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Creating to different student

learning styles

Student have different abilities in learning some of them need little time to finish an
activity while others need more time . For example, distinguish the students can
finish an activity in 5 minutes with excellent performance. These learners have a
unique learning style, which is learning by themselves. , we have low level students
who may spend 10 to 15 minutes to finish the same activity. These learners are
unable to do the activity without teachers guidance and help so they need to sit
with the teacher to explain the lesson again in a way that suites their levels.

Why we use different learning styles

Clearly, we can tell that learners prefer learning styles that suit
them; therefor, teachers should select a learning style that fully
fulfills learners needs and interests. By achieving this, teachers
can make sure students will be involved and engaged in the
learning process. In addition to that, teachers should vary their
learning styles to avoid causing boredom and lack of interest in
the topic of learning. This means that students will have better
opportunities to achieve the goals of learnings. Also, learners will
get rid of distractions during classes because the learning styles
that are applied will help them keep focused.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of different

learning styles?
As we know, educators and researchers classify learning styles into three main
types: Visual learning, auditory learning, and kinesthetic learning.

To illustrate visual learners best acquire information by reading, seeing or interpreting

illustrations of material. These learners depend highly on seeing written pieces of
information and visuals to create better understanding of the material. They usually create a
link between what they see and the images that they have in their minds. However, these
learners faced difficulties to understand if they listen to the directions orally without seeing
the written text. ("Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Learning Styles", 2016)

The second type is auditory learning. In this style of learning auditory learners excel
whenever they have spoken and oral material .These learners are able to process
knowledge via verbal communication and auditory materials such as lectures speeches
reading out loud.

Finally, the third main learning style is kinesthetic learners. In this learning style learners
can best learn when they experience knowledge directly by movement and touch. Hands-on
activities like experiments, art projects, role-plays and skits give them the greatest
advantage. They often enjoy activities like cooking, constructing projects and making crafts.

-Disadvantages:First of all, one of the main disadvantages of visual learning is that learners of
this style struggle with listening to information that is not written. They may face
difficulties in lecture-oriented classes and often require instructors to repeat

Secondly, with regard to auditory learning style, learners here are usually
talkative and tend to control conversations. In addition to that, these learners may
not comprehend information well if they dont hear it completely.

Finally, there are some disadvantages related to kinesthetic learning. One of

these disadvantages is that learners of this style face difficulties in sitting during
classes because they tend to focus in moment .They also feel uncomfortable during

classes that require reading and lectures and therefor they usually ask for more
breaks during classes.

Possible variations or adaptations of learning

A successful teacher should bear in mind that students vary I their learning styles
and therefor he or she should prepare activities that suit all possible learning styles I
his class. For example a lesson that has audio material could be developed to fulfill
the needs of three different learning styles. To explain the listening activity includes
audio material that goes with auditory learners. These learners are given the
opportunity to listen and do the activity. For visual learners a teacher could develop
the same activity by providing pictures that could narrate a story. In this activity
visual learners rearrange the pictures in order to have a meaning full story. Thirdly
for kinesthetic learners, a teacher could prepare an activity that has a game for
matching pictures with suitable cubes. The aim of having these varied is to help
learners get engaged in the learning process.

A successful teacher is classified as a progressive researcher, so
he or she needs to keep looking for materials that match with the
needs of his or her students. Classes usually vary and students
come with different capabilities. Teachers who have differentiated
students are advised to prepare materials that assist students
excel and get rid of possible difficulties. To explain, an effective
teacher can use the World Wide Web to consolidate his teaching.
All of us know after the rapid growth and development of
information technology, teachers need to up to date with useful
tools and techs for education. In this case, teachers should benefit
from thousands of materials on the Net to help foster their
teaching techniques. Thus, useful materials and resources
guarantee significant development of child learning. You can teach
a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating

curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. Clay P.

Bedford ("Teaching and Learning Resources", 2016). Teachers, for instance, could use
videos from thousands of videos available in YouTube. So, for visual and
auditory learners in a math lesson, a teacher can show a video of counting
numbers ("The Numbers Song - Learn To Count from 1 to 10 - Number Rhymes For Children", 2016) .
To conclude, such materials can stimulate and motivate students to learn

All children, in early childhood schools, always follow the class routines, because its
their first year and they dont know anything about education. They have to get to
know everything step by step, they dont know how to do anything in their own
because they are still young. As the teacher trains them from the beginning they
learn everything and they start to implement everything on their own and they
begin to self-reliance.

