exploring the related
theoretical structure. Therefore, the theoretical framework of the research study is
developed by explaining the associations of the concerned variables. These variables
are identified through interviews, observations, and literature survey. The building and
construction of the model building is important for the evaluation of the specific research
problem. Modelling the household consumption is much complicated and complex task
in the applied economics.
Innovative work related to modelling of household behavior is completed first time in
the 1950s by Richard Stone. Cramer (1957) advance a neoclassical model integrating
the demand for durable and non-durable goods with the life cycle theory of Ramsey
(1928), Fisher (1930), Tinter (1938) and Modigliani and Brumberg (1955) under the
guidance of Stone. The essence of the model lies in the assumptions that the budget
constraint is linear and known with confidence and in efficiency-corrected units; new
and used durables are perfect substitutes. Stone (1954) first applied the stock adjustment
model to the demand for durables.

Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

In most empirical studies on the households consumption patterns, which are based on
a single year cross-section data, it is customary to assume that for every commodity all
the households face the same prices and each individual faces the same utility function.
However, these assumptions are hardly true. In practice, cross- section data does not
satisfy the conditions of single utility function. The preference ordering may very well
change from household to household depending upon the composition, e.g. number of
adults, children and females.
We have early identified that food consumption patterns of any household depend upon
income, geographical area, culture, price of commodity, taste of consumers, and now
included number of members in household.

= (, , ) = + +

This relationship defined by above function shows that the overall consumption
expenditure of any household is dependent upon fraction of Income, commodity price,
and members in household. However, prediction of C relies lowest over H, and
relatively highest over I.
Specific effect refers to the effect resulting from an increase in the need for various
commodities when the household-size increases. The increase in need is, however,
usually less than proportional to the increase in the household-size because of
economies of scale in the large household. The income effect refers to the effect when
an increase in the household-size makes the family relatively poorer in per capita
income terms.
If the specific effect dominates the income effect, the coefficient of the householdsize is positive; and negative otherwise.


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

In the light of Engle law, with an increase in income the share of expenditure on food
in total household expenditure tends to decrease, that on clothing, fuel and lighting
remains constant, and that on luxury goods increases. It is in this context that we should
insert Engels work, in which he stated the famous Engels law, the poorer a family,
the higher is the proportion of its total expenditure on foodstuffs; moreover, the
wealthier a nation, the smaller the proportion of foodstuffs in total expenditure. After
the empirical generalization of the Engels law; Schwabe, the director of the central
statistical office in Berlin, analyzed the relation between wages and rent for a sample of
public employees and added in 1868 that is known as Schwabs Law. This law states
that the poorer a family, the higher is the proportion of the income spent on rent.
Over the pace we have been discussing about the changing lifestyle that leads to
following variables with the impact of TV ads on these variable.

Taste: Taste is an individual's personal and cultural patterns of choice and preference.
Attitude: Attitude is a favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object).
Moral values: Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those
that are "good" (or right) and those that are "bad" (or wrong).

Habit: A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Independent Variables

Dependent Variable

Moral values



5. Methodology
As this article is based on the conceptual framework of different articles on food
consumption patterns in Pakistan, eating disorders, role of marketing activities and
households expenditure behavior. We have taken the inferences from different articles on
above mentioned topics and had an in-depth analysis to combine the data and results found
over the time. In most of the articles, frequently used techniques such as Ordinary Least
Squares method, Correlation, and Chi-Square methods were used.
Combining all the data and results lead to the following results.


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

6. Results and Discussion

The expenditure elasticity of different food items consumed by Pakistani households
across the different income groups at national level are reported in Table 1.
As the results of expenditure elasticity of various food groups of Pakistani households
are concerned, they are ranged to lie between zero and one for necessities and greater
than one for luxuries. It can be argued on the basis of these estimates, the Pakistani
households in different income groups exhibit different consumption patterns and in
general, they alter their consumption bundle both quantitatively and qualitatively in
response to changes in income.


