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Describe the task

In detail, what was the aim of the task? How many teams? What was the team dynamic? Timings?
Rules & restrictions?
The aim of this activity is to support and help each other on the climb of the canyon, through
stepping on rocks and uneven paths. There were no groups of teams, everyone helped each other
and worked together as one big team. However, there are some subgroups throughout the canyon
and I was mainly the last few people at the back. Therefore, I was in a small subgroup with the
team members at the back. Since this activity was achieved under bad weather conditions as there
was a rainstorm, it was a lot harder for all of us to hike through the canyon. Therefore, frequent and
good communication is vital in this situation, in which we all did very well. The team dynamic
flowed nicely as we communicated well with one another and helped out each other when needed
with a positive attitude, and everyone persevered through canyon. There were some rules and
restrictions given to us by the Dragonfly instructors. Which were, not to litter and one main rule
which is to respect yourself, others and our surroundings (nature).
What was your role in the team?
What did you do? How did you contribute? Leader or teamworker?
My role in the team was a team worker and as I helped and supported my teammates throughout
the whole hike and canyoning by telling my teammates behind me where to step since some
stones were quite slippery and unstable. An example of this would be, whenever I stepped on a
stone I couldnt balance on properly, I would tell my teammates behind not to step and point out
which stone that was slippery and tell them to go another way that was a lot secure. I would also
remind my teammates to stay low as your balance is a lot better when staying low to ground.
How did you perform as an individual?
For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other individual performances in your team and
relate to theory.
My role in this activity was a team worker rather than a leader and my performance throughout the
canyoning as an individual was being very cautious and paying close attention to my teammates
around me. This means, seeing how they would tackle difficult situations such as, finding a safer
path to go through and judging from those encounters, I would follow the steps they did to get
through the challenge. Then, I would tell my teammates behind me what to do in order to be safe
when going through certain uneven paths.
The leadership style I took on in this activity was people oriented. As I was engaging in
conversations with some of my team members as well as, letting them know which path would be
safer to go through and warning them which areas are slippery. I believe that if you build a positive
relationship and talk to your team members, especially in such a strenuous activity under such
weather conditions, this would boost their motivation and make them feel positive about the
activity. Essentially, building good relationships with your team members will encourage growth of
harmony and trust between one another. Also, when struggling to think of a safer and better way to
get to where we want, I would suggest a way, but I also let my team members voice their own
opinions and which way they think would be safer to go through. As I like to have and include
everyone to say their ideas so no one feels left out. I also encouraged some of my team members
when they struggle and have difficulties at any point throughout the canyon. An example of this is,
when we had to go climb up a tall boulder with flash floods beneath us, one of my team members
at the back got anxious and struggled to think properly on how to get over. Therefore, I slowed
down and constantly looked back at him, making sure hes safe as well as, encouraging him that
he could do it and where to step to get to the other end. My performance compared to other

members of the group, is noticeably different as I was mainly at the back of the whole class and
working in my subgroup.
In comparison with a few noticeable and main leaders, that everyone in the team agreed that they
stood out. Each of them adopted a different leadership style but all were similar. One of the roles
that were adopted by a classmate was transformational. This leadership style focuses on teambuilding, motivation and collaboration with team members at different levels of an organisation to
accomplish change for the better, and ensure everyone in the team are fully aware of all the
objectives. They essentially motivate their team members by personality and desire and to put in
the utmost effort into their tasks and goals as well as building relationships and trust.
This team member that took on this leadership style, slipped and fell off the rock hard into the
water, at one point during the canyoning. She stayed very calm and continued with the canyoning.
She showed a transformational leadership style as she showed perseverance, courage from the
fall which motivated us all to continue the canyoning even if we encounter any struggle throughout
the course.
In terms of the Belbins theory, I believe I adopted the role of a team worker if seen as a whole
team. As I took on the same role as the majority of the other team members by staying motivated
and making sure everyone was safe. Although, looking from a perspective in the subgroup I was in,
I believe I took on the role of a monitor evaluator. As I would weigh up my options and make logical
decisions, especially when figuring out a safer path to take. When making these decisions, I would
always took at the strengths and weaknesses of situations and I also had to think quickly.

