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: Defi Rizki Mauliani
: 4311100013
: Ocean Engineering FTK ITS
: Ir. Handayanu M, Sc. Ph. D.
Ir. Mas Murtedjo, M.Eng

FSO Ardjuna Arco is one of the offshore facilities operating in the Java Sea. In
operates FSO Arco Ardjuna equipped with mooring system is Single Point
Mooring (SPM) type CALM (Catenary Anchored Leg Mooring) buoy. Buoy is an
important part because the very big influence on the strength of the mooring
system. By paying attention to geometry and displasment from the buoy structure,
also environmental load will determine the feasibility of the buoy to be operated a
few years in the mooring system. In this case study, buoy mooring system FSO
Ardjuna Arco has entered the age of the operation to estimate the need for
modification is necessary or not to require the re-analysis of the global strength of
the buoy structure. By knowing the movement of the FSO and single point
mooring, it can be seen much hawser tension connecting the FSO and SPM and
anchor chain tension SPM connecting with the anchor, so that it can be analyzed
influence on the construction of the buoy and is considered safe in operation.
Based on the modeling, it is known that the dominant movement when free
floating for SPM is a roll of 8.0979o, for the FSO's largest oscillatory motion is
roll on light conditon of 11.7823o. While the dominant movement when moored to
SPM is the roll at 0.5821o at the time of FSO light load conditions, for most of
FSO oscillatory motion is roll on light conditon at 2.0912o. Based on the
simulations carried out to obtain the maximum tension, obtained the biggest
tension hawser on FSO light load conditions at 2181.762 kN at an angle 180o with
a safety factor loading 1.88. The safety factor greater than that required by ABS,
which is 1.82. Thus, this structure can be said to be safe to operate. The biggest
tension results obtained from previous simulations used as a loading on the global
structure modeling. Results von Mises stress is the most deformation 184.77 MPa
with a maximum of 2.72 mm. The result was smaller than the allowable stress of
225 MPa, so that the structure was declared safe to operate.

Keywords: global stress, buoy, estimated modification, von-Mises stress

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