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Table 1: Expenditure Elasticity, Pakistan

Income Groups
Low IG


High IG

IG 1

IG 2

IG 3

IG 4

IG 5







Rice & RF












Milk & MP
Meat &


















Fruits & D






Tea & Soft












All Food






Wheat &

Source: Calculated from HIES, 2013-14; WF = Wheat Flour, RF = Rice Flour &
MP = Milk Product


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

A perusal of results showed that in majority cases, the expenditure elasticity for lower
income households are high as compared to those for the higher income and the mean
income households. For example, expenditure elasticity for Pakistan, 2013-14 in Table
1 confirms this statement for every commodity. In case of meat & fish, the expenditure
elasticity for lower income group is 5.45 and 4.63 as compared to 1.78 and 0.93 for
higher income groups and 1.84 for the mean income groups.
It indicates that people are nutrients deficient due to low levels of income. This
statistic about the meat & fish shows that expenditure elasticity is declining as moving
from lower income groups to the higher income groups. The same is to be found for
other food commodities.
As expected, the elasticity estimates for individual food items (in disaggregate terms)
provide some useful insight into the consumption level of various income groups. The
elasticity for most of food items found to be less than unity. Wheat, rice, pulses and
vegetables having elasticity less than unity across different income groups i.e. lower,
mean and higher income groups. The elasticity of milk and tea increases than unity
only in the lower income groups but not in the mean income group and higher income
What is clear is this that the failure to implement effective measure to improve dietary
health makes it certain that obesity epidemic will remain one of biggest threat to the health
in this century and major cause are todays promotional practices.

7. Policy Implications
The results of the study indicate that the households of lower income groups in Pakistan
as well as in all provinces have higher expenditure elasticity of different food items as
compared to the higher income groups. It explains that the living standard of people


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

in the domain of lower income groups is very low. These households are unable to meet
the basic nutrients required for the family. For example, the consumption of meat & fish
is lower in the lower income groups. Therefore, the government is suggested to launch
such type of projects that would raise the income level of these people and government
may provide the necessary food items to the poor families at cheaper rates.

We started with an aim to provide insights and conceive the role TV advertisement as a
promotional practice by marketers in changing the life style of consumers. Our findings
provide some beneficial insights and base for the future researches and for the marketing
We can safely conclude that TV advertisement in general has immense and lasting effect
on consumers lifestyle. Some of the effects are really damaging for our society, which are
generally based on moral values and taste. While the other factors like lifestyles, house
hold income and demographics also play a major role in setting consumer preferences and
changes in those.


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

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Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing

Federal Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad.

Syrovtka, P. (2007). Exponential model of the Engel curve: Application within the
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The impact of TV advertisement on the Life style of Pakistani youth (Gujarat-Pakistan,
March-2014)Authors Details:(1) Corresponding author: Wasif Ammar (2)Name: Haider Ali
(3) Name: Aqeel Rasool Janjua (4) Name: Saqib Ilyas (1)(2)(3)(4)All authors' affiliation:
University of Gujrat, Department of Business Administration (FMAS)-MS/Mphil.
Childrens Recall of Fast Food Television AdvertisingTesting the Adequacy of Food
Marketing Regulation Amy M. Bernhardt1, Cara Wilking2, Diane Gilbert-Diamond1,3,
Jennifer A. Emond1,3, James D. Sargent1,3,4*
Eating and ObesityThe New World Disorder Neville Rigby International Obesity Forum,
4 Moreton Place, London SW1V 2NP, UK; E-Mail: Received: 21
August 2013; in revised form: 17 September 2013 / Accepted: 18 September 2013 /
Published: 21 October 2013


Changing Food consumption patterns and the role of marketing


Amjad Memon
Bachelors in Business Administration, Sukkur IBA, Sindh, Pakistan
Email: am j ad.ba13@iba

Muzzamil Hussain
Bachelors in Business Administration, Sukkur IBA, Sindh, Pakistan
Email: m uzz am i l .ba13@i ba

Umaiya Zahid
Bachelors in Business Administration, Sukkur IBA, Sindh, Pakistan
Email: um ai ya.ba13 @i ba

Rajib Ali
Bachelors in Business Administration, Sukkur IBA, Sindh, Pakistan
Email: raj i b.ba13@i ba


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