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An Inspector Calls – Essay Plan

You should comment on:

• The genre 'An Inspector Calls' belongs to. Try to include explanations of
the terms ‘morality play’ and ‘well-made-play’ if it is relevant to what you’re

• What it is the Inspector wants to show or teach the Birlings;

What Priestley's main concerns were when he wrote the play- what is his message?
Why are the dates of when the play was written (1945) and when it is set (1912)
are important?

The Main Body

You must show how the playwright uses a variety of different dramatic devices to
influence the audience. You must demonstrate that you can analyse the scene
stated in the question but also prove that you’ve understood the entire play.
Remember to back up your points with suitable quotations and to fully explain the
statements you’re trying to make.

PLANNING: Decide which dramatic devices you are going to discuss in each
paragraph. Link relevant ones together. REMEMBER TO USE YOUR TABLE TO HELP

e.g. paragraph one: lighting/positioning of characters/props/extensive directions

paragraph two: dramatic irony
paragraph three: timings
paragraph four: symbolism of characters (mention morality play)/class
divide and how this is represented.

You should write a paragraph which relates back to the question about the effect
of the dramatic devices in Act One on an audience. Sum up your ideas and finish
the essay with a succinct answer to the question.

You should mention:

How the playwright changes your opinion of the Birlings during Act One

The methods Priestley uses to interest and involve the audience

What you think the playwright's message is and why it is still relevant today.

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