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PROCESS PLANT LAY (e)Osh PIPING DESIGN Ed Bausbacher « Roger Hunt Foreword Preface 1 the Basics of Plant Layout Design _ ‘The Plant Layout Designer . Project Input Data Basic Layout Philosophy Abbreviations, Sundards, and Terminology 2__ Plant Layout Specification ‘The Components of Specification ix 19 3. Plot Plans The Plot Plan inte Process Unt Defintion : Plot Plan Development Of Plo Plas *lpment Location Pipe Racks... . Roads, Access Ways, and Paving ¥ Buildings equipment Spaces Sample Plot Plan Arrangement 2 27 2 3 33 2 4 “ “4 31 4 compressors ‘Auxiliary Equipment ‘Centrifugal Compressors: Nozzle Orientations ‘Types of Compressor Drives Lube Oil System Seal Oil System. Surface Condensers and Auxiliary Equipment ‘Compressor Maintenance ‘Compressor Arrangement and Location Elevations of Machines 55 a 61 “4 “4 6 6 6 9 —ae a a Contenis Ime and ter oot 2 ‘Housing and Platform Requirements 3 General Compress Layo % * 2 95 % 1 103 Msenance toe Pare Cofino “aor G-_exchangers! txchangerConsuction no Exchanger Lction ane Sappor hs noztle Oneaton hs Exchange Ping res Exchanger Maffitenance 135 7 euenaces asic Operation and Primary Pans ofa Furnace 141 ‘Types of Furnaces Terminology c Burners ee Combustion Air Pretsesting Systems General Arrangement of Furnaces Piping Layout for « Bumace-.¢ Tail Gas Incinerator and Waste Heat Unit S Pumps Pump Terminology. . « [PSH Requirements M1 144 47 148 149 165 7 181 182 Types of Pumps Pump Locations Pump Piping Pump Piping Supports D Reactors Process Operation Design Considerations for Reactors Location of Reactors ‘Support and Elevation Nozzle Locations and Elevations Platform Arrangements Piping Arrangements Maintenance 10 towers ‘The Distillation Process ‘Types of Towers Design Considerations for Towers ‘Tower Elevation and Support Nozzle Elevation and Orientation Platform Arrangements ‘Tower Piping ‘Tower Instruments Maintenance 11 Pipe Racks Establishing Width, Bent Spacing, and Elevations Setting Line, Valve, and Instrument Locations Pipe Flexibility and Supports Structural Considerations ‘ther Considerations 183 185 188 199 203 203 204 210 216 219 22 23 23 232 240 243 246 252 261 269 2 27 280, Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 12 stcuctares Design Features Structural Terms Structural Details Small Structures Medium-Sized Structures Large Structures Stair Structures Drill Structures Operations Platforms 285 285 287 293 296 301 301 308 13. underground Piping Industry Standards Terminology... ‘Types of Systems Construction Materials Oily Water and Storm Water Systems ‘Chemical and Process (Closed) Sewers Process and Potable Water Fire Water System... go... Underground Electrical and Instrument Duets Underground Deals Underground Composite 14 instrumentation ‘Types of Instruments Instrument Locations. Miscellaneous 305 305 306 308 309 320 522 225 337 37 M5 352 387 15 Process Liquid Storage Tanks _ Codes and Regulations Terminology 359 359 During the 43 yea's of my career, it was extremely difficult and time-consuming for an individual to be come knowledgeable and competent in the field of piping design and plant layout. Little was writen in a format that would provide the designer with educa tional or reference material, About the only ways knowledge and techniques were absorbed were by tedious, repetitious design functions and through ‘working with experienced peers ‘Today, the learning cycle is even more constricted, reducing exposure to the design basics that are so essential to the development of the plant layout de- signer. T have spent considerable time in reviewing and studying Process Plant Layout and Piping Design and Foreword am convinced it provides an excellent tool to enhance the education of individuals who aspire to such a ca: reer. In addition, I believe it should attract widespread use as a textbook and reference manual by refinery and petrochemical companies, engineering and con- struction companies, and technical schools and col- leges. commend the authors on their remarkable effort in accumulating and developing this data and present- ing it in such a practical and commonsense manner. Vincent 1. Surot Piping Design arid Plant Layout Engineer and Manager ‘The publication ofthis book comes ata time when the economic recession of the early 1980s is stil fresh in ‘many people's minds. Although it has been our ambi tion for quite some time 10 produce this book, the economic decline and later recovery of the process industries have provided a real incentive t0 see this ambition fulfilled. It is widely recognized that one of the casualties of the recent economic shakedown in the process industries has been the professional work force, which has seen large numbers of its veterans, join the ranks of retired labor. Short-term cutbacks among engineering, construction, and process manu: facturing firms included voluntary and sometimes in: voluntary measures to reduce their personnel, in par- ticular those workers with the highest salaries and the ‘most seniority. The loss of the industry's veterans has effectively amounted to a brain drain that is felt now ‘with particular irony as the recovery of the process industries continues unabated: the demand for skilled ‘workers has never been greater ‘The intent of this book isto help train, on an accel- ‘erated basis, the arge numbers of young engineers and technicians who are now entering the field, in particular in those areas related to plant layout and piping design, Altrough we recognize that nothing can really substitute for hands-on experience, we believe that this text is unusual in its degree of relevance 10 the young plant layout and piping designer in training, Unlike textbooks and most professional-level books ‘on this subject, Process Plant Layout and Piping De- sign represents the accumulated, practical experience ‘of two plant layour designers who, through more than 65 years of trial and error, have devised workable methods and rules of thumb for plant layout and pip- ing design. The availability of these tried-and-true methods is a firs-time event and has yet t0 be at tempted on this scale in book format. The illustra tions that make up the heart of this book are its key aspect, because plant layout and piping design is visual by nature, requiring the designer to make in essence the conceptual leap from a two-dimensional process Preface am that exists only on paper to a three: dimensional, physical process facil that comprises extensive networks of piping and process equipment “The text has been organized into 16 chapters. The fist three chapters deal with general concepts and Principles of plant layout from basic terminology and input requirements to deliverables. 4 plant layout specification is included for spacing, dlearance, and Safery requirements leading t0 equipment arrange- tment within the process unit plot plan. Chapters 4 through 15 deal with specfc pieces of equipment and their most efficient layout in the overall plant design configuration, Iis anticipated tat future supplements will cover offsite and uty facilites. These wil in- clude rail, road, and ship loading: steam generation; water cooking water treatment; air compression; cryO™ genics, revamps; electrical genertior, modulariza- tion; and materials handling The equipment used in the offsite and utility supplements make up the faci ties required to suppor the operations ofthe process ‘unit equipment highlighted in the main volume. The main volume addresses the plant layout requirements for the most éSmmon process unit equipment. tis structured so thatthe desgnér can quickly identify an area for study oF to use asa reference for hands-on ‘operations. ‘The last chapter in this book is dedicated t0 the computerized tools that are now avalable 10 help plant layout and piping designers in the execution of their work During the past decade oF two, the way these designers learn theie craft has changed dramati- cally, Historically, secondary school graduates entered the profession and spent many yeas earning the bust nest. Novices were tained through such manual exer- Cises as revising drawings, dwingsinge-lineisomet- tics, and preparing piping, material takeoff sheets; eventually, they were given an opportunity 10 do sim ple design work. Today's computers vastly alter this fearing process. One designer at a compurer graphy ics terminal can reroute line and extract the fsomet- ric, which includes a complete bill of materials. x it ‘Such rapid changes in technology demand that in dustcy arlopt a more formal means of educating future designers, because new trainees today must learn in a {ew short years what our talented predecessors spent a lifesime learning by repeated manual exercise. Al- though the availability of the computer vastly facilitates, the design of process plans, the tool itselF does not confer the knowledge of fundamental principles of plant layout and piping design chat are the basis of any Creditable effort at such design work. The computer ‘remains, 2¢ best, a tool for learning and execution; by. ‘no means car: it be viewed zs a substitute for training. It is hoped that future supplements to the main vol- ‘ume of Process Plant Layout and Piping Design will keep the reader informed of current developments in ‘computer technology and aids available to the plant layout designer. A plant layout designer is primarily skilled in the development of equipment arrangements and piping layouts found in process plants. The position offers a Uunique opportunity to demonstrate technical ability and creative talent as well asa commonsense ap- proach to problem solving, The world economy today ‘demands that the design and engineering of process plants be accomplished on extremely short schedules while optimizing operations, maintenance, safety, ualty, constructbilty, and economics. This demand: ing position offers great rewards for those willing to ‘work to solve the countless complex layout problems enniailed in each individual job, And although the tools We now us2 to achieve these goals have changed from pencil and paper to computer graphics terminal, the: responsibilies and challenges of the plant layout de- signer remain the same. It is hoped that, through the combined practical experience of both ‘authors, this volume car help designers meet those challenges suc- cessfully. Process Plant layout and Piping Design ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the following individuals and orga nizations for the use of their material. In Chapter 4, Exhibit 4-46 is adapted from “Centrifugal Compressor Inlet Piping, A Practical Guide” by Ross A. Hackel and Raymond F. King, courtesy of the Elliott Co, Jeannette PA. In Chapter 6, Exhibit 6-52 is reproduced with per- ‘mission from Hydro-Extractors Inc. In Chapter 7, EX: hibits 7-8 through 7-10 are reproduced courtesy ofthe John Zink Co, Tulsa OK. In Chapter 8 Exhibit 83 is reproduced courtesy of Goulds Pump Inc, Seneca Falls NY, and Exhibit 8.5 is reproduced with permis- sion from Pump Applications Engineering by Tyler G. Hicks and T.W. Edwards (New York: McGraw-Hill In). In Chapter 13, Exhibit 13-12 is reproduced with per- mission from the National Clay Pipe Institute, Lake Geneva WI. Exhibit 13-13 is reproduced courtesy of the American Concrete Pipe Association, Vienna VA. ‘The hydrant valve in Exhibit 13-25 is reproduced cour. tesy of Polatis Industries, Iasea IL In Chapter 14, Ex hibits 14-11 through 14-16 are reproduced courtesy of Magnetrol International gc, Downers Grove IL ‘The CB&I Corp of Oak Brook IL provided informa tion on storage tanks for Chapter 15, Guidelines for tank spacing referred to in Chapter 15 are from the pamphlet “General Recommendations for Spacing” from Industrial Risk Insurers of Hartford CT. Chapter 16 is an edited version of a paper pub: lished by M.W. Kellogg & John Houston, Houston TX, and is used with permission, CAD drawings in this chapter are reproduced courtesy of the Intergraph Corp, Huntsville AL, and Zydex Ine, Houston, Plant layout design plays an important part in the de- sign and engineering phases of any industrial facility. ‘This chapter discusses the role and responsibilities of the plant layout designer, provides advice on how to use project data, describes the timing of various activi ties, offers an approach to a basic piping design layout and lists abbreviations and common terminology. Sub: ‘sequent chapters cover plant layout specifications, ma Jor equipment layouts commonly found in such facil ties, pipe rack