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wee QO. OD? © £010 ANS! €50.10.1977 =| general requirements \ " -\for synchronous machines NAO NOS RESPONSABUIZAMOS POR ESTA COPA EY CASO DE MoDINCACAO ablated acai AB aaa SE ANSI 6 50.10.1977 . American National Standard General Requirements for Synchronous Machines Secrotariat Edison Electric Institute Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ‘National Electrical Manufacturers Associ Approved August 4,1975 American National Standards Institute, Ine Published by > Instite of lst andFlecttonies Engines Ine 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y, 10017 TY Foreword * (nis Foreword ia not » part of Ametican National Standard General Requirements for Synchron esonoisT7.) 1 Machines, Developed over a period of more than two years within a working group that reflected wide industrial experience in both the manufacture and use of Synchronous Machines, American Na- tional Standard C50.10-1977 received the unanimous approval of the C50.1 Subcommittee on Synchronous Machines as well ss the full endorsement of American National Standards Commit: ‘tee C50 on Rotating Electrical Machinery. Tt is the intent of C50 to revise and update this standard at regular intervals, and comments on this document, including recommendations for its revision, will be welcomed by the Committee. Please forward comments to the Secretary, American National Standard Committee C50, Amer- {can National Standards Institute, 1430 Brosdway, New York, N.Y. 10018. ‘At the time it approved this standard, American National Standards Committee C50 on Rotat- ing Electrical Machinery had the following membership: €.C, Cummins, Chairman Fred Huber, Jr, Secretary COrtonisetion Represented Name of Reprecentetive lon of Iron and Stel Engineers. ee Lew C, Wheeland Biceteal Apparaas Service Assocation fl Davis Gebhert Wilson Giles (411) ©.K Brown N.Derewianba leer Light and Power Group. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer eoreeen i i * ¢ ‘Dumper (ate) B Avoold (40) E: Asbury (alt) omer (alt) © Seat white [National Electrical Manufacturers Aworiation.- © Andrea Edo "fr Gordon abeeroomaray: $0. Leenberger (410) Telephone Group EA Schoenstaa UES Department of tie Navy Nae Shp Engineering Center TILT Water s’Ghoa! Harold's. Blaney (AL) U.S, Pepastment ofthe Navy ~ Nav! Facilites Engineering Command. Leonard W Johnson Individual Member sss z CC Cummine SW. Batchelor Membere at Large James B Tee American National Standard ‘An American Nationat Standard implies a consensus of those’ sub- stantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, fand the general public, The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standerd’or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. ‘American National Standards are subject to periodic review and usere tare cautioned to obtain the latest editions. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later then five years from the ate of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the ‘American National Standards Institute Ocepyrieht siTty : ‘The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Noort of this publicotion may be reproduced in any form. ‘nan electronic retrieval esstem or orheruste without the rior elttenpermeion of the publisher Contents secTion PAGE 1. Scope. 2. Classification... 8. Service Conditions. . 3.1 Usual Service Condition 8.2 Unusual Service Conditions. 4, Rating. 4.1 Output Rating. .- 42 Continuous Output Rating « 4.3 Continuous Output Rating Impl 44 Capability 4.5 Frequency. 5, Temperature 15 Methods of Temperature Determination 5.2 Locations of Embedded Temperature Detectors... 8.3 Location of Coolant Temperature Detectors. 6, Insulation Systems 6.1 Insulation Systems Defined. - 6.2 Classes of Insulation Systems 6.3 The Use of Different Classes of Insulation Systems. 1. Bificieney . 7.1 Methods « 7.2 Reference Conditions - 1.3 Schedule of Losses . 8 Wave Shape... 8.1 Maximum Allowable Deviat 8.2.Telephone Influence Factor - 9. Teste... 9.1 Test Location , 9.2 Performance Tests '8 Dielectric Tests in Factor » 10, Heat Exchangers... 11. Terminal Markings. 12, Nameplate 7 18, Revision of American Standards Referred to in this Document... as ‘TARLES ‘Table 1 Reference Temperatures for Use in Determining I?R Losses ..