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Waste management

Use the sites and pages below and any others you can find to answer the
1. How much waste (household waste) does Sydney/Blacktown
16,000 tonnes of waste is produced by Sydney/Blacktown households.
2. What do people do with their waste? (Be specific, e-waste,
recycling etc.)
There are many different actions people take with their waste. Most people
put the rubbish in the bins provided by the councils; there are usually two
at least at all houses. One with recyclable rubbish and another with
rubbish that con not be recycled. Things such as cardboard, and soft
drinks cans etc. Are place in the recyclable bin and things such as glass
and leftover food, is put in the non-recyclable bin. Most people place the
rubbish in the correct bin and the rubbish ends up being recycled or in
landfill. However there are alternatives to this; placing rubbish in local
bins, or going to recycling centres and filling the rubbish there. E-waste is
another important thing that people do with their waste. Electronic waste
is simply just the disposal of rubbish such as out-dated technological
devices such as floppy disks, old monitors and PCs. Etc.
3. Where does it go/what does the council do with it?
A lot of the waste ends up in landfill, which is areas dedicated to disposal
of rubbish; the rubbish ends up under the land. Other things are recycled,
such as cardboards, metals and plastics, as they can be melted and reused.
4. What can individuals do to reduce their waste?
One way is composting, which is placing decomposable waste in your
backyard, which in effect can improve soil quality etc. It also reduces the
amount of waste that is produced. A worm farm can also be used to break
down the waste; this requires relatively less space than composting. These
can be purchased from the council. Other ways are generally just smart
shopping; buying the alternative which is good for the environment, eating
healthier by buying vegetables and fruits which are decomposable. This
would also save money for yourself, increase health and also be better for
the environment.
5. What could businesses do to reduce their impact on waste
Businesses could invest in recycling bins on a large scale. In
advertisement they should encourage recycling and show how hard they
try to be safe with the disposal of waste. They could use better products
for their business, ones that are more eco efficient.
6. Choose 3 of the groups on page 180 and outline their role in
Waste Management.
Planet Ark they encourage safer and more sustainable interaction with
the environment. Sustainable resource use and low carbon lifestyles are

approached by them. They help and encourage people to reduce their

impact on waste. As well as impacting that issue as a whole.
7. What do the different levels of government do in Waste
8. Find two creative ways that people have been trying to reduce
their production of waste or improve the waste management
system. Describe both and explain which is the best of the two
and why.
Page 180-181 of textbook

Show Mr Roper for Token 1.

Urban growth and decline

Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of an urban area with high
Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of an urban area with negative
Which is worse? Urban growth or decline? Explain.
Look at the table at the top of page 163. Order them in terms of importance.
Look at pages 164-169 and explain the causes and effects of each of the
following processes Include an example of each:
Urban decline
Drought area decline
Mining area boom
Urban growth
Urban decline then growth
Urban consolidation
Growth in the North West Region
Choose 2 of the above and compare the examples in an engaging PowerPoint.

Show Mr Roper for Token 2.

If you have finished up to here ask Mr Roper what to do next.

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