layout, underground design, and instrumentation. THE PLANT LAYOUT DESIGNER ‘The plant layout designer is skilled primarily in the development of equipment arrangements and piping layouts for process industries. The position offers an ‘opportunity to demonstrate technical ability along ‘with a creative talent and common-sense approach t0 problem solving. Process facilities must be designed and engineered within extremely short schedules while adhering to maintenance, safety, and quality standards; moreover, the design must take construct bility, economics, and operations into account. Al- though the tools to achieve these goals are changing, from pencil and paper to computer graphics termi- nals, the responsibilities of the plant layout design re- ‘main the same. ‘The plant layout designer must develop layout doc- ‘uments during the conceptual and study phases of a project. The skills needed include: + Common sense and the ability to reason. * Knowledge of what a particular plant is designed to do, * A general understanding of how process equipment is maintained and operated. + The ability to generate a safe, comprehensive layout within a specified time and with consideration to- ward constructibllity and costeffectiveness. CHAPTER The Basics of Plant Layout Design + Creativity. ‘Sufficient experience te avoid reinventing the wheel + Knowledge of the principal roles of other design and engineering groups and the ability to use input from these other disciplines. ‘The ability to resolve unclear or questionable data. ‘+ Willingness to compromise in the bes interest of the project. ‘+ The ability to generate clear and concise documen's. ‘= The ability to defend designs when challenged. The Designer's Role Exhibit 1-1 shows the factors, departments, and per: sonnel with which the plant layout designer can ex- pect to work throughout the engineering phase of a project. The principal activities of the plot plan devel ‘opment, equipment layout, and piping design, which Often account for a significant portion of project engi neering costs, become a focal point for clents, project ‘management, construction, engineering, and support ing disciplines. he designer must realize that time and care spent during engineering help shorten con: struction schedules and thereby lower overall project, costs, The designer must be conscious ofthe construc ibility of every layout Principal Functions ‘The principal functions of the plant layout designer include the conceptual and preliminary developmeat of process unit plot plans, sometimes referred to as, ‘equipment arrangements; the routing of major above and below-grade piping systems; and the layout of ‘equipment and its associated infrastructure. Plot plans show the positions of major units and equipr.znt ‘within units and theie associated infrastructure. Creat ing a well-designed facility involves meeting all client specifications and local government codes and regula tions and adhering to design engineering practices. Plant Layout Interfice With the planning plot plan as a basis, the following functions are a standard pact of the plant layout de- signer’ activities: * Setting all equipment losations—This activity in: ‘cludes input trom construction on erection se {quences of on special proslems associated with set. tung large pieces of equipment, Choosing equip- ‘ment locations includes setting coordinates in two directions and finalizing equipment elevations, ‘whether they are centerline, tangent line, or bottom 9 baseplate. Designing all structures and positioning the associ ated stairways, ladders, and platforms—In general, the designer makes provisions to satisfy all opera tional, maintenance, and safety requirements for ac: cess to and clearance around equipment. Planning unobstructed areas for necessary steel ‘members or structures that facilitate all plant main- tenance requirements ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design ‘+ Establishing all equipment nozzle locations that satisfy all process, utility, and instrument requir: ments - * Locating all safety items (eg, fire hydrants, moni tors, and safety shower stations). * Locating all miscellaneous items (eg, filters, si- lencers, and analyzer houses), ‘These activities must be closely coordinated among all the plant design and construction participants in- volved in the engineering and construction phases cf a project to reduce costly rework and enable the plant layout designer to generate the optimum design on schedule. PROJECT INPUT DATA Although there isa vast amount of input data through: ‘out the life of a project, the data basically falls irto viel oy EXHIBIT 1-2 Iaternally Generated Engineering Data three distinct categories: + Project design data—Is supplied by the client or project engineering, + Vendor data—Pertains to equipment and specialty bulk items. + Internally generated engineering data ‘These are discussed in the following sections. Project design data This includes the geographic lo cation ofthe plans its proximity to roads, railways, and ‘waterways; local codes and. regulations; topography; and climatic conditions. The project design data also specifies whether the project is within an existing facil ity o is a new ste, This information is generally re- quired during the projects plot plan development phase, Vendor data All purchased equipment and specialty bulk items (eg., pumps, compressors, air coolers, Fur- races, control aad safety valves, level instruments, strainers, and silencers) require preliminary vendor drawings for the development of piping layouts. Final certified drawings are usually not required until the detail phase. Internally generated engineering data This data is typically generated by the supporting. disciplines within the designer's organization. An example of such information is shown in Exhibit 1-2. This infor- mation is eventually superseded by certified vendor drawings but is of sufficient quality and definition to use during the study phase of the project. ‘The Logic Diagram ~ ‘The design of any processing plant is asually accom: plished in three phases: conceptual, study. and detail Conceptual designs are made when sketchy or mini ‘mal information is used to prepare an abstract ar: rangement of a plot plan or an equipment and piping, layout, Preliminary, or study phase, designs are made with unchecked or uncertified data to design a faciity {in sufficient detail so that the documents produced ‘ean be used for detail design, confirmation ot pur- chased equipment, and the purchase ofbulk materials. In the detail phase, all designs are finalized. The ae- signs use such checked data as steel ana concrete drawings, hydraulics and certified veador drawings for equipment, valves, and instruments, ‘The major activities of the plant layout designe: 10 achieve an optimum plant configuration ake place The Basics of Plant Layout Design Logic sen | © caverwal notion + Pesuaniocy AZT dant + aupy Loyat melon Le Heomumy TeyeesTuaTs, * ee ee opel beat cae ouviard da uweomapey during the study phase of a project. The diagram shown in Exhibit 1-3 outlines the sequence of these activities, along with the principal input required and output generated. Although projec schedules often dictate variations in this approach, it is intended to be ‘an optimum condition for the most effective use of staff time. The study phase can make or break a proj- cect. Working out of sequence is acceptable within rea son, but if itis overdone, a project will never recover during the detail phase. The ideal situation for speed and quality isto do the job right the first ime ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Leusee 5 | us en \(Ezepuizer) lm | ] BASIC LAYOUT PHILOSOPHY Each plant layout designer develops an individual lay- ‘out philosophy, Although conditions (eg,, client spect fications, schedule constraints, and availability of infor: mation) may change significantly among projects, the designer's style remains consistent. One basic rule to remember is to avoid designing one line at a time— that is, routing a line from one piece of equipment 10 ‘another before thinking about the next one. Although it is possible to complete an area design using this EXHIBIT 1-4 Plan View Layout approach, the result is a lack of consistency. ‘An overview of all the piping within a given area should be completed before the designer proceeds with the final arrangement. This can be achieved through close review of the piping and instrumenta tion diagrams and freehand sketching of major piping ‘configurations to ensure that the piping will be routed in an orderly manner. Plan View Layout Both arrangements shown in Exhibit 1-4are workable piping layouts for the given equipment. The desig in plan A is the one-line-atatime approach. Aleng with requiring more pipe fittings and stee! in suppozt 3, 1 lacks consistency. Plan B was developed as a whole unit, Lines running to the nozzles on druris D and E ‘The Basics of Plant Layout Design EXHIBIT 1-5. Elevation Layout EXCRONE devious are on the outside of the pive rack and peel off frst ‘with flat piping turns. The lines to exchangers A, B, and C are located to the center of the rack and can also peel off in most cases This approach saves fitings and requires a shorter steci beam to support the piping. It should be noted that the use of flat turns in piping is not recommended if there is a likelihood of future expansion in an area, ‘The alternative to accommodate future piping running ‘north at the same elevation is to change elevation for the piping running east and west to the drums. Al: ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Peerenze> Dench /MNMUM BEVITIONS. though it is not always necessary to plan for future expansion, it can often be done with very little addi tional effort and cost, Fach area should be thought through on a case-by-case basis. Elevation Layout Exhibit 1-5 shows two workable piping layouts. The key difference is that the arrangement on the left shows piping running at 100 many elevations. With a litle effort, this can be corrected, as shown in the EXHIBIT 146 Diagonal Piping Runs winis plant WN righthand view. Adding support steel for this prefer- red design would require only minimal effort. The view on the left, however, would require additional engineering time and additional steel cost. Diagonal Piping Runs ‘When lines are runin a congested area, a basic rule to follow is to change the elevation to avoid interference ‘with other lines when lines are to be routed perpen- dicular to most adjacent piping, The arrangement shown in plan A of Exhibit 1-6 has a minimal offset dimension, X. Running the line at the same elevation is acceptable if it does not block the passage of a large ‘number of other lines. In plan B, dimension ¥ would interfere with too many lines and should run ata dif ferent elevation, as shown, There is no absolute rule, except that judgment should be used to produce a neat and orderly layout as well as to occasionally save pipe fitings when possible. Valve Manifolds ‘The layout of valve manifolds is another opportunity to exercise consistency of design. Layout A of Exhibit 1-7 uses an excessive number of fittings and indicates, a lack of proper planning. With a litle thought and extra effort, a less expensive and more practical design can be generated, as shown in layout B. Certain piping specifications may restrict the use of branch connec: tions in lieu of reducers, but this option shoule! be ‘considered if at all possible. Thre Basics of Plant Layout Design Use of Space The effective use of plant real estate provides plant ‘operations and maintenance personnel with the maxi ‘mum amount of room in a plant, which in most cases ‘can be very congested. Exhibit 1-8 shows some typical misuses of valuable real esta, For example, the steam trap assembly shown on the left is commonly designed in the engineering office, ‘This arrangement for a thermodynamic steam trap is spread out over an area of approximately 27 in (690 mm) in length. Although this area may not seem ex: cessive for one trap assembly, it can be avoided com- pletely by installing the trap and strainer in the vertical leg of the piping, as shown on the right. An additional drain may be required, but this arrangement should bbe considered as a space-saving alternative, The steam, tracing manifold in the lefthand sketch is another common engineering office approach that wastes val able plant space. If a vertical manifold that is sup- ported from the column is used, additional space is available for other piping systems or operator acces. The client must live with the plant long after the engineering and construction phases are over. The ‘operators will be walking through the facility each day and will be continually reminded of who took the time and effort to plan the project thoroughly, and they will Process Plant Layout and Piping Design MiNi EIT keep that in mind when the next expansion is planned. ABBREVIATIONS, STANDARDS, AND TERMINOLOGY This section defines and.summarizes the abbrevia: tions, standards, and terfninology used throughout this book. