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5 June 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS management, and regulators to police their behavior. Only if creditors
really have something to lose will we ever have any hope of ending “too-
Remembering the Gipper on big-to-fail.”

June 5 [Americans for Tax

JUN 05, 2010 06:00A.M.
Florida’s Education Tax Credit
On June 5, the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Ronald Wilson
Reagan, Grover Norquist, chairman of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project Program Helps Public School
issued the following statement: &ldqu..;.
Students [Cato at Liberty]
JUN 04, 2010 05:00P.M.


Kazakhstan’s Approach to Bank Are Florida’s celebrated test-score gains caused by the state’s education
tax credit program? Maybe. What is certain is that Florida’s education
Failure [Cato at Liberty] tax credit program significantly increases student achievement in public
JUN 04, 2010 06:13P.M. schools.

By Mark A. Calabria David Figlio, a respected economist at Northwestern University and the
official researcher for Florida’s education tax credit program, has
Gillian Tett has an interesting column in today’s Financial Times, completed the most rigorous analysis of how a private school choice
discussing the recent resolution of one of Kazakhstan’s largest banks, program impacts public school performance.
BTA. What’s novel about this particular bank resolution? Well instead of
the taxpayer, or the rest of the banking sector, covering a large hole in The achievement effects increase in relation to the availability and
BTA’s balance sheet, the bondholders are taking the hit (of course diversity of private schools near the school. Schools with the most to lose
shareholders are also taking a loss). make bigger gains. The kicker? All this happened BEFORE any kids left
their public school. The performance gain came from the THREAT of
Some of this is probably due to politics; the bondholders in this case are competition.
mostly foreign, and of course, the taxpayers are domestic voters. Not that
the foreign bondholders didn’t lobby for a bailout. On average, student achievement increased 1 percent for every standard
deviation increase in the concentration of private school competitors
But putting the politics aside, this represents a real test of whether we before any students even used the program.
are stuck only with the choice of bailouts or mass panic, as argued by the
Bernanke-Paulson-Geithner crowd. If, in the weeks ahead, Kazakhstan, In schools on the margin of getting Title I funds from their district — in
and particularly its other banks, are still able to tap the debt markets and other words, those with the most to lose from losing poor students — the
its economy does not crater, then I believe we have sufficient evidence to increase was over 3 percent before any students left. That means
end bailouts here in the United States and start letting the bondholders, schools that had a medium level of competition private schools would
instead of the taxpayer, take the losses. see a more than 6 percent rise in scores and at the highest levels of
competition that would reach nearly 13 percent.
Will lending costs to Kazakhstan banks likely go up? Of course, that is
the point. One of the most damaging aspects of the 2008 bank bailouts Elementary and middle school student performance increased about 1.5
was the elimination of whatever market discipline remained, in terms of percent. Again, that means a 3 percent gain for medium competition and
large bank creditors. As most financial institutions fund 90% plus of the over 6 percent at the highest level of competition. Six years in, the
activities via borrowing, we simply cannot rely solely on equity, average gain in schools facing more competition doubled to about 2

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010


These effects are being called small by many, including Figlio. But it Adam Smith Quote of the Day
depends on what you mean by small. Those minority 4th grade test score
gains that have been celebrated; they constitute a 5 percent increase on [Cato at Liberty]
the NAEP. The grade school and marginal Title I impacts start looking JUN 04, 2010 04:07P.M.
pretty big in this context. And remember, this program supports less
than 1 percent of students. And it saves money. Just think of the By Justin Logan
possibilities as it grows and competition expands dramatically.

In addition, these measures don’t capture what the cumulative effect of

the increased competition might be. Are these gains ratcheting up
student achievement? Has the growth in the size of the program
increased its impact on achievement? And will the most recent
expansion, which has no near-term limit, boost public school student
achievement even more?

Figlio is continuing to analyze the data and I eagerly await his next
installments . . .


Prosecutors and the Forfeiture

“In great empires the people who live in the capital, and in the provinces
Laws [Cato at Liberty] remote from the scene of action, feel, many of them scarce any
JUN 04, 2010 04:21P.M. inconveniency from the war; but enjoy, at their ease, the amusement of
reading in the newspapers the exploits of their own fleets and armies. To
By Tim Lynch them this amusement compensates the small difference between the
taxes which they pay on account of the war, and those which they had
Child pornography is against the law. You can go to jail if you make it, been accustomed to pay in time of peace. They are commonly dissatisfied
distribute it, or possess it. There is also a law that says the government with the return of peace, which puts an end to their amusement, and to a
can seize property that is “used” to distribute child pornography. So thousand visionary hopes of conquest and national glory, from a longer
prosecutors can seize computer equipment from someone who engages continuance of the war.”
in such criminal conduct. Pretty straightforward.
- Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
But in a recent case, the federal agents not only seized the computer, but Nations, Book 5, Chapter 3
the house and the 19 acres of land on which the house was located. The
prosecution argued — and an appellate court agreed [pdf] — that there
was a “substantial connection” between the acreage and the offense. That
is just absurd.