-.... nu 6 ‘The C50.1 Subcommittee on Synchronous Machines consisted of the following members: 7 C.E. Asbury, Chairman key, Secretary RE Appleyard 4 Rowen 2.6 Batchelor W.a Sheet 8. Brown BG Whitney §: Derewiania 6.1 Win WC! Damper RL Winchester SP Fhegeraa WG Waray ar AH Hotiman 2g Wrage ‘The working group responsible for developing this document consisted of: W.C. Dumper, Chairman 1. Wray de 4 ww American National Standard General Requirements for Synchronous Machines 1.Seope ‘The requirements for synchronous machines with excitation windings are covered by three American National Standards as follows: ‘American National Standard General Require- ments for Synchronous Machines, C50.10- 1977. ‘American National Standard Requirements for Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Generators, €50.13-1977. ‘American National Standard Requirements for Combustion Gas Turbine Driven Synchron- ‘ous Generators, C50.14-1977 ‘This standard contains general requirements and definitions applicable to all types of 60 Hz synchronous machines except fractional horse- power motors. Specific requirements for cy- Uindrical rotor synchronous generators and combustion gas turbine driven synchronous {generators will be found in American National ‘Standards C50.13-1977 and C50.141977. 2. Clastifieation Synchronous machines are classified strue- turally as salient pole machines and cylindrical- rotor machines. Synchronous machines are also lassified with regard to cooling into indirectly ‘cooled machines and directly cooled machines: (1) Indirectly! cooled armature or field windings are those in which the heat generated within the principal portion of the windings ‘must flow through the major ground insulation before reaching the cooling medium. (2) Directly® cooled armature oF field wind: Hla American Standard General Requirements for Synchronous Machines, C30.10-1965, trey cooled ‘indings were tefered to a conventionally cooled ‘ining, and airectiy cooled windings were refered to me Conductorcooled windings {ngs are those in which coolant flows in close contact with the ‘conductors so that the heat generated within the principal portion of the ‘windings reaches the cooling medium without flowing through the major ground insulation. 3. Service Conditions Machines conforming to this standard shall bbe suitable for carrying losd in accordance with their ratings under usual service conditions. 8.1 Usual Service Conditions. Usual service conditions are: (2) When and where the temperature of the cooling medium of air-cooled machines, ex- cluding synchronous generators driven by com bustion gas turbines included within the scope of American National Standard C50.14.1977, does not exceed 40°C and is not less than 10°C. (2) When and where the temperature of the ooling hydrogen of hydrogen-cooled machines does not depart, at the rated pressure, from the values listed in American National Standard €50.13-1977. (3) Where the altitude, for sircooled ma: chines, does not exceed 3300 f (1000 zm), (4) Where the pressure of hydrogen-cooled machines when operating at altitudes sbove 3300 ft (1000 m) is maintained at the same ab: solute internal pressure as that required for op- ‘eration at sea level. 8.2 Unusual Service Conditions. Unusual ser. vvice conditions should be brought to the at tention of those responsible for the design, manufacture, application, and operation of the machines. Among such unusual conditions (1) Exposure to: abrasive oF conducting dust chemical fumes nina | ANS Gsotose77 combustible dust, dusts of explosives flammable gases lint nuclear radiation oil vapor salt a steam, (2) Operation in pits, entirely enclosed boxes, poorly ventilated rooms, damp or very diy ces, PG) Operation at apeeds other thin rated. (This excludes normal overspeed texts) (4) Exposure to ambient temperatures above 40°C or below 10°C (air-cooled machines, ex REQUIREMENTS FOR SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES o00.104877 ‘Tobie Reference Temperatures for Use in Determining I? R Losses : Chas of Tota ‘Machines Other than Large sod High-Voltage Hydraulic ‘Turbine Deven Generators, Reverible Genersior/Motore, {ind Air Cooled Synchronout ‘Condenser (eee Note) ‘Synchronous Condensers ‘used for the coll insulation, the two distinct ‘lasses of insulation that are employed shall be separately listed by the manufacturer. In any such machine having different elasses for the coil and for the connection insulation systems the different temperature limits will apply in accordance with the limits established for the respective classes, 6.3.2 Associated Structural Parts. If in any machine the class of the insulation systems used for the associated structural parts is low. er than that used for the coil inculation, the insulating materials used for the astociated structural parts shall be equivalent, at the op- erating temperatures of those parts, to Ube ma- terial used for the coil insulation at its limit- ing temperature with respect to fire resistance, shrinkage, material deterioration, and corona endurance under conditions of mechanical stress and ionization exposure to which they are subjected under usual service conditions. 