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in text and illus: ‘+ AG—Above ground. ‘+ ANSI—American National Standards Institute, + ASME—American Society of Mechanical Engineers + BBP—Boutom of baseplate. * BL—Battery limit. + £—Centerline, + EL—Blevation + IRI—Industrial Risk Insurers. + NGNorth, 10 + OD—Outside diameter. + —Diameter + NFPA—National Fire Protection Association + NPSH—Net positive sucton head, + OSHA—Operational Safety and Health Act + PED—Process flow diagram, + PID—Piping and instrumentation diagram. + POS—Point of suppor. + TL—Tangent line. + TOS—Top of see. + TyP—Aypical + UG—Underground. Codes and Standards ‘This book refers to the following codes and standards, which cover the stated areas: + ANSVASME B31-3—Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping, + ANSVASME B31-4—Petroleum pipeline. + ANSV/ASME B31-8—Gas transmission pipeline. + NFPA 30—Tank storage, + NFPA 58—Liquefied petroleum gas storage and han- dling + NFPA 59A—Liquefied natural gas storage and han- dling. + OSHA 1910-24—Fixed stairs, + OSHA 1910-27—Fixed ladders Terminology ‘The terminology used in text and illustrations is de- fined in the following sections. Process flow diagram This document schematically shows all major equipment items within a plant and how they are linked togetter by piping, ducts, and Process Plant Layout and Piping Dest conveyors. It shows equipment numbers, flow rates, and operating pressures and temperatures and is used to prepare the mechanical flow diagrams (i.e, piping and instrumentation diagrams). It is also used to pre: pare conceptual and preliminary plot plans Equipment list An itemized accounting list by class of all equipment to be used on a project, this docu: ‘ment gives the equipment item numbers and descrip- tons and is generally furnished by the client or project, engineering, Piping and instrumentation diagrams These cocu: ‘ments schematically show all process, utility, and aux. illary equipment as well as piping, valving, specialty items, instrumentation and insulation, and heat tracing requirements, Piping specification This document lists the type of ‘materials to be used for pipes, valves, and fittings for each commodity in a plant. This listing is based on pressure, temperature, and the corrosive nature of the flow medium. It also describes pipe wall thicknesses, how branch connections are made, and itemized sock ‘codes that are used for ordering materials Line run This is the physical route a pipe takes be- tween any two points as set by the plant layout de- signer. Planning study or layout drawing This is an otho- graphic piping plan. It is usually not a finished docu- ‘ment, nor is it deliverable to a client, This drawing shows all equipment in a given area to scale and in: ‘ludes major process and utility piping systems, signif cant valving, and instruments, It notes exact equip- ‘ment locations and elevations, all nozzles, platform and ladder requirements, and any pipe support data that affects the design of equipment or structures by other disciplines. Exhibit 1-9 is a typical example of a planning study, EXHIBIT 1.9 Typical Planning Study uu ELE ene ent") cad 1 4.27611 were 7 The Rasies of Plant Layout Dest JJesceg vances LN wevlanen Heat tracing In many processes, equipment, instru- ‘ments, and piping systems require externally applied heat. This heat may be applied by electrical tracing leads attached to the item or line or through a small bore pipe or tubing that carries steam or other heating, ‘media (eg, hot oil). An example ofa steam traced line is shown in Exhibit 1-10, Inline This term refers tc a component that is placed cither inside or between z pair of flanges as opposed. to one attached to a piece of pipe or equipment. An ‘example of inline instrumentation is shown in Exhibit 1 Header block valves These valves isolate branch lines that are not usually provided with permanent access for plant operations personnel Header This line isthe primary source of a commod. ity used by numerous pieces of equipment or service Process Plant Layout and Piping Desig ‘EXHIBIT 1-10 Steam-Traced Line points in a plant. An example of a header arrangement is shown in Exhibit 1-12. Branch The individual piping leads between head: cers and users are also illustrated in Exhibit 1-12, ‘Maintenance Equipment and its components re: quire routine maintenance for continued reliability and safe operation. A plant layout designer must pro- vide unobstructed space for service equipment and personnel to access and remove components without removing unrelated equipment and piping. Operation Valves, instruments, and many types of equipment require frequent attention for operation. ‘These items must be accessible without impairing the safety of plant personnel Safety The layout of any facility must enable plant personnel to exit a potentially hazardous area without EXHIBIT 14 Inline Instrumentation Bee ERE tee a Bub HEBER here Ee ch Header Block vate a os {njury. Planning for safery includes adding roadways to provide access for fie fighters and equipment, strate giclly placing fire detectors and hydrants around the process unt; adding sufficient ladders and stairways at structures to meet OSHA requirements; locating fur races with fired burners away from potential sources ‘of gas leaks; and seting the height and location of venis to prevent injury t0 operating personnel Cost-effective Developing the most inexpensive lay. ‘out may not translate into the most costeffective de: sign for the life of the plant. A costeffective design is the result of a balanced consideration of initial cost, safety, and the long-term effects of a design on opera tions and maintenance, ‘An example of costeffectiveness is the layout of steamdriven gas compressors. Although a grade- mounted installation is intially less expensive to in- stall, maintenance on such arrangements often re- quires the dismantling of all major piping systems. ‘This can prolong plant downtime and translates into lost revenue for the client. Careful consideration should be given to al factors before the initially low- est-cost solution is chosen, ‘The Basics of Plant Layout Design 14. EXHIBIT 1-13 Gravity Few ob eked N22 ET NOL IGATION Gravity flow When pockets must be avoided in a aiven piping system, the line is labeled “gravity low” ‘on the piping and instrumentation diagram. This often results in locating equipment in elevated structures instead of at grade, as shown in Exhibit 1-13, Open systems An open system is one in which the contents of a line are disckarged and not recovered, Examples ofthis include a relief valve discharging into the atmosphere and a steam: trap discharging onto the ‘ground or into an open drain, Closed systems _A closed system is one in which the contents of relief systems or steam trap condensates: are recovered. Examples of open and closed systems. are shown in Exhibit 1-14, “Process Plant Layout and Piping Desig eee A aes 22viTY Flow pesiahl Flexibility _ Every piping arrangement must be suf ciently flexible to allow each line to thermally expand, for contract without overstressing the pipe or equip- ‘ment. Exhibit 1-15 illustrates several methods to meet this flexibility requirement, including * Relocating equipment to build flexibility into the inherent design of the line + Adding an expansion loop. + Adding an expansion joint (but only ifa loop will not suffice). * Reducing the schedule (Le, wall thickness) of the pipe if possible. ‘The designer should thoroughly review all possible EXHIBIT 1-14 Open and Closed systems The Basics of Plant Layont Design solutions with the project stress engineer before pro: ceeding with any of these methods. Pipe supports These steel members are attached to a pipe to hold it in place dusing operation. Supports are available in many shapes and sizes and range from those that hold a line firm enough to permit no move: ‘ment to those that allow movement in any dicection, Some typical pipe supports are shown in Exhibit 116 and include: * Pipe shoes—These insulated lines are usually sup. ported on shoes fabricsted from structural shapes (eg, Tsections or wide flanges). A standard shoe height is 4 in (100 mm) ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design * Spring supports—These lines move at the point of support asa result of thermal expansion or contrac- tion and are generally supported by springs. De- signed for specific pipe loads and movements, they ‘maintain a support under a line throughout its ange (of movernent, Trunnions and dummy legs—These suppor are used for many applications and are welded to the ‘outside of the pipe without cutting a hole into it. Brackets—This type of support may be welded to structural members or certain pieces of equipment. It may have a cantilever design or knee bracing for supporting heavy loads. Lines may be U-bohed, ‘guided, or hung by rod hangers from the bracket of ‘may rest on shoes. ‘A plant layout designer should make every effort t0 know and understand the pipe support requirements of the area being worked on so that an optimum lay: ‘out from a piping and a pipe support point of view can be developed. Constructibility Spending additional time and effort during the engineering phase of a project is often just: fied if it reduces intial construction staff time or de- creases the potential for costly rework on piping lay- outs. Two examples of constructbility are shown in Exhibit 1-17. The suction piping of pump A is arranged firing to fitting and does not allow the construction, contracter any way 10 make an adjustment t0 2 mis alignment between the centerline ofthe vessel and the: pump. Although the piping configuration is basically correct, it ignores the constructbility of the overall layout. Adding a spool piece to pump B permits any adjustment that construction may require. ‘The fitting to-ftting arrangement at the air cooler inlet header poses a similar problem, Installation of, large air coolers often makes it impossible for a pre- fabricated piping configuration to be belted to the nozzles, unless a spool piece of reasonable length is included in the layout. Heat may be applied to the problem branch lines so they can be recentered on the nozzles. The fitting to-fting configuration does not permit this flexibility to the constructor. Once again, the construcubility factor should be considered. The Basics of Plant Layout Design Specification, 2s used in industrial terminology, means the constraints under which a component should be designed and manufactured. Almost everything that is purchased, constructed, or designed is governed by specifications. Specifications encourage uniformity and improve qualiy throughout all industries. For the plant layout desigrer, specification is an essential tool Of the trade. Ignorance of or failure vo comply with the guidelines set in the project specification could be costly and could affect the quality ofthe design. Speci cations set the requirements for plant equipment ar- rangement, operation, maintenance, and safety in the process plant layout and detail the requirements for compliance with national codes and regulations. THE COMPONENTS OF SPECIFICATION ‘This chapter defines what is included in the specifica tion. The plant layout designer must be aware of al the specification components and how to work effec. Lively with the specification, Modifications Any revisions, exceptions, or addenda to the specifica- tion should be higilighted in the project documenta: tion. Except for small skid-mounted units, all clear ances and accesses for operation and maintenance on. equipment furnished as a regular part of a proprietary package should be in accordance with the require: ‘ments of the spectication, Terms Operator access is the space required beween com- ponents or pairs of components to permit walking, ‘operating valves, viewing instruments, climbing lad- ders or stars, and safely exiting the unit in an emer- gency. Maintenance access is the space required to service CHAPTER Plant Layout Specification ‘equipment in place or to remove the urit equipment or portions of equipment for offsite repair. Equipment includes every component associated with the process plant (eg, pumps, towers, heat ex changers, and compressors). Equipment Arrangement General plant arrangement must be ccnsistent swith prevaling atmospheric and site conditions 25 well 25 twith local codes and regulations. Equipment must be {rouped within common process areas to suit inde- pendent operation and shutdown, Equipment within process and offsite areas must be arranged to accom Imodate operational and maintenance access and t0 meet the safety requirements listed in Eahibit 2-1. Un- less required for common operation o safery, equip- ‘ment sto be locsted in process sequence to minimize {interconnecting piping Process unis, buildings, and groups of ost areas (ee, tank farms) are serviced by auilary roads for maintenance and fire fighting. Equipment location ‘must facilitate in-place maintenance by mobile equip ‘ment, Process ejuipment must be enclosed in shelters only when required by exter climatic conditions or client preferences Tn general, piping, power, and instrament cables are to be carried on overhead pipe racks in process unis and uulty plants and in grade sleepers in offsite ress. Equipment Elevations Equipment should generally be elevated a minimum. height from grade to suit process, operational, and. ‘maintenance requirements. Horizontal drums, shell and tube exchangers, and furnaces must 3e supported. from grade by concrete piers. Vertical vessels (eg, towers and reactors with atached skirts) and baseplate ‘equipment with pumps should be supported at grade by concrete foundations. 