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Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q1 - Do you feel that things in the state of Florida are headed in the right
direction, or do you feel that we have gotten off track and are headed in the
wrong direction?

Base ......................................................... 606

Right direction .............................................. 53%

Wrong direction .............................................. 28%

Unsure ....................................................... 19%

Refused ........................................................ *

Q2 - Name ID: Marco Rubio

Base ......................................................... 606

Know / Favorable ............................................. 71%

Know / Unfavorable ........................................... 20%

Know / No opinion ............................................. 8%

Never heard of ................................................ 1%

Refused ........................................................ *

Q3 - Name ID: Carlos Beruff

Base ......................................................... 606

Know / Favorable ............................................. 13%

Know / Unfavorable ............................................ 8%

Know / No opinion ............................................ 12%

Never heard of ............................................... 67%

Refused ........................................................ -

Q4 - Name ID: Todd Wilcox

Base ......................................................... 606

Know / Favorable .............................................. 6%

Know / Unfavorable ............................................ 4%

Know / No opinion ............................................ 10%

Never heard of ............................................... 80%

Refused ........................................................ -

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q5 - Name ID: Jeb Bush

Base ......................................................... 606

Know / Favorable ............................................. 55%

Know / Unfavorable ........................................... 34%

Know / No opinion ............................................ 10%

Never heard of ................................................ 1%

Refused ........................................................ -

Q6 - Name ID: Donald Trump

Base ......................................................... 606

Know / Favorable ............................................. 70%

Know / Unfavorable ........................................... 21%

Know / No opinion ............................................. 8%

Never heard of ................................................. *

Refused ........................................................ *

Q7 - If the Republican Primary election for United States Senator were held
today, and the candidates were Marco Rubio, Carlos Beruff and Todd Wilcox,
which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio / Definitely ........................................... 54%

Rubio / Probably ............................................. 18%

Rubio / Lean .................................................. 1%

Beruff / Definitely ........................................... 2%

Beruff / Probably ............................................. 3%

Beruff / Lean ................................................. 1%

Wilcox / Definitely ........................................... 2%

Wilcox / Probably ............................................. 2%

Wilcox / Lean ................................................. 2%

Unsure ....................................................... 14%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q7cat - If the Republican Primary election for United States Senator were held
today, and the candidates were Marco Rubio, Carlos Beruff and Todd Wilcox,
which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio ........................................................ 73%

Beruff ........................................................ 6%

Wilcox ........................................................ 6%

Unsure ....................................................... 14%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q8 - If the Republican Primary election for United States Senator were held
today, and the only two candidates running were Marco Rubio and Todd Wilcox,
which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio / Definitely ........................................... 63%

Rubio / Probably ............................................. 12%

Rubio / Lean .................................................. 1%

Wilcox / Definitely ........................................... 7%

Wilcox / Probably ............................................. 4%

Wilcox / Lean ................................................. 1%

Unsure ........................................................ 9%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q8cat - If the Republican Primary election for United States Senator were held
today, and the only two candidates running were Marco Rubio and Todd Wilcox,
which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio ........................................................ 77%

Wilcox ....................................................... 13%

Unsure ........................................................ 9%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q9 - Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Republican Marco Rubio is
doing as your United States Senator?

Base ......................................................... 606

Strongly approve ............................................. 34%

Somewhat approve ............................................. 37%

Somewhat disapprove .......................................... 10%

Strongly disapprove .......................................... 12%

Unsure ........................................................ 7%

Refused ........................................................ *

Q9cat - Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Republican Marco Rubio is
doing as your United States Senator?

Base ......................................................... 606

Approve ...................................................... 71%

Disapprove ................................................... 22%

Unsure ........................................................ 7%

Refused ........................................................ *

Q10 - Do you feel like Marco Rubio deserves to be re-elected as your United
States Senator, or is it time for someone new?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio ........................................................ 71%

Someone new .................................................. 24%

Unsure ........................................................ 5%

Refused ........................................................ -

Q11 - What kind of Republican candidate for the United States Senate would you
like to vote for in next years Republican primary election: An experienced
elected official who knows how to fight for conservative principles in
Washington, a conservative business owner who is not a Washington insider or a
career politician, or a veteran with combat experience who is also a business
owner, self-funding his campaign and is focused on keeping America safe from

Base ......................................................... 606

Member of Congress ........................................... 29%

Conservative businessman ..................................... 16%

Combat veteran self-funder ................................... 40%

Unsure ....................................................... 13%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q12 - Marco Rubio is a career politician running for re-election to the United
States Senate, breaking a promise he made to the people of Florida many times
for over a year that he would not run for re-election.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely ............................................. 11%

Somewhat more likely .......................................... 7%

No difference ................................................ 38%

Somewhat less likely ......................................... 20%

Much less likely ............................................. 19%

Unsure ........................................................ 4%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q12cat - Marco Rubio is a career politician running for re-election to the
United States Senate, breaking a promise he made to the people of Florida many
times for over a year that he would not run for re-election.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely .................................................. 17%

No difference ................................................ 38%

Less likely .................................................. 39%

Unsure ........................................................ 4%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q13 - Marco Rubio is a conservative leader who represents the best that the
Republican Party has to offer in Florida. We need Marco back in the Senate to
keep fighting to make Florida stronger, safer and freer.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely ............................................. 40%

Somewhat more likely ......................................... 26%

No difference ................................................ 12%

Somewhat less likely .......................................... 6%

Much less likely ............................................. 14%

Unsure ........................................................ 2%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q13cat - Marco Rubio is a conservative leader who represents the best that the
Republican Party has to offer in Florida. We need Marco back in the Senate to
keep fighting to make Florida stronger, safer and freer.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely .................................................. 66%