7. Bticieney 7.1 Methods. Methods for determining ef- ficiency snd losses’ shall be as described in IEEE Std 115.1965, Test Procedure for Sya- n NOTE: Large and high-voltage machines are those having voltage ratings above 6000 V. ra follows 6250 VA and shove 20000 RVA and shove. chronous Machines. The losses of machines having no useful power output, such as eyn- chronous condensers, are stated directly in KW (kilowatts). The efficiencies of contained sets, such as stoam turbine generator sets, are specified a5 set efficiencies and not at ef ficiencies of the individual machines. 4.2 Reference Conditions. 7.2.1 The efficiency shall be determined at the rated output, voltage, speed, frequency, and power factor, and balanced load condi tions. For hydrogen-cocled machines, the losses affected by pressure shall be included at the hydrogen pressure associated with the rating. 722 In determing FR loses, the resis tance of windings shall be corrected to the ref- erence temperature in Table 1. This reference temperature shall be used for determining 7 Tosses at all loads. If the rated temperature rise is specified as that of a lower temperature class of insulation system, the temperature for resistance corree- tion shall conform to the lower temperature clas, that is, Class B rise with Class F insulation. 7.2.8 No temperature correction shall be ap- Ast Ssoos0r7 plied to losses other than J#R. When input— Dutput Lests are used for determining efficiency, they shall be made, as nearly as possible, at the final temperature attained at operation al rating and under the conditions of paragraph DBM. pgp yudeiged Ina Ben? 718 Schedule of Losses. The losses to be in- ‘cluded in determining the efficiency of specific type machines are specified in American Ne tional Standards C50.18-1977 and C50.14- 1977, The following losses are or may be present in synchronous machines (1) armature 78 tose B Say one tows oreo (8, fla os {3} ecterlos 16) cheostat loss 7) brush contact loss 18) brush friction loss 9} friction and windage loss '10) ventilating and cooling loss. 7.8.1 Armature PR Loss. The armature PR loss is the sum of the /2R losses in all of the armature current paths. The J22 loss in each current path shall be the product of ite re- sistance in ohms as measured with direct cur. rent and corrected in accordance with 7.2.2 and the square of its current in amperes. 7,3:2 Stray Load Loss. The stray load loss is ‘ettmmined by subtracting the armature PR loss at @ specific value of armature current from the short circuit loss at the same value of arme ture current. The short circuit loss shall be taken as the difference in power required to drive the machine at normal speed, when sep- farately excited to circulate current in the armature winding with its terminals shorted, ‘and the power required to drive the unexcited machine at the same speed. The armature 7 Toss shall be caleulated for the temperature of the winding during the short circuit test. 7.8.8 Core Loss, The core loss shall be taken as the difference in power required to drive the machine at normal speed when separately ex cited to produce a voltage at the terminals corresponding to the calculated internal volt- age, and the power requited to drive the un- excited machine at the same speed. The in- ternal voltage shall be determined by correct ing the rated terminal vollage for the resistance drop only. 12 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GENERAL pre 1.34 Field FPR Loss. The field I7R loss shall be the product of the measured resistance in ‘ohms of the field winding corrected in accord fance with 7.2.2 and the squate of field current in amperes, ‘The value of ficld current used shalt be such that the conditions of 7.2.1 are fulfiled for the lond at which the loss is com- puted.. The field current may be calculated from test data as described in IEEE Std 116- 1965.0 ke oe ei? 7.3.6 Exciter Losses. These losses are the total of electrical and mechanical losses in the ‘equipment supplying excitation, ‘7.6 Rheostat Loss. These losses are the I? Joss in sheostat contyolling field current. "18.7 Brish’ Contact Loss. These losses are the electrical loss in field collector ring brushes and contacts. "7.9.8 Brush Friction Loss, These losses are the mechanical loss due to friction of the — brushes normally included as part of 7.3.9. 