1D 20 EXHIBIT 2-1 Equipment Spacing @ ne hy) Flaze IIIS] Saito. The diameter ofthe largest ae G Double the diameter ofthe lamest 1. Maximum 250": minimum will ary NA Ble Fee ers Be Minimum eo suit operator or Not applicable Ks ee Rp une: Suen Ip] seu pes Ik[s lo E[eas Se Le P-bb EPR] re s re Ga ad BIISIs| 13/8 S| Ret] | Se Ele is iz| is] ie) EEE EE | | sil ele clei Ba ag Notes: Exhibit 2-1 highlights the recommended sfery distances Fixe re water sprays should be provided over equipment that between equipment ssocinted wit resnery, chemical, and handles flammable materials and operates at temperatures petrochemical plants fgeater than 500" F (260° C) and over equips tat hands “Tis exhibit shouldbe read in conjunction with national and light hydrocarbons with a vapor pressure greater than 6 pe Toca codes and repuatons Exceptions to tis exhibit should be 5 Alem) t 100" F 38" C) or a dschage presture grencr Than 500 ps (35 kyyem) that located directly beneath 3 elent specication only eae Dimensions shown ae t the fice of equipment and are a. English Measurement Large vacuum or crude towers with swagged bot- overhead pipe racks. Equipment elevations must be in tom sections and compressors that are 10 be elevated accordance with Exhibit 2-2 for operational needs mus: be supported from con- crete structures. Equipment that must be elevated for process requirements (eg. shell and tube overhead Roads, Paving, and Railroads condensers) must be supported in structures. When Process plants are to be serviced by roads adjacent to practical, air coolers should also be supported from process units, utility plints, materials-handling and ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 21 ee EXHIBIT 2-1 Equipment Spacing (Cont) Key: 1 canbe reduced os mini of Stmby incre bag oe 1 oder power peat at compres © Mone bins sou be No tscced wo pone pete Kems of Greater than 260" € aeaaty 2 eSesare azhe sy : rrpeah ea ar 2 Rawat reie PARRIZEL Ue SERRA es Mahia a sae 1 Maxie 71 mis wil ary 41 [fs lsela |) Hl tO ‘M_ Minimum to suit operstor oF eect tmamenance nce select NSS NSA Sy Na Notapntabie ${ 1 blesistotste tulad ode yap Bl fetseslehshs le als rR helislect el eles lola shai) (ot gharener ehenetele [ee ea She IL WM fis sls lis lie [aelde|dsinal" bus hay hap als fr fee feolm [nahi BI) ey bal pliglishiobelistasie fa [a [eshshap |a ® 12} * polis is lato rs aolesleed 3 Bole [ua Piet Dhea[30| ules aoac lao elects] hua Tol Zhe | 45 feo [45 feo Iolo ao | m1 > 1M 3 ALM haliel leo leolect folio [oI § [tat Wleots lecleolactie oe lislioteolist > Fed » 1 oe ke! [ae | i me oI 8 & PRereeeecEERErieuuh tab ait neal Bo fpoleo leo keolioleolishate valuable real leo [aolee lao lao lack [is ello > celal ies 145 [a0 lao [bo lac [eo lew laol lao fi sha MEamiMiM| | | Hash leoleobelslecleobolibleliol b= rales eal] Hel Tes Beleokeo bo bo ke [eobol es larlaels Mls [3 [ul feo] Teo dS lao lo be [eolacleoleol be lio |milzo. lastasta[s m3 1 ret Tea BS oles fs Bo [ew es aol Bs ‘efislis fret tisti feat | elas leoles fo [so lao lem hs [aeles ie > shes [elie [Si ialaS lee lect sob|eleol > leolie teal oa reletieleh Bol Va51M IM lis In| leo leo |ao! > Ti: mT [Mm [Mme [MM b. Metric Measurement © loading areas, and groups of offsite equipment that require access for maintenance and fire fighting. An adequate road network and parking facility should be provided at administration buildings, the main plant control room, firehouses, and warehouses. Access ‘ways or secondary roads must be provided within pro: ‘cess units and utibty plants so that equipment can be removed for off-unit repair and chemicals and cata lysis can be loaded and unloaded. Roads must be ramped over piping at intersections with grade-level sleepers. Paving within process units and utility plants should. also encompass all equipment, unit control room ar eas and the area heneath the main pipe rack. Unless required for maictenance reasons, paving need not extend to auxiliary roads. Off site area paving must be provided at groups of equipment (eg, pump slabs and metering stations) but not at tank farms, inside diked areas, under pipe racks, or in areas alongside roads, except when re- quired for maintenance. These unpaved areas are not surfaced. Unpaved areas within the batery limits of process units and utlity plants must be graded and surfaced with crushed stone or a similar material. Ex cept for floors in control and switchgear buildings, all indoor and outdoor paving must be sloped for drain- age. Curbs and walls are to be used in process units and. utility plants to contain spills from equipment using. acid and other dangerous chemicals. Earthen dikes ‘Plant Layout Specification 22 Open Installation ‘Enclosed tnstallation EXHIBIT 2-2 Equipment Elevations Nem Support Reference a 14 Proce Units and Utility Pants Grade paving Aoors igh poine 100" 100900 00'6" 00,150 tow point see 9850 10072" 100050 Verical vessels Botom ofase rag or 100100380101" 100300 legs os ‘Tankage 3orom tov 100300 101" 190450 res orzona vessels tom of ses As required for NPSH or for operation ta aod maintenance Pumps, blowers, packaged Boom of baeplte 00's 10050101" 100300 Independent lubricuted Room of baseplte As required for lube oil earn piping or ‘compressors shat ‘race condensers Motor driven oto of baseplate ‘As requee for clearance at pulstion reciprocating shat odes and piping compressors uroaces, wall of otom of floor plate tor 101200 NAA roofed ros umaces, floor fired Botom of flr plate os 102400 NANA Ps Vere eebolers Botom of lugs [As required to sult struc or cetated Pos ‘ower Pipe racks Tp of see} As required to uit clearances for ‘peraton and maintenance cess 2 ose rade paving, Nooes igh pot ye 3 lw posne ne) Vera vse ‘Bowom of base rng or yea 530, legs pos Storige tanks Tpef bem or bosom of 1" 300 NANA pos Horizon vessels Boom of sadales [As required for FSH or for operation ta ‘and maintenance Pumps, blowers, packaged Hotom of baseplate 1330 Cooling tomers, clarifies, NA Astequeed == NA NAS ‘lear wells - rade pipe sleepers Top of tee Y 300 NA na For ease o height elerence aca l clean fr 1008 {or proj sng English ears and 00180 mone poe ‘ig men: essere Thse uns correspn oe se sean ‘hig in the pros desig apes Dimensions sm in (Of Si) ae eights eve gh poo ade Ar gp lemons sow fr eupmen oe a aoane ‘A mensions sow ein, must be built in offsite areas to retain spills from storage tanks. Dikes, curbs, and walls used to contain tank spills must be able 10 accommodate the volume of the largest tank in the crea, When caleulating the size of enclosure, the designer must consider the dis placement volume of all other tanks (i. to the height ‘of the dike) as well as an allowance for freeboard. ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Railroad systems that are designed for in-plant op- eration and that intersect or form part ofthe main line are to conform with standards and practices of the ‘mainline railroad or appropriate authority. Road, pav- ing, and railroad dimensions and clearances should be in accordance with the minimum dimensions shown in Exhibit 23. KS Dimensions EXHIBIT 23 tem Description ‘& mm ‘Roads, Paving, and Railroads Main plant roads ‘wien 27300 Headroom 2 6300 Inside runing radis 26300 Secondary plant rads Width 16 4800 Heidroom 4300 aside turing radius 13000 Minor acess roads Wcth wo" 3000 Hercom a 3400 Inside ruming radios 82450 Peng Distance from ouside ge of equipmentto edge of "1.200 Railroads Headroom over railroads, fom tp ofall 2 670 Headroom over dead ends ane sidings rom opof 3,600 Clearance from tack centerline to obstrction 200 Centerline dance berween pall tacks ‘000 Disance berseen centerline of tack and parallel 7000 ‘shove ground and underground piping ‘Cover for underground piping within 23 f (7,000, y 900 hen) of rack cn Platforms, Ladders, and Stairs Platforms are to be provided at all elevated equipment and at controls that are beyond reach from grade for ‘manual operation and maintenance. Stairways must be provided to lead to service levels in structures, buildings, compressor house decks, and furnaces that require frequent access by plant opera tions personnel. Storage tanks larger than 15 fe (4,500 ‘mm) in diameter and higher than 20 f¢ (6,000 min) also require stairs for access. Ladders must be pro- vided for vessel platforms, secondary service levels in structures, and furnaces and at storage tanks with the dimensions previously mentioned. Escape ladders must also be provided from service levels so that no point on a platform is horizontally more than 75 (22,500 mm) in walking distance from a main or sec- ondary exit. Side exit ladders are preferred. Flare stacks need only be provided witha single continuous ladder for tip inspeation and access to the top maint- nance platform, Handrais should be installed on open sides of all platform areas and stairways. Ladders that ‘extend more than 29 ft (6,000 mm) above grace must hhave safety cages. Selfclosing gates at ladder openings, ‘on ll platforms are also required. Vertical vessels (€8., towers or reactors) should. generally have circular platforms supported by brack- €ts from the side of the vessel. Platform, ladder, and. stairway dimensions and clearances should be in ac- cordance with those shown in Exhibit 2-4. (Unless oth- erwise noted, dimensions shown are minimum.) EXHIBIT 24 Platforms, Ladders, and Stairs Dimensions tem _Deseription ‘mm Plaforms Headroom 7 2100 ‘Wich of walkways (grade or a) levited) Maximum variance becween oy 20 plalorms without a9 ferermedate sep Wik a vereal vesels 390 Disance between inside radius wr 250 rd psi of plate on ser vesele ‘Maximum distance of plavorm or 5° 1500 irae below centerline of Maximum lengih of dead ends 20" 6000 ladders Wid of ladders 450 Damar of cage 70 Bension a sep of platforms 1200 Dance of boom hoop fram 2400 ‘rade or paform Disance between inside rdivs of °F 350 ‘ertcal vesels 0 centerline Ter rung Maximum vera ie of 3 9,50 Uninterrupted ladder ran ‘Maximum slope fom vera axis ws Toe dearance © Sais Widh (backeoback ofsringes) 26750, Maximum venical onefight rise 18" $300 Maximum angle o Headroom 7” 2300 ‘Wid of landings a) Plant Layout Specification 24 Maintenance Adequate clearance must be provided adjacent to of around equipment and controls that require in-place servicing or that require removal from their fixed op- cerational location for repair. If equipment is located within shelters, suitable fa cilities (eg, trolley beams or traveling cranes) must be provided to lift and relocate the heaviest items. Drop areas must exist within shelters that use fixed handling facilities. There should also be drop areas for vertical equipment that must be lowered to grade. There must be adequate area at all shell and tube exchangers for rodding ortube bundle removal and at furnaces for coil removal. Exhibit 