I am also aware of a local case in which federal agents violently executed

a search warrant in a child porn-in-the-computer-case. Early morning
raid, guns drawn, neighbors detained, the works. It was as if the
agents were looking for a killer who recently escaped from Leavenworth.
More overkill.

For more information on forfeiture, go here and here.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010


Cult Watch [Cato at Liberty]
JUN 04, 2010 04:06P.M. Free the Colombia Trade
By Gene Healy Agreement [Cato at Liberty]
JUN 04, 2010 03:47P.M.

By Daniel Griswold

Thirty-nine members of Congress from both major parties sent a letter to

President Obama this week urging him to seek passage of the long-
stalled free trade agreement with our South American ally Colombia.

The agreement to eliminate trade barriers between our two countries

was signed in November 2006, but under the influence of their trade-
union allies, Democratic leaders in the House have refused to even allow
a vote.

As signers of the letter point out (go here for a Cato analysis), the
agreement would be good for our economy and good for U.S. foreign
policy. So far, the delay in passage has forced U.S. exporters to Colombia
to pay $2.7 billion in extra duties that would have been eliminated if the
Download my book for free! agreement had become law.

Driving home the other night, I caught the end of the NPR program “On The bipartisan supporters also rightly note that Colombia is a key ally,
Point.” This edition, running the ideological gamut all the way from left standing as a democratic alternative to both the Marxist FARC guerrillas
to center-left, featured Bob Kuttner and Jonathan Alter, “on the Obama and their authoritarian friend, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. As
presidency and the oil spill challenge.” At about 45:20 in, Alter took the the letter correctly states:
week’s prize for utterly creepy views of the presidency (no small feat):
Colombia has made remarkable progress on many fronts,
One thing I want to make clear where Bob and I strongly emerging as a major growth market and leading center for
really agree is that — when FDR died the funeral procession Latin American business. In a region that has seen a
moved up Pennsylvania avenue and a man, a grieving man, disturbing increase in hostility to U.S. interests and values,
fell to his knees, and another man helped him to his feet and Colombia has consistently proven itself to be an important
said, “Did you know the President?” friend, a reliable partner and a bulwark for democracy.

And the grieving man said, “No, but he knew me.” With Colombia in the process of electing a new president after eight
years of progress under Alvaro Uribe, it is more important than ever that
And Barack Obama is not yet at a point where the American we strengthen our ties with Colombia through peaceful commerce.
people really feel like he knows them and their problems and
that’s where he needs to get to. The 20 House Democrats who signed the June 2 letter prove that this
need not be a partisan issue. If President Obama is serious about
Yes, if only our president could emit from his concern-furrowed brow boosting U.S. exports, building friendships abroad, and reaching across
rays of inspiration so powerful, they’d make Americans swoon in the the aisle for the good of the country, he should heed the wise words of
street like holy rollers at an Appalachian snake-handling session — then this letter.
and only then will we know our democracy is truly healthy.

“Man is a toad-eating animal,” the early 19th-century English essayist

and political radical William Hazlitt wrote in 1819: “naturally a
worshiper of idols and a lover of kings.” That’s a pretty pessimistic take
on humanity as a whole, but it certainly holds true for a good many
public intellectuals.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS damning, final entry from the FAQs page of the CCSSI website:

