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% bit rate, Hz 1 bps

% carrier frequency, Hz here is 4kHz


% length of waveform, seconds

fs=10*fc; % sampling rate, Hz

nb=fb*T; % number of bits here we can set number of bits (you can change T
to 8 or you can change fb to 8 kbps and set time to 20 seconds).

% number of samples

% one way: b=randsrc(nb,1);

% more general: generate nb-bit column vector of +/-1
b = (rand(nb,1)>0.5)*2 - 1 ;

% one way: s=rectpulse(b,fs/fb); better way: generate indices that select

% which bit goes into which sample and copy the bits to the samples; this
% works for any ratio of sampling rate to bit rate.
k = floor(cumsum(ones(ns,1)*fb/fs))+1 ;
s = zeros(size(k)) ;
s = b(k) ;

% To get an accurate estimate of the signal spectrum we need to use a

% window whose spectral sidelobes are significantly lower than those of the
% signal we are measuring and whose frequency resolution (inverse of the
% FFT duration times the window width in the frequency domain) is
% significantly narrower than the width of the spectral features we are
% examining.

% A good choice to examine sidelobe levels is the Hamming window because

% the first sidelobe is >40dB below the peak.

% To examine the shape of the modulation sidelobes the frequency resolution

% of the spectral estimator should be on the order of fb/20 (or fb/40 to
% account for reduced resolution due to windowing).

The FFT length should

% thus be 40/fb or 40*fs/fb samples.

nfft = 40*fs/fb ;

hs = spectrum.welch('Hamming',nfft,50);
set(hso, 'Fs', fs, 'SpectrumType','twosided','CenterDC',true);
psd(hs, s, hso);

% time index

=[0:length(s)-1].'/fs ;

% BPSK modulated signal

sm = s.*cos(2*pi*fc*t) ;

psd(hs, sm, hso);

% the rcosflt() function computes the raised-cosine filter over the range
% (1-alpha)Fd to (1+alpha)Fd where Fd is the input (data) sampling rate.

% Thus the input is limited to one data value per sample.

% filter the data signal with a raised-cosine filter with alpha=0.5

% excess bandwidth

sf = rcosflt(b,fb,fs,'',0.5) ;

% plot in the time domain to see smoothing of the waveform


% plot the spectrum of the filtered baseband signal

psd(hs, sf, hso);

% % BPSK modulated signal


=[0:length(sf)-1].'/fs ;

sfm = sf.*cos(2*pi*fc*t) ;

psd(hs, sfm, hso);

% plot the filtered and unfiltered time-domain signals together to compare

% their envelopes


% generate the real and imaginary components of the QPSK (actually 4-QAM)
% signal

% number of complex data values

nc = floor(nb/2) ;

% use half of the bits for the real and half for the imaginary components

br=b(1:nc) ;

% raised-cosine filter

sr = rcosflt(br,fb,fs,'',0.5) ;
si = rcosflt(bi,fb,fs,'',0.5) ;

% generate the QPSK signal by quadrature modulating the carrier using the
% real and imaginary components

=[0:length(sr)-1].'/fs ;

sq = sr.*cos(2*pi*fc*t) + si.*sin(2*pi*fc*t) ;

psd(hs, sq, hso);

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