7.8.9 Friction and Windage Loss. The ftie- tion and windage loss, including brush friction, is the power required to drive the unexcited machine at rated speed with the brushes in con- tact, deducting that portion of the loss which results from: (1) Forcing the gas through any part of the ventilating system which chine and cooler (if used). {2) The driving of direct-connected flywheels or other direct-connected apparatus. However, when requested by the purchaser, these ad- Gitional losses will be furnished as a separate item, ae 7.8.10 Ventilating and Cooling Loss. This is any power required to circulate the cooling medium through the machine and cooler (if Used) by fans or pumps which are driven by external means (Such as # separate motor) 0 thet their power requirements are not in- cluded in the friction and windage loss. It does not include power required to force ventilating fas through any circuit external to the ma chine and cooler.® "he power roquced to produce a given ait low onaegh"e ventating ssitem or any portion thereat IP und upproninatey bythe following form Puce in hit =O 000197 » Presare Drop in Inches of Water X Air Flow ie Cable Peet per Minote™: Etficiney of Blower, In the absence of specific information ato the ef clone ef the blower it ehoutd be taken a6 5D percent external to the ma < rst tenn i ANB at om enn aR AN, ey [REQUIREMENTS FOR SYNCHRONOUS MACIIINES freee ye CA 8. Wave Shape deviation factor® of the open-circuit terminal voltage wave of synchronous machines shall pot exceed 0.1 8.2 Telephone Iafluence Factor.‘The limits for ‘telephone influence factors and method of ‘measurement are shown in American National Standards C50.13-1977 and C50.14.1977. 9. Tests 9.1 Test Location. Unless otherwise agreed upon, all tests shall be made at the plant of the manufacturer, except as specified in American National Standards C50.13-1977 and C50.14- 1977. 9.2 Performance Tests. Any tests made to de- termine the performance characteristics of syn- chronous machines shall be made in accordance with IEEE Sta 115-1965. When agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user, sound measurements may be made in accordance with IEEE Std 85-1973, Test Pro: ‘cedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Electrie Machinery. 9.3 Diclectric Tests. 9.8.1 Stondord Test Voltages. Armature Windings. Armature wind: ings shall be tested with an alternating voltage (20) whose effective value is 1000 V plus twice the rated voltage of the machine. Alternatively, for windings rated 6000 V and sbove, and when agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user, the test voltage may be a direct voltage (ac) of 1.7 times the ac rms test voltage. (For further information regarding insulation testing of large ac rotating machinery with high direct voltage, see IEEE Std 95.1977, Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large AC Rotating Machinery with High Dizect Voltage. Ficld Windings. Field windings shall be tested with an alternating voltage (ae) whose effective value is determined by type and application, as follows: See the definition of deviation factor in the Die Hlorary ‘of Electneal and Eletronis Terme, ANSI C22 bo 972, 33 ANS! ¢80.203977 Generator Field Windings. The test Voltage for field windings rated up to and including 800 V shall be an alternating voltage (ac) whose effective value is 10 times the rated excitation voltage but in no case less than 1500 V. The test voltage for field windings rated greater than 500 V shall be an alternating volt- age (ec) whose effective yalue is 4000 V plus ‘twice the rated excitation voltage. Machines Other Than Gen- erators. Field windings of synchronous ma chines, including motors which sre to be start fed with alternating current, shall be tested as follows: (1) A machine to be started with its field short-circuited