Why do we use Routines?

- A routine is something that you do over and over again, eventually making it part
of your day, you do things without consciously thinking about it them and they
becomes a habit. There are lots of routines and procedures that could be stated in
teaching. Some of these routines are:

beginning the day

Entering and exiting the classroom

Collection and distribution of papers

Signaling for quiet and attention

Emergency drills and procedures

Going to the restroom

Late arrival

Grading and homework policies (including make-up work)

Asking questions

Finishing an assignment early


Advantages and Disadvantages of

Advantages:There are lots of benefits of routines such as helping students get rid of distractions
and minimizing waste time, having less time for misbehavior, and giving students
better opportunities to concentrate on theirs study.

Disadvantages:Some of the disadvantages of routines could be in reducing students freedom and

getting the right for choosing things that suit them. Routines also could hinder
creativity and cause boredom in classes.

Possible variation or adaptation of routines

Teachers could adapt some routines by creating flexible routines.
In this case, teachers can choose a day or periods during the
week that allow students to act in the way they like without
breaking the class rules. Teachers can reduce punishment and
give alternatives for strict routine. For example, they can allow
students to come late for 5 minutes and dismiss them earlier.

Teachers could use a variety of materials to apply routines. They
may use the entire second school day to explain the routines. He
or she can demonstrate the routines for students. Teachers may
use PowerPoint presentations and quizzes to explain and check
students recognition of routines. Teachers can hang a chart on a
wall that clarifies the routines and procedures of classes. To
conclude, in order to establish good routines and rules, teachers
need to consume time and effort ("Morning Routine", 2016)

Management and behavior

Description:No one can deny that classroom management plays a crucial role
in delivering and maintaining proper teaching. In other words,
Success or failure of teaching relies heavily on keeping good
classroom management. Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools
create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. The purpose of implementing classroom
management strategies is to enhance prosocial behavior and increase student academic engagement (Emmer &

Teachers need to
maintain classroom management for all subjects to achieve
effective teaching. Some effective classroom management
strategies are using a normal, natural voice, speaking only when
students are quiet and ready, using hand signals and other nonverbal, addressing behavior issues quickly and wisely and always
having a well-designed, engaging lesson. (Alber, 2012)
Sabornie, 2015; Everston & Weinstein, 2006) ("Classroom Management", 2016).

Why do we use management behavior?

Teachers have to use management behavior to ensure that the
learning process takes place without obstacles and difficulties.
Achieving and maintaining good and disciplined behavior help to
teachers to focus better on teaching and avoid creating
distractions and disorder in learning.

Advantages and disadvantages of

management and behavior

Possible advantages of classroom management are helping students and teachers
keep focused on learning topics, avoiding distractions and misbehavior, and
encouraging students to be more involved in effective learning.

On the other hand, some of the advantages of not having proper classroom
management may result in causing some conflicts between teachers, affecting
students achievement, and creating negative learning environment.

Possible variation and adaptation of management and

Teachers may use different techniques procedures to maintain
effective classroom management and behavior. They may reward
well-disciplined students by giving them extra marks and reduce
the number of assignments. In addition, they may honor students
by listing their names in an honor list. However, those who fail to
follow the classroom rules can be penalized in accordance with
school rules and regulations.

Teachers can show students of videos that represent models of good behavior and
compare these models with others that include misbehavior. Students can improve
their conducts whenever they are encouraged to do so. Lastly, teachers may deliver
brochures and bulletins of behavior and conduct ("Top 10 Proven Classroom
Management Tips for Teachers", 2016)


Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Learning Styles. (2016).

Retrieved 28 June 2016, from

Teaching and Learning Resources. (2016). ADEC. Retrieved 27 June 2016, from
The Numbers Song - Learn To Count from 1 to 10 - Number Rhymes For Children. (2016).YouTube.
Retrieved 27 June 2016, from
Classroom Management. (2016). Retrieved 28 June 2016, from
Alber, R. (2012). 5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers. Edutopia. Retrieved 28
June 2016, from

Top 10 Proven Classroom Management Tips for Teachers. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 28 June
2016, from
Morning Routine. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 28 June 2016, from

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