No difference ................................................ 12%

Less likely .................................................. 19%

Unsure ........................................................ 2%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q14 - Carlos Beruff is a business man running for the United States Senate
because career politicians in both parties are worthless and we need more
private citizens in Washington.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely ............................................. 20%

Somewhat more likely ......................................... 26%

No difference ................................................ 12%

Somewhat less likely ......................................... 13%

Much less likely ............................................. 18%

Unsure ........................................................ 8%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q14cat - Carlos Beruff is a business man running for the United States Senate
because career politicians in both parties are worthless and we need more
private citizens in Washington.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely .................................................. 47%

No difference ................................................ 12%

Less likely .................................................. 31%

Unsure ........................................................ 8%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q15 - Carlos Beruff claims to be an outsider, but the truth is he supported
turncoat Charlie Crist even after Crist left the Republican Party, and has
been appointed to numerous government jobs just because he gave $1 million
dollars to politicians.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely .............................................. 1%

Somewhat more likely .......................................... 3%

No difference ................................................. 7%

Somewhat less likely ......................................... 18%

Much less likely ............................................. 66%

Unsure ........................................................ 4%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q15cat - Carlos Beruff claims to be an outsider, but the truth is he supported
turncoat Charlie Crist even after Crist left the Republican Party, and has
been appointed to numerous government jobs just because he gave $1 million
dollars to politicians.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely ................................................... 4%

No difference ................................................. 7%

Less likely .................................................. 84%

Unsure ........................................................ 4%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q16 - Todd Wilcox is an Army combat veteran, and was a CIA case officer who
speaks Arabic and understands what it takes to destroy radical Islamic
terrorism, who will do whatever is necessary to keep Floridians safe.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely ............................................. 51%

Somewhat more likely ......................................... 29%

No difference ................................................. 7%

Somewhat less likely .......................................... 2%

Much less likely .............................................. 5%

Unsure ........................................................ 5%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q16cat - Todd Wilcox is an Army combat veteran, and was a CIA case officer who
speaks Arabic and understands what it takes to destroy radical Islamic
terrorism, who will do whatever is necessary to keep Floridians safe.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely .................................................. 79%

No difference ................................................. 7%

Less likely ................................................... 8%

Unsure ........................................................ 5%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q17 - Todd Wilcox has become a multi-millionaire by collecting expensive
taxpayer-funded government contracts rather than earning an honest living in
the private sector.

Base ......................................................... 606

Much more likely .............................................. 5%

Somewhat more likely .......................................... 6%

No difference ................................................ 16%

Somewhat less likely ......................................... 27%

Much less likely ............................................. 38%

Unsure ........................................................ 7%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q17cat - Todd Wilcox has become a multi-millionaire by collecting expensive
taxpayer-funded government contracts rather than earning an honest living in
the private sector.

Base ......................................................... 606

More likely .................................................. 11%

No difference ................................................ 16%

Less likely .................................................. 64%

Unsure ........................................................ 7%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q18 - So, knowing all of these things, if the Republican Primary election for
United States Senator were held today, and the candidates were Marco Rubio,
Carlos Beruff and Todd Wilcox, which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio / Definitely ........................................... 46%

Rubio / Probably ............................................. 17%

Rubio / Lean .................................................. 2%

Beruff / Definitely ........................................... 2%

Beruff / Probably ............................................. 3%

Beruff / Lean ................................................. 1%

Wilcox / Definitely ........................................... 7%

Wilcox / Probably ............................................ 10%

Wilcox / Lean ................................................. 1%

Unsure ....................................................... 10%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q18cat - So, knowing all of these things, if the Republican Primary election
for United States Senator were held today, and the candidates were Marco
Rubio, Carlos Beruff and Todd Wilcox, which candidate would you vote for?

Base ......................................................... 606

Rubio ........................................................ 65%

Beruff ........................................................ 6%

Wilcox ....................................................... 18%

Unsure ....................................................... 10%

Refused ....................................................... 2%

Q19 - Would you say most of your political views are more conservative,
moderate, or more liberal?

Base ......................................................... 606

Very conservative ............................................ 52%

Somewhat conservative ........................................ 25%

Moderate ..................................................... 18%

Somewhat liberal .............................................. 2%

Very liberal .................................................. 1%

Unsure ........................................................ 2%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Q19cat - Would you say most of your political views are more conservative,
moderate, or more liberal?

Base ......................................................... 606

Conservative ................................................. 76%

Moderate ..................................................... 18%

Liberal ....................................................... 3%

Unsure ........................................................ 2%

Refused ....................................................... 1%

Q20 - Gender

Base ......................................................... 606

Male ......................................................... 48%

Female ....................................................... 52%


Base ......................................................... 606

18-34 ......................................................... 5%

35-49 ........................................................ 12%

50-64 ........................................................ 30%

65 and older ................................................. 54%


Base ......................................................... 606

White ........................................................ 88%

Other ........................................................ 12%

Media Market

Base ......................................................... 606

Miami ........................................................ 12%

Tampa ........................................................ 23%

Orlando ...................................................... 22%

Jacksonville ................................................. 11%

West Palm Beach ............................................... 9%

Ft Myers ...................................................... 9%

Pensacola ..................................................... 6%

Tallahassee ................................................... 3%

Panama City ................................................... 3%

Gainesville ................................................... 2%

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US Senate Republican Primary Benchmark

Likely 2016 Republican Primary Election Voters
June 21 - 22, 2016 n = 606 Margin of Error +/- 4.4%

Confidential - Do Not Copy

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