or with its field closed through ‘an exciter armature shall be tested at 10 times the rated excitation voltage but in no case at less than 2500 V nor more than 5000 V. (2) A machine to be started with a resistor in series with its field winding shall be tested at a voltage equal to twice the rms value of the IR drop across the resistor, but in no case with less than 2500 V. The JR drop shall be taken fas the product of the resistance and the current which would circulate in the field winding at standstill, if shorteircuited on itself at the specified starting voltage. (8) A machine to be started with its field open-circuited and sectionalized shall be test- ed at 1% times maximum rms voltage which ean occur between the terminals of any sec- tion under the specified starting conditions, Dut in no case with less than 2500 V, or 10, times the rated excitation voltage per section, whichever isthe larger. (4) A machine to be started with its field open-circuited and connected in series shall be tested at 14 times the maximum rms voltage which can oceur between the field terminals under the specified starting conditions, but in no ease with less than 2500 V or 10 times the rated excitation voltage, whichever is the larger. 9.9.2 Exceptions to Standard Test Voltages. 9.3.2. Both field and armature windings fof single-phase and polyphase synchronous {generators of less than 250 W output, having fated voltages not exceeding 250 V, shall be tested at 1000 V ac. Armature oF field windings rated 'V or less shall be tested with 500 V ac. ANst Ceotose7 9.3.9 Duration of Application of the Test Voltage. The test voltage shall be applied con- tinuously for » period of 1 min. Repested applications of the test voltage are not recom- mended. Machines for which the test voltage is 2500 or lest may be tested for 1's with a test voltage 20 percent higher than the 1-min test Yollage, as an altemative to the Y-min tests. ‘9.34 Test Voltage Requirements. Frequen- ey, wave shape, and crest value of test alternat- ing voltage shall be as follows: (2)The frequency of the test altemating voltage shall be 25 to 60 Ha. {2)The wave shape of the test alternating voltage shall be of acceptable commercial Standards, that i, it shall come within the de- ‘iation specified as allowable in Section 8. (8) The crest value of the test alternating voltage shall be equal to 1.414 times the test voltage specified. NOTE: Fer « description of the methods of meaur- Ing the voltage for dileere tents ee American Sta" a" Mewurcment of Voage in Dielectric Tere, ‘anbr Gena 2968 (R973). 9.3.5 Measurement of Alternating-Current ‘Test Voltage. The transformer—voltmeter meth- od shall be used. ‘9.8.6 Points of Application of Test Voltage. ‘The test voltage shall be successively applied between each electric circuit and the frame, with the windings not under test and the core land other metal parts connected to the frame. Interconnected polyphase windings may be considered as one circuit. ‘9.3.7 Where Tests Are To Be Made. When the windings are completely assembled at the plant of the manufacturer, and unless other wise agreed upon, dielectric tests shall be made at the plant of the manufacturer-after the com pletion of the manufacturer's other shop tests. ‘They shall be made either with the machine completely assembled, or on the stator with ‘windings and connections completely assem- bled, and on the rotor completely assembled, unless otherwise agreed upon. When the wind: inge are completely. or partly assembled at destination, the tests in accordance with 9.8, shall be made a5 oon as possible after com- pleting the assembly of the winding. Depend- ing on the agreements covering such easés, the tests may be conducted by either the manufac- turer, purchaser, or a subcontractor. “4 [AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GFNERAL 9.8.8 Condition of Machine To Be Tested. ‘The machine shall be in good condition, and the dielectric tests, unless otherwise acreed ‘upon, shall be applied before the machine is put into commercial service, and shall not be fpplied when the insulation resistance is low because of dirt or moisture. Dielectric tests to determine whether or not specifications are ful- filled are permissible on new machines only. Where both thortcireuit and dielectric tests ‘are made on a machine, the dielectric test shall follow the short-circuit test. ‘9.3.9 Temperature at Which Dielectric Tests Are To Be Mode. Unless otherwise agreed upon, dielectric tests may be made at room temperature, or at any higher tempereture at tained in the process of commercial testing up to rated-load operating temperature of the ma- chine. 