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of them
worth our


ince Charles Darwin formulated

the theory of evolution in 1859, our
society has been divided into different
factions relative to their belief. Some
individuals have come to acknowledge
Darwin's theory and obviously, some
laggards oppose the idea. The people
that are not convinced by the human
evolution theory are sometimes
categorized as Christians. Both
divisions often debate with a purpose
of proving the truth behind our origin.
The evolutionist uses various
discoveries and theories of any famed
scientist while Christians use Bible as


their basis. Both factions of different

faiths have presented remarkable
opinions that can possibly convince
almost 1/10 of our population but, has
any of this innovation of ideas proven
that it is significant in our lives? Does it
really matter what we believe about or
where we came from?
For many years humans have improved at a
significant rate. The advancements in technology and
inventions are consequences of the knowledge
gained in arithmetic, quantum physics, and
aerodynamics. But, has the awareness of who our
ancestors are endowed and influenced in these
achievements? No, there was only one justification
that encouraged humanity to accomplish success, it
is curiosity. Just like how Isaac Newton discovered
gravity and gave birth to "Laws of Motion".
Humanity is driven by curiosity. It is evident in both
evolution and creation. Genesis, one of the 66 books
in the Bible, states that "Adam and Eve" are the very
first male and female "created in the image of GOD".
They were also both under His absolute command
but later displayed disobedience in the eyes of their
omniscient GOD. Why has His creation disobeyed
upon His complete authority? Because of the free will
that God has made within them. The book of Genesis
2:16-17 elaborates the freedom given by Him.
Curiosity equates to free will. Curiosity was born
when GOD allowed Adam and Eve to be free and
discover His creations except for two particular trees tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of
Life -

. There was only one thing that will force them to

execute their rebellion, deception. Satan deceived
them by using their interest as an opportunity.
Regarding Darwin's evolution theory, the intellectual
progression of "evolved apes" was mustered by the
discovered methods and modifications of ideas of our
supposed ancestors. Their discernment of innovating
new ideas was compelled again by curiosity.
Archaeologists declared that early humans (late stages
of the evolution) utilized the efficiency of fire during in
Stone Age, which is around 2000-3300 BCE.
Footprints of fire manipulation - the flint and stones are identified underground and in caves. Their
survival instincts and their aching curiosity have
revolutionised the usage of
fire and thus lead us to
where we are now.
Human evolution theory
and creationism are both
astonishing approximations
of our origin, but they do
not play an integral part in
the development of our
society. They were born
because of the ignorance
of our past and us humans
fear that fact. Scientist and
other intellectual individuals
generate theories and
conclusions to create an
illusion that we originated
from apes or are created
by a godly being

from apes or are created by a godly being. We

feel comfortable by casually accepting these
speculations but we are hiding the fact that we still do
not know about our true origin. Now we are leisurely
experiencing the inventions and innovated ideas that
are all due to human's curiosity. It is our hunger for
discovery that has placed us on top of the food chain
and we will continue to extend further without suffering
the consequences of having a shallow understanding
of our origin.

Explore and Wonder

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