2-5 highlights some Of the principal maintenance activities and handling devices associated with a conventional operating plant Plant Operation ‘There must be clear access at grade and at elevated platforms so that operation ofthe plant can proceed in 4 safe and unrestricted manner. Valves and instru- ‘ments are to be placed so that they can be operated or viewed but do not impede access at grade and ele- vated walkways. Operating valves that cannot conveniently be lo- cated below a centerline elevation of 6 ft 9 in (2,050 ‘mm) from grade or platform must have chain opera: tors, extension stems, or motor operators, Except for batery limit valves, all unit isolation valves must be located at grade. Exhibit 26 highlights the minimum requirements for operator access 10 controls Above-Ground Piping With the exception of pipeline pumping stations, sewers, and most cooling water systems, piping is gen. erally run above grade in process plants, When located below ground, process piping that has protective heat- ing or that requires inspestion and servicing should ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design be located in trenches. In process units and utility plants, piping to equip- ‘ment must run overhead to meet operator and mainte- nance clearances. Short runs of piping (eg., pump suctions), however, may run at grade, where they do ‘not obstruct access ways. Piping in such offsite areas as tank farms must run approximately 18 in (450 mm) above grade and must provide adequate access to con- trols and maintenance areas by walkover stiles. Off site pipe racks must be located adjacent to storage tank dikes. Within diked areas, piping must run by the most direct route unless limited by flexibility and tank set ement. Piping serving a tank or tanks in a common area must not run through adjoining diked areas. Al insulated piping that passes through dikes and. all piping passing under roads or railroads must be enclosed in metal pipe sleeves. Uninsulated piping, passing through dikes should be coated and wrapped. but not sleeved. Piping systems must facilitate the re- ‘moval of equipment without removing the associated piping and controls. Piping systems are to be arranged with sufficient Aexibility to reduce anyrexcessive siresses and, when possible, to accommodate expansion without using, expansion bellows. Line spacing should be based on. anticipated line movements under regular operating. conditions, ‘The top of stacks and continuously operating vents that discharge hazardous vapors must be positioned at least 10 ft (3,000 mm) above any platform within a horizontal radius of 70 ft (21,000 mm) from the vent for stack. Intermittent vents that discharge hazardous vapors into the atmosphere are to be located a mini- mum of 10 ft (3,000 mm) above any platform within a horizontal radius of 35 ft (10,500 mm) from the vent ‘The vertical distance may be reduced for vents and stacks discharging into the atmosphere by the same distance that a platform is outside the safety radius from the vent or stack, as illustrated in Exhibit 2-7. Nonhazardous vapors (eg, air or steam) must be di rected away from personnel, 25 SUE UEEENEEEE vores Hem Actiiey Handling Device EXHIBIT 2-5 Vera vesels Maintenance access cover removal Relief and contol vale remoral Cast loading and unloading ‘esse eternal removal Cover removal (horizontal!) ‘Bovtom cover removal (verti) ‘Top cover removal (veri) Bundle emoval (horizontal) Bundle removal (veal) ‘i cooler tobe removal Pate remonal (plate exchanger) ums, compresors Motor or largest component removal oused). Motor or largest component removal (open insallasoa) Vertical pumps umaces Coll remoral Miscellaneous Fike remoral Sainer removal Relief valves, 4106 in and larger Blinds, blanks, Figures and valves, moce than 300 Tb (135 kg) Smal components, 300 1b (135 kg) and ese Maintenance Maiatenance access dai ereuaes “Top head dave Require Mobile cane Top bead dave or mobile ost tet with load up wo 2000 Ib (500 kg) oF mobile ich pois Mobile crane Mobile crane and enact Mobile crane Mobile crane Manual | Trolley beam or traveling Mobile crane or hoist tele ‘with Kad up to 200 tb (0 ig) Mobile crane Mobile crane Manual oF hoist reste Manual vis itch points, or mobile Hoist estle Manval or hots reste EXHIBIT 2-6 Operator Access to Controls Platform, Fixed em or Grade Level controls Yes vo Motor operated valves Yes No Sample connections Yes No Blinds and Figure Yes No (Observation doors Yes No Relieves Yes No Conar vaves| Yes No Banery limit valves Yes No Vales, 3 in and larger Yes No Hand holes Yes Yes Vales smaller than 3 yes Yes Level gages Yes Yes ‘Pressure instruments Yes Yes Temperature sstumens Yes ves Vessel nozzles No No Check ves No No Header block valves No No rie anges No. No EXHIBIT 2-7 Atmospheric Vents Ul ‘Plant Layout Specification ‘The plot plan is ore of the key documents produced during the engineering phase in any processing facil lity. Ic is used to locate equipment and supporting in fastructure and to establish the sequence of major engineering and construction activities, Plot plans are used by almost every engineering group within a proj ect task force from estimating and scheduling through Construction. The plot plan is developed by the plant layout designer, usually at the proposal stage of the project, and remairs the responsibility of the designer throughout construction, Similar process units engl neered for two clients may look vastly different for various reasons, including available real estate, soil and climate conditons, and client philosophy on op- eration, maintenance, and safety. For these reasons, standardization of process unit plot plans is difficult Nevertheless, as most operating facilities use common, equipment (e.g, shell and tube heat exchangers, pres- sure vessels, pumps, and compressors), itis possible to apply a few basic rules that suit most clients and processes and that enable the plant layout designer t0 approach the task of arranging the equipment and supporting facilites in an orderly manner. THE PLOT PLAN IN THE PROCESS UNIT ‘This chapter highlights the general requirements for process unit plot plan arrangement. It identifies the information required 0 locate operating equipment and supporting facilities to suit operator and mainte- hance access, constructbility, process operation, safery, and cost-effective design. DEFINITION ‘The process unit plot plan is an arrangement drawing, that highlights the equipment and supporting facilities, (eg. pipe racks and buildings). These are required for fa given process integrated within a common battery CHAPTER Plot Plans limiarea, usually designed for independent operation, and shutdown. The final plot plan identifies all the components by designated numbers and shows, 10 scale, the basic shapes of the equipmentand support: ing facilities, locating them in both the vertical and the horizontal. planes. Generally, the arrangement is shown in the plan with elevated views furnished only for clarity (eg, in the vertically structured plant). Plot plans developed with three-dimensional CAD model ing have the advantage of producing multiple plan, elevations, and isometric views with no additional ef fort. The plot plan is used forthe functions discussed in the following sections Piping design The plot plan is used to produce equipment arrangement studies that facilitate the in- terconnection of above: and below-ground process and utility piping systems and to, estimate piping mate- rial quantities. Civil engineering The plot plan is used to develop srading and drainage plans, holding ponds, ciked ar. 2s, foundation and structural designs, and all bul material esimates . Electrical engineering The plot plan is used to pro duce area classification drawings, to locate switchgear and the incoming substation and motor control cen ter, to route cables, and to estimate bulk materials. Instrument engineering The plot plan & used to lo- cate analyzer houses and cable trays, assist in the loca tion of the main control house, and estimate bulk ma- terials Systems engineering The plot plan is used to facili tate hydraulic design, line sizing, and utiliy block flow requirements. Scheduling The plot plan is used to schedule the ‘orderly completion of engineering activities. 27 Construction The plot plan is used to schedule the erection sequence of all plant equipment, which in- cludes rigging studies for large lifts, constructibility reviews, marshaling, and lay-down areas throughout the entire construction phase. Estimating The plot plan is used to estimate the overall cost of the plant Client use The plot plan is used for safety, operator, and maintenance reviews and to develop an as-built record of the plant arrangement. PLOT PLAN DEVELOPMENT Developing a plot plan is rot an exact science, because the arrangement of the plant must be set at the begin- ning ofthe project before all equipment requirements and configurations are finalized and before all of the mechanical problems associated with the design are solved. Plot plan arrangement is a reflection of the designer's ability to anticipate mechanical problems and provide the necessary access for operation and maintenance as well as the designer's general experi cence with plant layout requirements. The intended goal is to produce a safe, costeffective operational plant, which will probably remain in use for atleast 25, years. Therefore, it is important that any errors in Process Plant Layout and Piping Design arrangement be recognized and eliminated during the plot plan development phase of the project because they can be costly to correct once the plant is in opera Plot plans are generally developed in stages, from the inital concept to the fully dimensioned document at the construction issue stage. The proposal plot plan, shown in Exhibit 3-1, is, developed during the estimate phase of the project and is used to estimate bulk materials. I is aso in- cluded in the proposatas a representation of the unit arrangement t0 the prospective client. The proposal plot plan is based on limited information and gener: ally indicates only the principal items of equipment, ‘main supporting facilities, and overall dimensions. ‘After contract award, the proposal plot plan is up- dated to suit the latest information and is reviewed. and approved by the client. This document becomes, the basis for the plant layout phase of the project and. is called the planning plot plan. A sample planning plot plan is shown in Exhibit 3-2, On completion of the plant layout phase—when all the equipment has been sized and is in the best position to suit the proj- fect requirements and when all access roads, buildings, and pipe racks have been located—the plot plan is finally issued for construction. This is illustraied in Exhibit 33 as the construction plot plan To develop a plot plan, the designer must assemble the information discussed in the following sections. EXHIBIT 3.2 Sample Planning Plot Plan ‘The equipment list This document lists all the items Of equipment and buildings by number and descrip- tion to be included within the unit battery limits. A sample equipment list is given in Exhibit 3-4 ‘The process low dagram The process flow diagram is one of the most important documents required by the designer to position equipment. It indicates flow rates, temperatures, and pressures and how the vari ‘ous pieces of equipment are interconnected, The pro cess flow diagram generally does not show utility equipment (eg, drves, surface condensers, and injec tion packages). These can be obtained from the equip: ‘ment list. The process flow diagram does not always show the true representation of the equipment. A shell, and tube exchanger shown as a single item could turn, out to be two or more shells for a large load. Exhibit 3.5 shows a process flow diagram that incorporates the items in the sample equipment list. 1\ototwoe 00, Access Way ‘The block flow’ diagram The block flow diagram shows all primary interconnecting lines beeween pro- cess units, uty plants, and storage facilites hough not absolutely essential, itis a useful cocument for equipment location. Specifications Similar to the plant layout specifica- tion discussed in Chapter 2, this document highlights maintenance, operator access, clearances, and equip- ‘ment spacing, Process design data The process design data gives site information on a map or an overall existing plot plan, The existing plot plan, or site map, shows such ‘geographic details as roads, railroads, rivers or sea