Education Standards The federal government has had no role in the development
of the common core state standards and will not have a role
Throwdown! [Cato at Liberty] in their implementation.
JUN 04, 2010 03:44P.M.
However, the federal government will have the opportunity to
By Neal McCluskey support states as they begin adopting the standards. For
example, the federal government can
On Wednesday, Cato hosted what turned out to be a very animated —
and informative – debate on the likely effects of the drive for national • Support this effort through a range of tiered incentives,
education standards. The video of that throwdown is now online, and such as providing states with greater flexibility in the
watching it will greatly reward viewers on any side of the national use of existing federal funds, supporting a revised state
standards debate. Moreover, with states having to decide if they will accountability structure, and offering financial support
adopt proposed national standards released the same day as our forum for states to implement the standards.
— and having to make that decision by August 2 to help compete for
Race to the Top funds – Americans can no longer wait for this debate to • Provide long-term financial support for the
go national. development and implementation of common
assessments, teacher and principal professional
And now, a little extension of our Wednesday debate. While it is perhaps development, and research to help continually improve
a tad unfair of me to do this considering that the forum is technically the common core state standards over time.
over, this point is crucial: Protest to the contrary all they want, since at
least December 2008 the primary Common Core State Standards • Revise and align existing federal education laws with
Initiative members — the National Governors Association, the Council the lessons learned from the best of what works in other
Of Chief State School Officers, and Achieve, Inc. — have said that the nations and from research.
federal government should be involved in paying for and
implementing ”common core” state standards. As stated on page 7 So there is no federal role in development or implementation of national
of Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring Students Receive a World-class standards. Oh right, except for providing “incentives” for states to
Education: “implement” the standards, and furnishing “long-term financial
support for the development and implementation of common
The federal government can play an enabling role as states assessments.” In other words, there IS a federal role in developing and
engage in the critical but challenging work of international implementing national standards.
benchmarking. First, federal policymakers should offer funds
to help underwrite the cost for states to take the five action Finally, one last thing left hanging in Wednesday’s debate needs
steps described above [including ”adopting a common core of clarification: States knew very well that they would essentially have to
internationally benchmarked standards in math and language sign on to the national standards effort to compete for Race to the Top
arts.”] At the same time, policymakers should boost federal money, which explains the seemingly widespread state support for the
research and development (R&D) investments to provide effort. Indeed, as early as February 2009 (registration required to read
state leaders with more and better information about this and the next article) U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan stated
international best practices, and should help states develop that he was contemplating using “stimulus” dollars to drive adoption of
streamlined assessment strategies that facilitate cost-effective national standards, and the CCSSI didn’t even formally launch
international comparisons of student performance. until April of that year.

As states reach important milestones on the way toward So again, please watch Wednesday’s debate — it really is entertaining
building internationally competitive education systems, the and informative. But make no mistake: The move to national standards
federal government should offer a range of tiered incentives is anything but truly voluntary and state led. It is very much a federal
to make the next stage of the journey easier, including campaign.
increased flexibility in the use of federal funds and in meeting
federal educational requirements and providing more
resources to implement world-class educational best

In case that doesn’t make clear that CCSSI proponents have long
wanted federal money and power to help drive creation and adoption
of national standards, there is also this contradictory, but nonetheless

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS getting housing goal credit for those loans. For instance, 25% of Fannie’s
whole loan purchases were from Countrywide. So rather than, as Paul
On Bailout for Bureaucrats, SC- claims that CRA didn’t matter, what the comparison shows is that the
GSE housing goals were more damaging than CRA.
03 Candidates Show Their True
Krugman tries to cover this base by claiming that Fannie and Freddie
Colors [The Club for Growth] were “sidelined by Congress” during the worst years of the boom. As
JUN 04, 2010 03:34P.M. someone who spent the boom years as staff on the Senate Banking
Committee, I found that claim to be insane. For every Senator Shelby
WASHINGTON S COMMITTEE. 202-955-5500. who tried to sideline the GSE’s, there was 10 Senators Sarbanes, Dodd
and Schumer who pushed the GSEs to do more. Krugman needs to move
past empty assertions and offer some, any, evidence that Congress
sidelined Fannie and Freddie.
What evidence he does offer is to show that during the boom, the percent
“You Punch Them, I Punch You” of the market that was securitized by Fannie/Freddie fell, while the
percent securitized by the private-label market increased. Krugman has
[Americans for Tax Reform] that fact correct, yet he misses a critical point. That increase in private-
JUN 04, 2010 03:28P.M. label securities was being funded/purchased by Fannie and Freddie.

This is one of the most truthful four minute speeches you will ever see a
prominent American politician give. NJ Gov. Chris Christie makes an
important point: Fiscal conservatives and education ref...


Krugman’s Fannie Mae

Fantasyland [Cato at Liberty]
JUN 04, 2010 02:30P.M.

