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Rise of Nationalism in Europe

It is a belief system which instills a sense of common identity among the member
s of a nation. National flag, national symbol, national anthem, etc. play an imp
ortant role in developing and strengthening the idea of nationalism.
Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Before the middle of the nineteenth century, the
countries in Europe were not in the form as we know them today. Different region
s in Europe were ruled by various multi-national dynastic empires. These were mo
narchies which enjoyed absolute power over their subjects. Various technological
and the ensuing social changes helped in developing the ideas of nationalism. T
he process of creation of nation states began in 1789; with the French Revolutio
n. It took about hundred years for the idea to gain concrete shape which resulte
d in the formation of France as a democratic nation state. The trend was followe
d in other parts of the Europe and led to the establishment of the modern democr
atic systems in most parts of the world; at the beginning of 20th century.
French Revolution
First Expression of Nationalism: French Revolution led to a change in politics a
nd constitution of France. In 1789 the power was transferred from monarchy to a
body of citizens. It was proclaimed that henceforth the French people would shap
e the destiny of their country.
Creating a sense of Nationhood:
Various steps were taken by the revolutionaries to create a sense of common iden
tity among people. Some of these steps are given below:
The idea of the fatherland and citizen was created to emphasize a community
which enjoyed equal rights under the constitution.
The royal standard was replaced with a new French flag; the tricolor.
The Estates General was elected by the body of active citizens and it was re
named as the National Assembly.
In the name of nation; new hymns were composed and oaths were taken.
Martyrs were commemorated.
A centralized administrative system was created which formulated uniform law
s for all citizens.
Internal custom duties were abolished.
A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.
Regional dialects were discouraged and French language was promoted as the c
ommon language of the nation.
The revolutionaries also declared that it was the mission and destiny of Fre
nch people to liberate the people of Europe from despotism and help other region
s of Europe in becoming nations.
Effect on other parts of Europe:
In different cities of Europe, people became motivated from the events in France
. As a result, students and other people from the educated middle classes starte
d setting up Jacobin clubs. Their activities made a ground for further encroachm
ent by the French armies. The French army moved into Holland, Belgium, Switzerla
nd and a large part of Italy in the 1790s. Thus, the French armies started carry
ing the idea of nationalism to foreign lands.
Napoleon was the Emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. Although Napoleon destroye
d democracy in France by reintroducing monarchy in France; but he made revolutio
nary changes in the field of administration. The idea was to make the system mor
e rational and efficient. The Civil Code of 1804; which is commonly known as the
Napoleonic Code abolished all privileges based on birth. It also established eq

uality before the law and secured the right to property. Even in those territori
es which came under his control; Napoleon began to introduce many reforms as he
did in France. He simplified the administrative divisions in the Dutch Republic,
Switzerland, Italy and Germany. He abolished the feudal system and peasants cou
ld be freed from serfdom and manorial dues. Guild restrictions were removed in t
owns. Transport and communication systems were improved.
Reaction of People:
Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen enjoyed this new found freedom.
They could realize that uniform laws and standard system of weights and measures
and a common currency would be more helpful in movement and exchange of goods a
nd capital across various regions.
But in areas which were conquered by France, people s reactions towards French rul
e were mixed. Initially, the French armies were seen as the torchbearers of libe
rty. But very soon people could realize that the new administrative system was n
ot going to guarantee political freedom. Increase in taxes, censorship and force
d conscription into the French armies were seen as outweighing the advantages of
administrative changes which Napoleon brought. Thus the initial enthusiasm of p
eople began to turn into hostility.

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