shore, land contours, and inhabited areas. It also indi cates the location and extent of real estate available for the new facility or expansion. The process design data indicates weather conditions (eg, average seasonal Plot Plans 30 EXHIBIT 3-3. Sample Construction Plot Plan 3 4 Fermezy co-ceo. Fete’ ini neoe aa wre eare wie ical 2792-78 seer | Pa exsayae | {sss sesuase |" ‘a-eor ara] Iz 2 ree emer rar yaarerna ef ay ewerae| 35 a a 12sa1739, Soar ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 3-4 Sample Equipment List tem Description ‘one arg race Exchangers oe suippe boiler oe Sipe esreuene exchanger 138 Stipper onthe im condor ont eater ce trim cooler 1058 Seipper ered onder lose Remor elven cooler OMA H Combined fed exchangers ove Sutie condeser ie Prada coler fom Toes Gage pump sou Seca a iosen Etpperbowomt pnp v3 Spare sper booms pump rouen Stopper efx pump room Spare reper efx pum rosea Candee pam 10598 Spr ondenste pomp Towers Tout seeprer ive fetor or ed surge drum jon fence compresor suction um 1030 Naceop compressor stem drm jon Wace inson drm 1050 Serpper refx dm compres ‘ove fence compresor 102A Maco compressor 1020) Spare make compre Mscelanous TOG! abe ofl conicle tout ‘orvetn bor eon ten rout omprewor hoe Toh ___Omead uavelng crane 31 temperatures, rainfall records, and prevalling winds). It also gives the plant elevation datum and reference ‘coordinates for plant location Equipment sizes At this phase of the project, the ‘equipment sizes for the plant are furnished by the supporting groups on the basis of preliminary infor- mation and cover such general items as floor space requirements (¢, for a pump of knowin size) or a shell and tube exchanger with only the tube diameter ‘and length given, As the project progresses, equip: ‘ment configurations and sizes become firm and the plot plan is updated accordingly. Exhibit 3-6 lis sam pple information that must be supplied. Materials of construction A materizls specialist, -marks up a process flow diagram identifying special or critical piping materials (eg, alloy and large heavy wall piping). The diagram assists the plant layout de- signer in optimizing equipment locations t0 suit the ‘most economic piping runs. ‘TYPES OF PLOT PLANS Plot plans are often referred to by their process (eg. an ammonia plant or hydrotreater unit) rather than by the type of configuration of the equipment layout. In terms of equipment arrangement, process unit plot plans can basically be divided into ewo cenfigurations: the grade-mounted horizontal inline arrangement seen in most refinery facilities, and the structure- ‘mounted vertical arrangement found in many chemi- cal plants ‘The Grade-Mounted Horizontal Inline Arrangement The horizontal inline unit is usually loccted within a rectangular area, with equipment placed on either side of a central pipe rack serviced by ausiliary roads. Prog Plans EXHIBIT 3-5 Sample Process Flow Diagram AAPHTHA cauece Fuewace ore (0 gate tone eapteeer REACTOR FEED sures a LMU EpeLuGIT Suction. eam ORD) Secu i oot FeeD , lo4-P REFLUX excuanoee gern lieth SEY love Mace uP oP BEY’ Reponee, ee COMPRESSORS 109-E Propuer cootee NAPHTHA HrDesTREATER Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 3-6 Floor Space Sizes Exchangers ‘hem Bundle Diameter engi wore Bin (91S mm) 20 (6100 mm) 12e Min 30mm) 20 (6100 mm) 1038 Min (30mm) 20 (6 100. mm) 1048. 24in 610 mm) —_20 (6100 mm) 15) 30850 mm) 40 (12200 mm) 1068 (wc) 308 @150mm) 20 (6100 mm) 107£ (8 shells) 36in (915 mm)———24 (7,300. am) 108 6049 (1500 mm) 15 8 (4600 em) 1098 30in (750 mm) 20 (6 100 mm) Pumps em Teng ‘wists ore 50500mm) 26 1n (750mm) iP 2k6mOSOmm) — 13 19 380 mm) rosea 46in(1370mm) 24 (610mm) ova 44( 16 in 450 mm) 105.Pu (vertical) 186 in 450 mm)_1 6 in (450 mm) ‘The principal advantage of this arrangement is that the equipment is generclly located at grade, which makes this type of plant easier to construct and more accessi ble for maintenance and operation. The disadvantages are the amount of real estate required and the long, runs of cabling, utiliy, feed, and product piping re- quired to service the unit. Exhibit 3-7 shows a typical horizontal inline plot plan arrangement. ‘The Structure-Mounted Vertical Arrangement ‘The structure-mounted vertical arrangement has ‘equipment located in a rectangular multilevel steel or concrete structure. The structure can be several bays long and either openssided or fully enclosed, to suit either client preference or climate conditions. Piping and cabling usually enter and exit the structure at one level and gain access to each floor by chases or are supported from the outside members. Operators usu- ally gain access to each level by stairs or by elevator. Equipment maintenance is usually accomplished through the use of hitch points, trolley beams, or trav- cling cranes. An adequate area must te provided around each item along with a clear drop zone at ‘grade for equipment removal, The structure is ser- vived by access roads, ‘The advantages of this type of arrangement are the ‘small amount of real estate required for the plant and the ability 10 house the facility to suit process require- ‘ments or climate conditions. The disadlvartages are in the operator and maintenance access and in the con- struction of the plant. Exhibit 3-8 shows a ypical struc- ture-mounted vertical plot plan arrangement EQUIPMENT LOCATION Various requirements dicate the location of equip- ment and supposing faites within the conventional operating plant, and many factors must be considered when the designer is locating equipment. They are discussed in the following sections. Plant Layout Specification ‘This document highlights spacing requirements for ‘equipment and access widths and elevation clearances for operator and maintenance access. A typical plant layout specification can be found in Cha2ter 2. The sample specification shown in Exhibit 3-9 highlights the safety spacing requirements around a process Fur- Economic Piping ‘The major portion of the piping within most process units is used to interconnect equipment and support controls beeween equipment. To minimize the cost of lor Plane 34 EXHIBIT 3-7 Grade-Mounted Horizontal Inline Arrangement this bulk material, equipment should be located in. process sequence and close enough to suit safety needs, access requirements, and piping flexibility, The ‘sequential interconnection cf the unit is shown on the process flow diagram. The fist step is to identify the alloy or heavy wall piping, The diagram should then. be subdivided into smaller groups of process-related. ‘equipment. These groups should contain an assembly Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Of related equipment and controls that function as a subsystem within the main process unit. The compo- ‘nents within the subsystem should be arranged to suit the most economic piping runs, and the whole assem- bly should be positioned within the plot area to pro- vide the most economic interconnection between re- lated process subsystems. Exhibit 310 shows a process flow diagram divided into subsystems, an ar 35 EXHIBIT 3.8. Structure-Mounted Vertical Arrangement UTILITY EouypMeuT A= 60'0'/ \fo00, Be AS REQUIRED Towee Ae Coolee ob Secoup Fleck Rear © EQuipMiesT Plot Plane Thep Freee EXHIBIT 39) Sample Plant Layout Specification for Safety Spacing Requirements 36. [EXHIBIT 3-10 Planning Piping with a Process Flow Diagram TYPICAL Subsystem a. Subdivided Process Flow Diagram Patra pt I ti ' ' ti ' ‘ ! O___ af ae ret ie -—-4 | ' ' t | If] I | I Ul | 2 ___9 | = =e | | ali —_tlLe- § ri : He i L _| 3 4 . Interconnection of Subsystems Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Geavity ‘EXHIBIT 3-11 ‘Typical Gravity Feed Arrangement rangement of a subsystem, and the interconnection of 2 group of subsystems, Process Requirements Equipment often must be located in a specific position +0 support the plan's process operation (eg, for pres- sure drop, line pecketing, and gravity feed). The plant layout designer must be familiar with the process be- ‘cause the process flow diagram rarely indicates this information. It is recommended thatthe designer dis- ‘cuss these requirements with the process engineer before proceeding with the plant arrangement. Ex: hibit 3-11 shows the effects of an arrangement with a ‘gravity feed process requirement. Common Operation Equipment that requires continuous operator atten: tion or shares common utility and maintenance facili. tes should be located in the same area. For example, compressors generally require 24-hour operator at tention. Compressors with condensing steam turbine drives often share the same surface condenser and are located in a compressor house using a common fixed handling facility feg., an overhead traveling crane). “Although this arrangement is often more expensive in terms of piping components, the use of common facil ities (eg., the surface condenser, building, and equip. ‘ment-handling facilities) makes ‘up the difference in cost. Exhibit 3-12 shows a typical compressor area ar- rangement Real Estate Availability Generally, most new process units are built within an existing facility in which a piece of land is dedicated to the new expansion. Older process units, which have undergone many expansions, often leave a less-than- desirable piece of real estate for the next new facility. This can be a problem for inline horizontal arrange- ments but is féss so for vertical structure arrange- ‘ments, which require less ground space. When an in- line arrangement is constructed, it is recommended that parts of the unit be located in elevated structures with related equipment located adjacent t0 it if the process permits. For an already-clevated plant, adjust. ments can be made in the overall size of the structure and extra floors can be added. Care must be taken to adjust usual plant configurations 10 suit minimum space requirements so thatthe plant is not too difficult to maintain. Exhibit 3-13 shows an arrangement be: fore and after it has been adjusted to suit minimum, space requirements. Equipment Sizes Ideally, all the different types of equipment within the process unit would be the same size. This rarely oc- curs, however, and the plant layout cesigner often Plot Plans com LUBE ou console: EXHIBIT 3.12 ‘Typical Compressor Area Arrangement 5 . 1 CK — a areas i Weuse Tepe ao AREA Beipse Zann —$--$-\_sucrace conpeuser EXHIBIT 3-13 Floor Space Comparison rtf dates het: ble] i nr iegye a. Before Minimum Space Adjustment b. After Minimum Space Adjustment "Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 3-14 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Plot Plan - Sd, ti! struggles to place a large, cumbersome piece of equip: ‘ment into an area while retaining the aesthetics of the ‘unit. Generally, mos: plants are dominated by conven: tional rectangular and circular equipment of a reason- able size. Some processes, however, require much larger and more awkwardly shaped items (eg, an orthoflow converter and expander train ina fluid cata- lytic cracking unit, as displayed in Exhibit 3-14, a re- former furnace in an ammonia unit, or a waste heat recovery system in a large cogeneration plant). In these situations, the designer should place these items —pP) serereuaroe! 