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Availability Check
ATP = Availability to Promise
APO = Advanced Planning and Optimization

APO Availability Check: Delivery Proposal

The Availability Check flag is set in the material master and determines how
APO/ATP will behave for the specific material in the sales order.

A. APO Availability Check: this is used by the following reagent plants: CA41,
US36, US37, 1EU6 and NL11.
When entering the material and quantity and there is enough stock to allow
shipment of the requested quantity at the requested date (based on defined
shipping schedule), you will not be getting a message or pop up indicating this.
***Very Important Note: Please refer to the section referring to the Shipping Cut
off Scheduler in order to manage re-dating due to the site specific shipping cut off
You can inform the customer that we have enough product to ship out and that
he/she should receive the product within X days (please refer to the relevant
Shipping Schedule for accurate estimation of delivery at the customer site).
The availability screens for materials that have insufficient inventory to meet the
requested quantity and date are different due to the type of material and their ATP
check setting.
Availability check for make to order materials
Inventory is typically not available, no planning done (availability check Z0 and Z6)

The End of Check Horizon indicates, in an out of stock situation, when the
product should become available. Based on this and factory calendars (valid
working days etc) the order line is scheduled for shipment accordingly once
The Scheduled Line (SL) date is the date for which the confirmed quantity
will be scheduled for shipment (see Scheduled Lines tab at item level).

Click on the Full Delivery icon in order to continue with your order.
*** Note: If you click on the
Continue without confirming the schedule line
will not have any confirmed quantity and will not be scheduled for shipment***
Availability check for In house manufactured materials
Availability check is Z5, no End of Ck Hor. date field will display

If however, the planned/production orders do not cover for the quantity requested
on the sales order, the system checks when it can be produced. This is done based
on availability of the sub components. See example below of ATP screen that may

In order to proceed with the scheduling of the line item, click on the Calendar icon
(or on the Delivery Proposal button) as shown below:

The following APO Delivery Proposal screen will display

Click on the Full Delivery button as shown above, in order to schedule the sales
order lines accordingly (this schedules the full quantity for the date further out as
When back to the Availability Check Result Overview screen, click Copy All

This takes you back to the sales order overview screen with the following message

The Scheduled Lines tab will show the scheduled ship date and quantity
confirmed for complete delivery.

APO Availability Check Result Overview screen: Additional information

Use of Delivery Proposal

In the case only a portion of the quantity you have requested is available from
inventory you will see the following screen. It allows confirming for the Delivery
Proposal (partial delivery - 20 now, 30 at a later date in the example below) or the
Full Delivery (the total requested quantity at the later date).

If you click the Delivery Proposal button as shown above, the Scheduled Lines
will display as follows:

***Very Important Note: Do not use the Full Delivery and Delivery Proposal
buttons on the top of the APO availability screen as we have seen some issues with
these, not confirming the scheduled lines properly***
***Note: It is NOT recommended to have multiple scheduled lines in the sales order
as this causes issues with line fill rate reports. If a batch managed material this may
also cause issues at time of batch determination. Should the customer require a

partial shipment, please enter the quantity that cannot be fulfilled immediately on a
different order line***

Expand view of the Result Overview Screen

It is possible to expand further the view in order to display the details of the
various component availability dates by clicking on the component line or by
clicking on the icon as shown below

The date next to Components of indicates the planned delivery date for the
specific component

The number in the Production column indicates how much will need to be
produced for each component level. The Missing Parts displays the number of
parts missing and the number of days required in order to make the relevant

Legend for the Result Overview Confirmation Status screen (Go to

> Legend):

Change view for the Result Overview screen

Click on the

icon and make changes to your settings for this screen

***Very Important Note: when the APO Availability Screen is being displayed:
Do not open a new session by using the


Do not type /n* or /o* in the command field

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