M - compare your performance to other individuals, in what ways were you better (give examples)
in what ways were they better (give examples AND name them)
D - Belbin - Which of Belbins roles did you naturally adopt?
Leadership styles - When leading, which style did you use and why? IF NOT, what style did the
leader use, did it help you?
How did you perform as a team?
For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other team performances and relate to theory.
Throughout the course of canyoning, we performed as a temporary team. As we were all put
together to complete a task, and once we achieve the goal of finishing the canyoning, the team
separated. Although, the task carried was for a short period of time, we learned and developed
many skills and worked well as a team. We were all clear on the objectives of this activity and all
helped one another when help was needed.
Although, we were primarily one big team, it was noticeable that over the course of canyoning
there was a transition of subgroups forming. The groups formed created a sociogram, one in the
front (mainly the confident team members), middle (confident/following the crowd) and back (less
confident/cautious and wanted to take it at their own pace). There were also a group of people who
would frequently travel back and forth of the big team, to communicate and help people in the
subgroups that were formed. The sociogram of groups formed shows unity between the the team
members when working together. This shows that team members are formed into subgroups to
stick with with who they work best with, and this is then proven that we are less likely to quit and
are still motivated as we were all working in groups we felt most comfortable in. Knowing that there
was a sociogram of groups being formed, I felt that this a good thing (points mentioned above), yet
also a bad thing as we did not communicate as frequent as a whole team. However, I feel that as
we progressed through the activity, most people in the team noticed therefore, some people were
willing to travel back and forth in the line to ensure good use of communication with all the

Tannenbaum and Schmidt

What were your strengths?
Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities,
confidence, motivation, resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening,
awareness, creativity etc
My strengths shown in the canyoning activity were, awareness/being cautious, problem solving,
communication/supporting others, motivation, resolving conflict, listening to my teammates and
perseverance. I showed awareness and being cautious by taking each step that I was unsure with
caution. For example, when stepping on a stone I would make sure I am holding onto a branch or
other rocks before stepping, once I stepped I made sure that the rock was stable enough for me to
stabilise. I would also look at my team members in front of me, seeing where they step and follow
their steps if they were safer.
Since I was in a subgroup at the back of the team, we would sometimes fall behind. When this
happens, we would encounter ways that bring us to different paths. I would have to decide quickly
and logically which path would be safer to take and ensure full safety of the team members behind
me. An example of this is when there were two paths that lead to the same point where we were
going. One in which had fast water flow and the other which the water level was quite deep. I went
for the one where the water was flowing quicker as there were more rocks to hold on for stability
and safety. Sometimes, the paths I choose will end up harder than the other path therefore, I would
resolve this this conflict by taking the other path.
Throughout the course of this activity, some of the team members in my subgroup will lose
motivation and have less confidence in themselves. Although, I would support them and motivate
them by encouraging them that they are capable of achieving this challenge, it's a great experience
and you would feel relieved that you achieved something challenging in the end. Also, when
debating which path would be safer to take through the course of the canyoning, I would ask my
teammates if they agree or if they have another path they think is safer to take. As good
communication builds trust and good relationship between your teammates.
I showed perseverance through the course of this activity as I wasn't very confident especially, at
the beginning. Despite, having low confidence in myself going through this activity, I persevered
and motivated myself by reminding myself that at the end of the day I will feel accomplished. As I
know I have achieved a challenge and this is a great experience as I would have developed many
skills. Such as, problem solving and communication.
What were your weaknesses?
Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities,
confidence, motivation, resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening,
awareness, creativity etc
My weakness throughout the course of canyoning was mainly having low confidence in myself. As I
thought to myself that I wouldn't be able to climb up the canyon especially, in such weather
condition. This lead me to being far behind from the rest of the team and unable to communicate
with them as often as I should and unable to help other team members as much. However,
throughout the course, I motivated myself by helping other team members when they struggle and
this lead to boosting my confidence. As I realised that I was not the only one struggling and having
low confidence.
How could you improve for next time?
Make future recommendations for yourself, your team and other individuals / teams.