4 (CP y-saneney SEE uae ean hese | TK sernsatons ~ Se} et ! ii --& Peecieratos SO ESR first and plan the remainder of the unit around them. ‘Whether the planned plant isan inline arrangement fr housed in a structure, the plant layout designer ‘must make provisions for operator and maintenance ‘access. The designer must review the items of equip- ment that are included in the process and plan for their operation and maintenance requirements. For ‘example, towers must be located in a position to allow for the removal of internals, reactors require space for catalyst loading and unloading, shell and tube ex- changers require space for bundle removal, and rotat- =p Escumnoee ee EXIIBIT 315 a Bumievs Puig Typical Access ferry Requirements in a aI Vertical Arrangement ME GeMovAt | i os wares Wg heceos Wars 4 i K # | AUkIIARY | ing equipment needs space for drive and casing re: moval All these aspects of the equipment design add to the floor space requirements of the plant. Equipment that requires servicing during regular operation or planned shutdown periods should be accessible from the auxiliary roads or inte-nal access ways, From the project specification, the piant layout designer should determine operator access requirements and the de: vices 10 be used for servicing before proceeding with the plant arrangement. Exhibit 3-15 shows typical ac: ‘cess requirements in a vertical arrangement, and Ex hibit 3-16 displays an inline arrangement. Underground Facilities ‘There are a variety of underground facilities that could alfect the positioning of equipment. Depending on Process Plant Layout and Piping Design soil conditions, the foundations for tie equipment are either piled or spread footings. Spread footing founda- tions require more space than piled applications, and care should be taken to locate equipment so’ that {enough space exists berwieen equipment forthe foun- dations of larger items. In certain cases, equipment can be supported on a common foundation. Depend- ing on the project specification, instrument and elec trical cabling can be located above or below grade. If located below grade, adequate space should be desig nated during the plot plan development stage. Under around piping is another factor thatthe designer must consider when locating equipment. Most process nits are serviced by an underground oily water sewer, storm sewer, and fire water system and a chemical drainage system if required, In addition, the unitcool- ing system could be positioned below ground. All of these facilities require plot space, and itis recom- 41 EXCHANGER TOBE BuNDLe PuILnG AREAS (comPessson EXHIBIT 316 House sece: ‘Typical Access Requirements in an Inline Arrangement RerricerauT PACKAGE ACCESS mended that the plant layout designer investigate what facilities are to be positioned below ground before proceeding with the equipment arrangement. Exhibit 3417 shows a typical elevation through a unit below ground. Climate Conditions Weather conditions could influence the location of equipment. In a severely cold climate, equipment should be housed; this can be done by encasing the whole unit, as depicted in Exhibit 3.18, or by in dividually housing groups of equipment (eg, com> pressors or pumps), as illustrated in Exhibit 3-19. For individual housing, consideration must be given to locating equipment out of process sequence to mint ‘The wind can influence the location of such equip: ‘ment as furnaces, compressors, control houses, coot- ing towers, and stacks. Furnaces or other fired equip- ‘ment should be located so as not to allow flammable ‘vapors to constantly drift, Smoke from stacks or vapors Plot Plans 42. EXHIBIT 3.17 ‘Typical Undergrourd Hleations B i ip 2 ZZ ae ZA da o> wires emmment) cueweat] cootnel x) ‘Sewee ABLE Bucy «SEWER WATER ines EXHIBIT 3.18 from cooling towers shoul! not be in the diect path ‘of main operating areas (eg, compressor houses, con- trol rooms, and structures} PIPE RACKS Generally, most inline plant arrangements are fur nished with a central pipe rack system that acts as the ‘main artery of the unit supporting process intercon- nection, feeds, product and utility piping, instrument and electrical cables, and, sometimes, air coolers and drums. Usually, the pipe cack is made of structural sieel, either single level or multilevel, to suit the width and capacity ofthe unit it isserving. The pipe rack bays are usually spaced at 20 (6,000-mm) centers. The ‘width is determined by such factors as the quantity of, piping and cabling to be carried on the main run of the pipe rack (with an allowance for future expan- ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Total Unit Encasement sion), the equipment an access way located beneath the pipe rack, or the equipment (if any) supported above the pipe rack. The layout that zesults i the most économical design should be chosen, At the estimate stage, when most plot plans are developed, the pipe rack width is specified on the basis of limited information; process flow diagrams usually are not available to accurately work out the ‘exact requirements. Using the process flow diagram, the designer can prepare a line routing diagram on print of the preliminary plot plan, similar to the in- structions given in Chapter 11. This establishes the ‘main process lines supported in the pipe rack for equipment interconnection, feed, and production. An allowance of 20% of the main lines should be added to the total for unknowns. The pipe rack width can be adequately sized on the basis of approximate line sizing, utlity piping, and insulation requirements by the process system engineer; cable tray require: & 43 Ih oo ¢-+fcai j 1 Bese EXHIBIT 3-1 Retctor toP CHEMICAL STORAGE Individual Exuipment AMD MEZTION Nouse| Houses } 4 = TY | ame novte Ran Mews ae ments by the electrical and instrument engineers; and 20% future piping allowance. Most typical units re: ‘quire a two-level pipe rack with a width of 20 fe (6,000 mm) to 40 fe (12,060 mm). If the total requirements, exceed 80 ft (24,009 mm), an extra level should be introduced. Afier establishing the pipe rack width to suit the piping and cable requirements, the designer must check the design for the accommodation of air cooler suppor, if specified, and pumps and access ways be- neath the pipe rack. The alr cooler is specified by tube bundle length and is established at the estimate stage Of the project. It can overhang the rack width equally ‘on either side. An air cooler with a 40-& (12,000-mm) tube bundle length can be adequately supported on a pipe rack that is 35 ft (10,500 mm) wide, Pumps may be located beneath pipe racks on either side of an access way that is 10 ft (3,000 mm) wide. 0 (eat The bottom suppor elevation of the main pipe rack 4s dictated by the maintenance and pipirg clearance beneath the pipe rack, with additional levels spaced at 64 (1,800-mm) intervals. On projects wita very large diameter piping, increasing this dimension to suit clearance requirements should be considered when pipe direction is changed. External clearances (e, ‘over main roads or intersections with offsite pipe racks) need close attention. Exhibit 3:20 shows a typi «al pipe rack elevation. Pipe rack configurations are dictated by the equip: ‘ment layout, site conditions, client requirements, and plant economy. The ideal situation would be a siraightthrough arrangement, with process feeds and utilities entering one end of the unit and products and disposals exiting the other end, The final hyout of the pipe rack to meet the specific requirements of the project could result in a variety of configuations (eg, Plot Plame iodo To4 Hf 7,L, or U shape), as shown in Exhibit 3-21. Changes Of direction in pipe racks must be accommodated by ‘changes in elevation and are usually equally spaced about the midpoint of the main pipe rack elevations to suit required clearances. Pipe racks within vertically structured or housed facilities cannot be defined as easily as for inline ar- rangements, because the equipment is usually located ‘on several levels. The vertical units are usually fed by conventional pipe racks at established elevations en: tering the structure at a designated area. Once inside the structure, piping should be routed in an orderly ‘manner according to economic, constructibility, and support requirements, Exhibit 3-22 displays a typical process structure. ROADS, ACCESS WAYS, AND PAVING For maintenance and safety, the principal access 10 and from most process unitsis by auxiliary roads, Ide- ally, the unit baery limits should be positioned 50 ft (15,000 mm) from the centerline of the main plant roads. This allows adequate space for ditch drainage and firefighting facilities and avoids obstructing roads, when such items as heat exchanger tube bundles are removed. Access ways or sur roads should be pro- vided within the unit for access to items that require servicing or for componerts that require removal for offsite repair. Clearance according to project specification should be provided over roads and ac- ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Destgn cess ways for mobile equipment access. Most clignts require that the equipment areas, the area beneath the pipe rack, and the areas around buildings be paved with concrete for housekeeping. Exhibit 323 illustrates a typical process unit road and paving ar- rangement, BUILDINGS ‘Apart from buildings that house equipment (eg, com: pressor houses), itis often necessary to position con- trol houses, substations, analyzer houses, and operator shelters within the procegs unit battery limits. Admin- istration buildings and warehouses are generally lo- cated away from process unit areas. Control houses and substations are usually located at the edge of the ‘unit adjacent to a plant road, 50 fe (15,000 mm) fiom the operating equipment. As Seen in Exhibit 3-24, zna Iyzer houses and operator shelters should be located next to the equipment that they service. EQUIPMENT SPACING ‘The previous sections have outlined the information ‘required to locate equipment and the general content, of the typical process unit. Ar this stage, the plant lay- ‘out designer should prepare a sketch of the unit con- figuration and a line run to confirm that the equip- ment is positioned for the most favorable piping, interconnection. The line run can be prepared by dia q 45 ee EXHIBIT 3.21 Pipe Rack Configurations EXHIBIT 3-22 Typical Pipe Rack in a Vertical = ~ = | | i 3g Lj este the layout designer must rely on experience because the final information is not available for calculating Lo suares ‘STRAIGHT THROUGH on an per Acces wa 1 ‘graming the principal process piping, as shown on the process flow diagram, onto a print of the plot plan | arrangement sketch, ‘he final step in the plot plan arrangement is to space equipment and supporting facilities for operator and maintenance acces, safety, piping flexibility and _ suppor, and platforming requirements. At this stage, u-sHareo Plot Plane EXHIBIT 3-23 Typical Process Unit Road and Paving Arrangement bi ‘exact distances between equipment or solving unfore: seen mechanical problems, The spacing of the compo- rents within the unit is an important exercise—it f= nalizes real estate requirenents for the facility and, assists in the pricing of the plant It is also used as the basis for the plant layout design. Before spacing the equipment, the layout designer Process Plant Layout and Piping Desten HT PAVING: should review the sketched arrangement ofthe unit to confirm the exact requirements needed for safe and ‘orderly operation of the plant. Consultation with pro- ‘cess engineers is recommended to obtain general line sizing requirements for control spacing allowances. At this stage, the designer should be completely familiar with the project specification requirements for safety © 47 EXHIBIT 3.24 H e 5 Building Locations and for operator and maintenance acces In atypical tower area, depicted in Exhibit 325, the tower and such related equipment as drums and heat exchangers are located adjacent to the main pipe rack, ‘with maintenance access from the auxiliary road. The associated pumps are located beneath or adjacent to the pipe rack and are serviced by a central access way. Shell and tube heat exchangers can be located as sin- ile items or in pairs. If the process permits, they can be supported vertically or located in structures to meet gravity feed requirements, Vertical reboilers should be supported from their related towers. Mult- ple shell heat exchangers operating in series or in parallel may be stacked three high if size permits Pumps beneath the ipe rack may, ifsize permits, be paired in each bay, Compressors and their related equipment are usu- ally located in one area for common operation and. servicing adjacent to the main pipe rack and the auxil- lary road. The suction drum for the mackine should be positioned for flexibility in the piping and to ac- commodate orifice run requirements. If the compres: sor is driven by a condensing turbine, a sarface con: denser and condensate pumps are required. If servicing one machine, the condenser may be located. beneath the turbine. If it services two oF more, the ‘condenser must be located adjacent to the machines it services. In both cases, space must be provided for condenser tube bundle removal, ‘The condensate pumps are usually vertical pumps Plot Plame — eb e ReGoLee local Tube Remo seek Tower baop Ane, a EXHIBIT 3.25, ‘Typical Tower Area Spacing A eo DisweTer SxcHaNese FLanses+i8lY.450 8-'/ 2.400 To lolot tooo ta Caum CiAMETERsS + 4lol/I. ‘DRUM DIAMETER +! "Ya Berio + alot/a5 OPERATOR MESS 200 GER OAMETER + B-0/915 Foe PIPING AND CONTROLS MINIMUM FoR FLEXIBILITY OPeeatoR AE Hy Deum, STACKED EXCHANGERS L "a nboYs.eoo Maxima PaerezReD TATE PIPING $ cor! and should be located as close to the condenser as possible