By Mark A. Calabria

An insightful op-ed in yesterday’s Financial Times by Raghu Rajan (who

will be presenting his latest book soon here at Cato), apparently was too As my chart illustrates, the more involved were Fannie and Freddie in
much for Paul Krugman to bear. What was Rajan’s great crime that so purchasing subprime MBS, the more the subprime market grew. During
upset Krugman? Rajan, correctly, pointed out that US policies, such as the bubble years, Fannie and Freddie were the largest single source of
Fannie Mae and the Community Re-investment Act, were direct liquidity for the subprime market. And the chart doesn’t even take into
contributors to the financial crisis and that bankers shouldn’t be blame account all the subprime whole loans being purchased by the GSEs.
for simply reacting to perverse government incentives.
Sadly Krugman has his facts on CRA wrong as well. I point the reader to
Now Krugman cannot bear to see CRA and Fannie questioned. He claims Ed Pinto’s work in this area, as well as my post on CRA from a few
that Rajan is relying on some blind faith that has been dis-proven by all months ago.
thinking people. Krugman offers two points (his supposed “facts”) that
prove Fannie Mae and CRA are innocent. We have little hope of avoiding a future financial crisis if we do not undo
all the perverse government incentives for irresponsible lending.
First, he argues that the bad lending was done not by banks covered by Krugman’s presentation of selective and misleading data only makes true
CRA, but by non-banks that were exempt from CRA. Now in Krugman’s and meaningful reform all the more difficult.
defense, there is a grain of truth to this. For instance, up until its
purchase of a thrift, Countrywide, the largest subprime player, was not
covered by CRA. However, comparing Countrywide to say Bank of
America, which was covered by CRA, misses a crucial point: these non-
CRA lenders were selling their loans to Fannie and Freddie, who were

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010


John Kasich Signs the Taxpayer Charles Murray on Ayn Rand

Protection Pledge [Americans [Cato at Liberty]
JUN 04, 2010 10:50A.M.
for Tax Reform]
JUN 04, 2010 01:00P.M. By David Boaz

[PDF Version] Former U.S. House Budget Committee Chair John Kasich, Ayn Rand’s books have been selling strongly for more than 50 years, a
a Republican running for Governor of Ohio, has signed the Taxpayer constant irritant to the literary and academic establishments. And since
Protection Pledge sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform (A... the acceleration in government growth about 18 months, they’ve been
selling better than ever. In the middle of that surge of interest, two new
biographies of Rand were published, whose authors were featured at a
Cato Institute Book Forum last fall. Now Charles Murray, the author of
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS such books as Human Accomplishment and What It Means to Be a
Libertarian, reflects on Ayn Rand in a review of those books.
Ken Blackwell: Does Obama
Murray does a great job of showing what was wrong — and what was
Believe All Students Are Created very right — with Ayn Rand. To the certain annoyance of her fans,
Murray insists that “there is a dismaying discrepancy between the Ayn
Equal? [The Club for Growth] Rand of real life and Ayn Rand as she presented herself to the world. The
JUN 04, 2010 11:37A.M. discrepancy is important because Rand herself made such a big deal
about living a life that was the embodiment of her philosophy.”
Club for Growth board member Ken Blackwell has a new piece in the Nevertheless, he muses, “Why then has reading these biographies of a
Washington Examiner about the Obama Administration s bias is elitism, deeply flawed woman—putting it gently—made me want to go back and
not concern for federal student loan programs. reread her novels yet again? The answer is that Rand was a hedgehog
who got a few huge truths right, and expressed those truths in her fiction
so powerfully that they continue to inspire each new generation.” He
Ayn Rand never dwelt on her Russian childhood, preferring
Oklahoma and California Target to think of herself as wholly American. Rightly so. The huge
truths she apprehended and expressed were as American as
Online Sales Taxes [Americans apple pie. I suppose hardcore Objectivists will consider what
I’m about to say heresy, but hardcore Objectivists are not
for Tax Reform] competent to judge. The novels are what make Ayn Rand
JUN 04, 2010 10:50A.M. important. Better than any other American novelist, she
captured the magic of what life in America is supposed to be.
The following has been cross-posted from Last The utopia of her novels is not a utopia of greed. It is not a
week, the Oklahoma State House passed several bills that would raise utopia of Nietzschean supermen. It is a utopia of human
taxes in different areas in order to negate a $300 million ... beings living together in Jeffersonian freedom.

Read the whole thing.

I note that the excellent new group blog Pileus got to this review before I
did. Plenty of other good thoughts there, too, on topics ranging from
Adam Smith to David Souter to a comparison between Rand and Marx.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 5 June 2010


Toomey Leads Sestak in New

Poll [The Club for Growth]
JUN 04, 2010 09:41A.M.

From Rasmussen Reports: Congressman Joe Sestak S COMMITTEE.


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