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// PS Planet in Sign

// Chiron in Sign
Aries is the sign of selfhood and with Chiron here the sense of self may be weak
ened. Melanie Reinhart in Chiron and the Healing Journey says that sometimes the
person feels as if they don't exist and have to take their sense of identity fr
om others. I mentioned this to a friend who had Chiron in Aries opposing her Asc
endant, and she said that it was true for her. She frequently felt that way. At
the time, she was on her third marriage (there was also one live-in relationship
), as she couldn't bear to be alone. Having a partner (opposition to the Ascenda
nt) was the way she dealt with that feeling of non-being.
Taurus is the sign of money and resources and it shows our ability to possess th
ings. It also shows what we instinctively value, including ourselves. This is th
e sign that gives us our gut level sense of self-worth. Chiron here can give us
a miser's urge to hold on to every penny while denying ourselves any of life's p
leasures, or a rejection of "those low, materialistic values" and, consequently,
a life of poverty. And guess what? Deep down inside, both are the same. They bo
th deny themselves pleasure and enjoyment because they don't value themselves. O
f course, as always with Chiron, there is the ability to give good advise to eve
ryone else concerning their material needs and sense of self worth. People with
Chiron in Taurus have to learn how to enjoy the basic physical pleasures of life
. They won't be able to do this, however, until they deal with their damaged sen
se of self-worth.
Gemini is communications. Those with Chiron here may talk compulsively, or, on t
he other hand, seldom speak. Both were, most likely, never listened to as childr
en. The only difference is one keeps trying while the other gave up. This sounds
something like Chiron in the third house, and, of course, there are similaritie
s. Remember though, that the sign position shows how something acts while the ho
use position shows where in your life it will manifest. Let's take a look at an
example. Suppose you have two horoscopes in front of you. One has Chiron in Taur
us in the 3rd house. The other has Chiron in Gemini in the 2nd house. Yes, there
are similarities. You could say that both will spend a lot of time talking abou
t money, possessions, and values. Both could be quite good at giving financial a
dvice. What's the difference? The one with the Taurus Chiron in the 3rd house wi
ll tend to talk in a slower, methodical, and more practical way because that's h
ow Taurus influences function. They would also tend to give financial advice tha
t is conservative and rock solid. The person with Chiron in Gemini in the 2nd ho
use, by contrast, could just as easily talk about trivial financial matters. Or
they may constantly shift from one financial topic to another. They would be mor
e likely to give financial advice that is based on the latest up to date informa
tion (or the latest fad). It is always good to keep in mind the difference betwe
en where a planet works and how.
The superficial interpretation would be that there were childhood troubles with
the mother. Brilliant deduction. Hey, who didn't have some childhood problems wi
th both parents? The real key here is how we dealt with it. The positive part of
Chiron in Cancer is that you can be very nurturing. This is a very good positio
n for therapists and caregivers of any sort. The negative side is that you find
it difficult to nurture yourself or let others nurture you. Everybody has some d
egree of difficulty in growing up and severing that psychological umbilical cord
with mama. Chiron in Cancer people tend to take a longer time than most to do t
he job. Once you do this, though, and learn to accept as well as give nurturing,
you should be fine. So stop whining and complaining.

Chiron in Leo people have the ability to help others with their creativity. They
could make good art teachers or art therapists. On the negative side, it could
be an indicator that, as children, their creativity was either stifled or over s
timulated. Some were blocked or ridiculed, ("Are you kidding? You'll never be a
professional baseball player, or musician, or artist") while others were pushed
by ambitious parents who liked to live through the child ("Hey, come to the Litt
le League game and watch my kid play third base" or "My child is starring in the
school play today"). Children may react by either trying extra hard to please M
ommy and Daddy (even if they don't like their particular creative field) or they
will shut down and stifle their own creative urge. The treatment for these Chir
on problems is to get in touch with your own inner creative child again and rele
arn how to create for fun.
Virgo in our horoscope shows where we can best deal with details, and how we dea
l with matters of health and general well being. Chiron placed here can produce
a person who is excessively critical, obsessed with insignificant details, and c
leanliness. Conversely, they may simply give up the struggle and be absolutely h
orrible when it comes to organizing, doing a decent job, or keeping clean. Hypoc
hondria is also a possibility, but you could also get a person who neglects thei
r own health while giving excellent advise about it to everyone else. Perhaps th
ere was excessive criticism in their childhood.
Relationships are affected by this placement. Libra shows the place in our life
where we need (and usually want) to cooperate. With Chiron placed here, one poss
ibility is that we could shun any cooperation and isolate ourselves (shades of t
he opposite sign, Aries). Another possibility is a partner who manages to open u
p our old psychological wounds (or causes some new ones). Conversely, the person
with this placement could be the one to open other people's old wounds. Lots of
times, Chiron in Libra people will desperately want a partner, but once they ge
t one, they will drive them away.
The issue here is power. Those with Chiron in Scorpio may fear their own power a
nd try to suppress it. Conversely, they may feel powerless and try to cover this
up by acting strong (even to the point of being a bully). Sex is only one way t
his may work out, and yes, having compulsive sex is one possibility. Another is
an avoidance of sex because it's too "dangerous" (they may try to dominate me).
This would be a perfect placement for a sex therapist who can help everyone else
with their sexual problems but cannot help themselves. Inheritance matters may
also be a sore point. Problems and upsets would tend to come with it.
Sagittarius has to do with our ability to get the "big picture" and our ability
to judge. The negative side of the sign is that it may show where we do not list
en to anyone else because we already "understand" it all. For instance, if Chiro
n is in Sagittarius in the 2nd house (money) we may not listen to financial advi
ce from others. We would be too busy giving our own. Always double-check any adv
ice given to you by someone with Chiron in Sagittarius, especially if they claim
to be an expert on the subject. Those with this Chiron placement who seem to be
more modest and don't try to push their views on you are more likely to be the
ones who give good advice.
Capricorn has to do with our ability to control and organize. Chiron here can ma
ke you over organized and compulsively controlling. Conversely, there could be r
ebellion against being organized at all. As always, Chiron seems to do best when
aimed outward, toward others. This is a good placement for an efficiency expert

, or for someone whose career involves helping others organize things.

This can be a sort of Svengali placement. You may have a genius for helping othe
r people express their genius. Aquarius (being an air sign) rules ideas. Its spe
cialty is new, far-out, revolutionary, shocking, and bizarre ideas, the ones tha
t society hasn't caught up with yet. As always with Chiron, someone with this pl
acement may be devoted totally to radical, new systems of thought, or reject the
m entirely. In both cases, they may not even consider other points of view. The
solution lies in remembering that Chiron serves as a bridge between Saturn (ever
ything old and conservative) and Uranus (out with the old, in with the new, and
do it damn fast). Don't stick blindly with the old, but don't throw it out befor
e you think about it first. Look for a way to blend the old with the new and you
will make a start to dealing with your Chiron in Aquarius.
If you have this placement, make an extra effort to get rid of your unearned gui
lt. And please don't wander the world looking for people to "save," at least not
until you have saved yourself first. Be careful of a tendency to play the "vict
im" yourself (or, more likely, to BE the victim). You do have the ability, howev
er, to help everyone else be more imaginative and creative. In fact, doing that
could be an excellent antidote for dealing with the negative side of this placem

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