As an individual, If I were to do a similar activity like this one again, I would make sure that before
the activity starts I have had some breathing exercise to relieve any tension in the brain and
encourage myself and my team members that by the end of the activity we would feel
accomplished as we have completed a challenge together. Being cautious about where I am
stepping is good, but I should also ensure that I am not falling behind the group. If this happens, I
will make sure I speak up and let my team members know that I am falling behind therefore, they
know the speed Im going and wont result in conflict as I have told them earlier.
As a group, I believe communication is an area that needs improvement on. As the subgroup in the
front would usually rush and leave other team members behind as they want to get to the canyon
as fast as they could. Therefore, I think beforehand we could have done more team building and
ice breaker games so that everyone in the group feels more comfortable with one another to
openly communicate whenever needed. We could also have a small discussion time where each of
us talk about our fears/worries, strengths and weaknesses about the canyoning beforehand. This
would give each of the team members an idea and a note that some of the team members would
struggle with certain issues (e.g. having low confidence) and this will increase the level of
communication and support with one another as we know that some of the team members in the
group feel a certain way.
Although, we did have a few minutes discussion time before the activity, I think we should have
planned and organised the process throughout the course of this activity better. Such as, setting
water breaks frequently to prevent dehydration every 20-30 minutes. Also, during the water breaks
we could talk about how we felt about the climb before each rest, and if there are any issues raised
by a team member we would know what to do/not what to do later on. We should also ensure that
we all travel relatively at the same pace to prevent from having team members fall behind and this
will better the efficiency of communication and support with each other. I also think that we should
have allocated roles or followed either one of the theories (e.g. Belbins, Adair, etc.) to ensure full
efficiency and a clear vision of operating the activity. Although, we were quite efficient and
completed the task, we were lacking of having a deeper plan analysis which made it hard for us to
communicate and sport one another at times. Overall, we had great motivation and still
communicated and supported each other through the course, also many of us set good examples
for the rest of the group.
Was there any conflict in the group?
If yes, describe why and how was it resolved? If no, what did the leader do to ensure this was the
There were definitely conflicts that occurred throughout the activity and were all mainly revolved
around lack of communication.
Throughout the course some of us including me, would fall behind with the rest of the group
several times. Soon, a few of the team members who were confident traveled to the back of the
line to help support and motivate us which, boosted our confidence.
Since we carried this activity out under bad weather conditions, there were several times where
most of the team members would slip and fall. However, each of us would communicate and help
one another by informing them where to step and where NOT to step. Some team members would
physically lift them to prevent them from causing injuries, but this was usually done under serious
situations where a team member would fall or slip quite hard.
How else could you use relevant theory to analyse the overall performance today?
Leadership styles, Belbin, Tuckman, Adair, Honey, Margerison & Mccann, Woodcock,
Our overall team performance is most relevant to Tuckmans theory with the 5 stages, Forming,
Storming, Norming, Performing and lastly, Adjourning.

In the Forming stage, we were busy organising ourselves for the canyoning. Such as, preparing
snacks, making sure we have life jackets, all the essentials we need to carry in our daypack (e.g.
mosquito repellent). We also gathered information on how we should travel together as a team
through the hike and canyon and impressions of other team members. At this point team members
feel comfortable but are unproductive because some of them also feel unsure, shy, dominant. We
established 2 main leaders and those leaders then allocated roles such as, safety checkers,
entertainers and water break reminders to certain team members to make the process of the
activity efficient.
In the Storming stage, which was when we started the climb of the canyon certain conflicts started
to occur. Such as, team members falling and slipping, subgroups forming through team members
abilities, mentality and actions. These conflicts arise about the roles allocated and dominance
which prevented us from working and supporting harmoniously together. Patience was required
from team members as roles and responsibilities are addressed and structural rules are formed
such as, the respect rule given by the instructors at the very start. This is to suppress any negative
feelings amongst each other. It was a good thing that we encountered conflicts and disagreements
as Tuckmans theory is that a team would have to go through disagreements in order to become
In the Norming stage, everyone felt like they were part of the team now and realised that we can
achieve work if we accept other peoples viewpoints and opinions. Therefore, by this stage,
everyone feels and starts to become more relaxed as we know and have a clear idea. As well as,
establish the roles, relationships and all are working harmoniously together. From previous
conflicts, at this stage we have learnt to listen and understand each other to support one another
In the Performing stage, everyone in the team worked in an open and trusting atmosphere where
flexibility is the key and hierarchy is of little importance. We trusted one another to work
independently without any disagreements or conflicts and all helped and supported each other
through difficulties. We felt more comfortable at this stage where we would joke around and sing
songs together to boost our morales and make this a fun process of canyoning since everyone felt
positive. As well as working effectively and efficiently together. This is the stage of success and
achievement as we worked harmoniously together.
When we finished the challenge/activity, this us the Adjourning stage where all of us felt
accomplished as we all worked well together throughout the canyoning.

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