9.3.10 Assembled Group of Machines and Apparatus. When the test is made on an as ‘sembled group of several pieces of new appara: tus, each one of which has previously passed ite dielectric test, the test on such assembled {group shall not exceed 85 percent of the lowest, test voltage appropriate for any part of the Up. 9.3.11 Additional Tests after Installation When a test is made after installation on a new ‘machine which has previously passed its dielec tric test at the factory, and whose windings Ihave not since been disturbed, the test voltage, tunless otherwise agreed upon, shall be: (1)85 percent. of the value specified in 9811, 9.31.21, 931.22, and 9.3.2 for tests in the manufacturing plant, in the case fof hydraulic turbine generators and reversible ‘generator/motor units, synchronous condensers, ~ fand steam or combustion gas turbine-driver, generators that are rated 10000 KVA and above and more than 6000 V. (2) 75 percent of the value specified in 93.11, 981.21, 9.31.22, and 9.8.2 for tests in the manufacturing plant, in the case of all other machines. 9.9.12 Armature Winding Turn Insulation Test. When agreed upon by the manufacturer land user, the armature winding tum-to‘tum insulation of multiturn coils may be tested for machines rated 50.000 kVA. and larger. The method of test-and the value of test voltage must also be agreed upon, since these are not presently defined by standards. enamel ( & [REQUIREMENTS FOR SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 10, Heat Exchangers Watercooled heat exchangers used for cool {ng the ventilating ai, ga, oF liquid shall be de- figned for the specified inlet water temperature and working pressure. They shall be designed 40 a8 not to become eirbound, and to with: stand a test pressure of 150 fercent of the rated working pressure. Heat exchangers are usually designed for inlet water temperatures of 85 F, 90 F, or 95 F, and working pressures fof 50 psig (pounds per square inch gauge) or 125 psig 11, Terminal Markings 11.1 Purpose. Markings shall be placed on or adjacent to the terminsls of synchronous ma: chines to identify the phases. The purpose of the markings is to aid in making Up connec: tions to other parts of the electric power sys- tem and to avoid improper connections which ‘ay result in unsatisfactory operation or dam ‘ge. They are not intended to be used for in ‘temal machine connections. 11.2 Terminal Letters and Subscript Numerals. ‘The terminal markings shall consist of a capital letter followed by a subscript numeral. The let- ter identifies the function of the winding, 7 for armature and F for field. The subscript num- cerals 1, 2, 3 indicate, for 2 three-phase machine, ‘the orier in which the voltages at the terminals reach their positive maximum value (phase sequence) with clockwise shaft rotation when facing the connection and of the winding, un- less otherwise specified. The subscript numeral 0 indicates a neutral connection. For a three: phase synchronous machine with one armature 15 ANst cso.0'077 ‘winding per phase with each end of each wind- ‘ng brought out externally, the subscript num- erals 4, 5, 6 denote, in sequence, the opposite ends of the windings (relative to 1, 2,2) For synchronous machines with additional terminals (such as machines with two or more windings per phase, or dual voltage windings), machines to be della-connected, and machines with a different number of phases, terminal markings shall be as specified in ANSI C52.1 (NEMA), Port 2, Terminal Markings. 11.3 Precautions. Because’ of possible serious damage to equipment, it it desirable to test for phase rotation, phase relation, polarity, and equality “of voltage before connecting synchronous machines to power supply sys tems. 12, Nameplate ‘A nameplate having the minimum informa- tion given in American National Standard €50.13.1977, or €50.14-1977 shall be pro- vided 13, Revision of American Standards Referred to in this Document When American National Standards referred to in this document are superseded by a revi- sion approved by the American National Stan. dards Institute, Incorporated, the revision shall apply.

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