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Human solidarity

Solidarity of the rocks tiny animals, which sometimes were

crushed ships.-Valeriu Butulescu
Even if we are poor in terms of material goods, not
poverty still legally spiritual, but to get rich in kindness, by the
good word of encouragement, good advice, a helping hand once
the poorest than us but also by rediscovering the virtues of
dignity and creativity valuable, honest labor and constant
solidarity. lend their energy to support others as they need at
that moment.
Solidarity does not necessarily through grand gestures.
You do not have to cost more impressive because money does
not mean that you care give louder nor assume you devote his
entire life to those in distress. Sometimes it's enough just a little
time to break in your program it and dedicate it to others.
Because solidarity many forms: from a text that donate to a
cause, to the apparently minor to give you an old man from a
nursing home, when I read a book and keep him company.
Solidarity is actually about how each of us is willing to put
his own life moments brackets and offer energy to support
others as they need at that moment.
Solidarity can be defined as the level of integration that is
people of a group or society characterized by unity in the
design, interests, feelings, values and responsibilities. Simply
put, to be jointly means to be tied to someone or something
through a drive concepts, feelings, interests, values and
responsibilities. And simply means unity and brotherhood
I strongly believe that a man can instead paused to stretch
a helping hand in need of. There is no solidarity without love
and compassion for those in critical situations towards our
destroyed by huge losses when mills or spiritual pain. Solidarity

is a manifestation of empathy towards others and I'm weights

to increase this feeling, because a world of selfish disgusted me
and saddens me. But besides that solidarity is a primary
characteristic of Christians it is an attitude that should
characterize the entire humanity.

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