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Manufacturing History 101

My objection to conjectural history is not that it is historical, but that it is


A.R. Radcliffe Brown

History is among the few prodigious subjects that the intellectual community prefers
to be kept sacrosanct under their theocracy, reason being its ability to be used as
their panacea, to regulate the way a nations individuals and its institutionsgovernments, media, judiciary, etc think and in turn, promote certain ideas and
values (their ideas) as socially relevant as against others. It is an invincible weaponthe Brahmastra, which if used by anyone, can wreak havoc on a nations human
However, History is much more than that. But to even try to delve into the subject
of history (specifically, conjectural history), it becomes indispensable to first
understand what is History and the role of Value Neutrality in taming History.

What is History?

Info: This is the first of a two-part coverage looking at the issues of

conjectural/misinterpreted history being taught to young minds.

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