to suit flexibility in the piping and vertical removal space. The lube oil console should be located as close to the compressor as possible with operator access on all sides of the skid, with space to remove the cooler tube bundle, filters, and pumps. Interstage coolers, if needed, should be located adjacent to the ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Role compressor and suction drum. Adequate space should be provided around the compressor and turbine for the installation of a platform and staircase. Ifthe facil ity is housed, a drop area must be provided, Exhibit 3-26 illustrates atypical compressor area arrangement. Air coolers, shown in Exhibit 3-27, are generally supported from the central pipe rack adjacent to their 49 sucTON Deum: WTERETAGE aoc leRs femurs s!ol/a1 ive EXHIBIT 3.26 20/916 wie ‘Typical Compressor Arca ereekror Recess = YRC 7 exper Removat eect) aa Y ¢ Sie RZEA 4 Irwin e.0"/tA00 G-o" (BOO MNIMUM axe + 18"/450 related equipmentand are serviced by platforms at the header boxes and beneath the air coolers for motor maintenance. Care should be taken to position air coolers to allow flexibility for interconnecting piping. A poorly positioned overhead condenser could result in additional large overall diameter piping and expen: sive supports. Unless furnished with fixed fire water sprays, pumps containing hydrocarbons and operat: ing higher than autoignition conditions should not be cyimipeR Removal + 19%/300 located directly beneath air coolers. Space should be available on the plot plan for maintenance access by ‘mobile cranes for removal of air cooler tube bundles. Furnaces should be located at a safe distance and upwind from unrelated equipment containing hydro. ‘carbons. Steam drums or deaerators can be located as required for operation and maintenance. Reactors can, be located closer to furnaces than other equipment containing hydrocarbons, as long as adequate space is Prot Plane 50 es WED To Sut EXHIBIT3.27 OVERHEAO Line FLEXMusry Typical Air Cooler spacing Fumes Above utoiaurtions Fue S6tow AuToiGni tion Of wiry FEO Fee WATER PREYS EXHIBIT 3.28 ‘Typical Furnace Area spacing EQuiPMENT WAspiIns FLAMMABLE MaTEEIAL EQuieMenT Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 51 EXHIBIT 3.29 Subsystems Within the Process Flow Diagram NAPHTHA HypasTeE ATER provided for catalys: loading and unloading. Exhibit sketch of 3-28 shows a typical furnace area, SAMPLE PLOT PLAN ARRANGEMENT The following illustrated examples show the various ste; ‘Plot Plane Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 3-31, Line Run Check common Conp £6202, N — FEEDS eat ! " PRopect, ' : ' € ee = oz =i i 4 g et) | i ail | | f lol-F TS names a ren “Biter igeat NAPHTHA Wr DeoTREATER UNIT Plot Plane EXHIBIT 3-32 Final Plot Plan Arrangement st Frevanms ae PIPE. RACK evuato!l Plas ABove, THA HyDeoTZeATES PLbwniwG PloT PLAN Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Generally, drums are cylindrical hollow steel vessels used in process plants as intermediate containers that receive liquid from distillation and condensing equip- ‘ment. Drums also collect liquid from vapor circuits and pump it to other process groups, disposal, or product storage. They are also used for chemical and catalyst storage, steam generation, and deaeration of, boiler feed water. This chapter highlights the general requirements for crum plant layout and provides in- formation required to locate nozzles, instruments, piping, and controk for platforming and operator and ‘maintenance access. TYPES OF DRUMS ‘The drums discussed in this chapter are process unit ‘drums that are used for refluxing, surge, Suction, and ‘general liquid collection. Drums in these services can ‘generally be divided into two categories: horizontally and vertically mounted. Drum internals are far less sophisticated than the components found inside the distillation tower and are limited to demister pads, baffles, vortex breakers, and distribution piping. Ex. hibit 5-1 shows a ypical vertical compressor suction Lauro ws MAMITEA BNC AeceS9 VApe@ our CHAPTER Drums drum, and Exhibit 5-2 shows a horizontal reflux drum, When specified, steam drums and deacrators are usually furnished as a proprietary item. Layout is lim: ited to confirmation of nozzle and support locations to suit piping and structural configurations and platform- ing for operator and maintenance access. Exhibit 5-3, illustrates a typical deaerator arrangement. EXHIBIT 5-1 Typical Vertical Compressor Suction Drum } _pemsree Pap pare wot wave Laver JO Siemens au our EXHIBIT 5-2 ‘Typical Horvontal Reflux Drum fever WNSTEUMENTS. Liguip our mn 92 a EXHIBIT 5-3 Typical Deaerator Arrangement LOCATION OF DRUMS Drums are located within a process unit either adja- cent to related equipment(e, the reflux drum) or as a standalone operation (¢g., a condensate collection drum). When operating within process sequence of related items (c.g, pumps, condensers, and towers), the drum should be positioned to facilitate an orderly and economic piping interconnection between itself and those items, ‘Within the conventional inline process unit, drums and their related items are generally located on either side of a central pipe rack serviced by auxiliary roads for maintenance access, In certain cases (eg, for flash drums and deaerators), drums can be located above the pipe rack. In chemical plants, drums are generally located at all levels of enclosed or open sided struc- tures. For example, Exhibit 5-4 shows the drum loca- tion in a tower reflux system, Exhibit 5-5 shows the ‘ypical location of feed surge and compressor suction drums, and Exhibit 5-6 shows the drum locations in an, enclosed chemical plant structure. "Process Plant Layout and Piping Destan EXHIBIT 5-4 Drum Location in a Tower Reflux System FREESTANDING TOWER Se1 ELEVATION eared Fu Jc Ze Maun Elevation and Support Similar to towers, drum elevations are dictated by the ‘et positive suction head (NPSH), as illustrated in Ex hibit 5-7, minimum clearance, common platforming, 7 and maintenance and operator access. Within struc & tures, especially chemical facilities, drums could be elevated above the minimum requirements to accom: EXHIBIT 54 Drum Locations in an Enclosed Chemical Plant structure rWvpical) eu Typ \eaLy | coce 2/300 ‘modate floor space availability. Drums for chemical collection systems are generally located below ground, in concrete pits, as shown in Exhibit 58 Methods of support are influenced by the size and location of the drum. Similar to towers, large vertical ‘drums are supported by skirts. If size permits, small vertical drums may be supported by legs, as shown in Exhibit 5-9, or by lugs ifelevated within ¢ structure, as Drums 24. EXHIBIT 5-7 _Net Positive Suction Head Elevation Requirements for a Horizontal Drum nt EXHIBIT 5-8 Elevation Requirements for an ‘Underground Drum Rae y H Siemon Wea “oad EXHIBIT 5.9 Sample Leg Spported Drum stotlsas 38. 2 Weas-LE DAN 3 opoamereR 36 pe sobw sicvomeree os — oem ELevanon SET BY LNDERE ROUND PENG —_——_ EXHIBIT 5-10 Sample Lug Supported Drum Remrowe ni PAD conceete EXHIBIT 5-11 Sample Saddle Supported Drum Peas of ‘STEEL Feame: "Process Plant Layout and Piping Design ieraveruaes ——Kpg— EXHIBIT 52 Drm Elevation Sketch wes600 geeaot, (T ~ Tae at 9 Des Ve ~ 60 shed ot te Pasar \ shown in Exhibit 5-10, Horizontal drums are usually supported by sadiles from concrete piers or steel frames if elevated within a structure, as illustrated in Exhibit 5-11. Leg supported drums should not be used in reciprocating compressor circuits. The first step in drum layout is seuing the height of the drum. To do this, the plant layout designer re- quires the following information: + Drum dimensions. + Type of heads. + Support details. + NPSH requirements of pump, + Bottom outlet size + Minimum clearances. * Location. ‘The centerline elevation ofthe drum, as illustrated in Exhibit 5-12, was et using the following listed infor ‘mation (itis recommended that a freehand sketch be used for this exercise) + Drum dimensions—4-t(1,220-mm) diameter by 10- f (3,050-mm) length, + Support details—Saddles and concrete piers. + NPSH—9 fe (2,700 mm). * Bottom outlet—< in. * Location—Freestanding. + Minimum clearance—7 ft (2,100 mm), NOZZLE LOCATIONS Drum dimensions, nozzle sizes, and, if required, inter nals are shown on the process vessel sketch Furnished. by process engineering and included in the process 25 EXHIBIT 5-13 Typical Process Vessel Sketch for Horizontal Drum toie'/res0 | Fw uauouml 19 A 17 Tit Lew Uasip Level A [Oe aces ox SbF ‘Sane et vent. =—pe ‘eran oT axis? are thr | ei Pasree = release package. Exhibit 5-13,shows a gpical process vessel sketch for a horizontal drum. The following information is required in order to position drum nozzles: + Process vessel sketch + Instrument vel sketch + Piping and instrumentation diagrams + Plant layout specification + Nozzle summary. + Insulation requirements + Plot plan Exhibit 5-14 depicis the preferred nozzle locations for horizontal drums. ‘The preferred location for level instruments is away from the turbulence at the liquid outlet nozzle. Al- though the vessel is provided with a vortex breaker, instruments should be set in the quiet zone of the vvessel—for example, on the opposite side of the weir ‘or baffle or near the vapor outlet end. Process nozzles should be located a minimum from the tangent line. ‘Steam-out connections should be located at the end ‘opposite the maintenance access and vent in the bot BeLmtes , DIAMETERS + 4¥oo Mind. Cryer) vape® our sapoies rétexexace—~| Liguio on Nozue ouMeTE® EXHIBIT 5-15 Typical Hilhide Nozzle STANDARD Noz2i& STANDOUT ‘Process Plawt Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 5-14 Preferred Nozzle Locations for a Ligup/varee Horizontal Drum ALTERNATIVE eee Ss, | i= tom section of the drum. Pressure instruments should be located anywhere in the vapor space, preferably at the top section of the dim. Temperature instruments should be located anywhere in the liquid space, pref cerably at the bottom section of the drum, The vent connection should be located in the top section cf the drum at the end opposite the steam-out connection. ‘The drain should be located in the bottom section of the drum, To facilitate specific elevation requirements for level instruments or positioning a maintenance access, nozzles may be located off the main axis. These noz- ales are generally referred to as hillside nozzles. A ‘ypical hillside nozzle is shown in Exhibit 5-15. Tal vertical drum nozzles should be elevated and oriented using the tower subject as a guide. It should be noted, however, that nozzle locations are not restricted by internal components, as is the case for the distillation, tower. More information on vertical drums is available in Chapter 10, Towers. ‘The nozzles shown in Exhibit 5-16 were positioned 7 EXHIBIT 5-16 Sample Nozale Locations and Elevations tly ene et ao 1830 bio fetaiict 102260 using the guidelines discussed in this chapter as well * P&ID—Exhibit 5-28 as other informatioa contained in this book. The infor» Nozzle summary—Exhibit 5-13. mation required can be located as follows: * Plant layout specification—Chapter 2. Croce eel deh Bb 513 “ules eqaranens ‘ae pebne 3 + Instrument vessel sketch—Exhibit 5-29. Tor HEAD PLATFORM ‘EXHIBIT 5-17 Platform Arrangement at + a Hoeizontal Drum | 7 by r \ Lappee suproer Bekexey 1 MAN SPE ZATING. PLNTFoem Level EXHIBIT 5-18 Platform Arrangement at a Vertical Drum ar x £ PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS Platforms are required at d-ums for access to valves, instruments, blinds, and maintenance accesses. Ex: hibit 5-17 illustrates a platform arrangement ata hori- zontal drum, and Exhibit 518 displays the arrange: ‘ment for a vertical drum, ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design For tal vertical drums, platforms are usualy cecu- Jar and supported by brackets attached to the shell of the drum. Platforms at horizontal drums are usually rectangular and are supported by brackets atached 10 the concrete piers suppéiting the drum or trunnions attached tothe shell of the drum, or by structural steel supported from grade. Drums located in structures, if size permits, use the structure floor for access to con trols. Top head platforms on horizontal and verical installaions are supported by trunnions attached to the vessel head. Generally, access to freestanding |, — — Ld 109 0 EXHIBIT 62 Common Heat Exchangers . Air Cooler Exchanger ing steam, hot oil, or a hot process stream as the heating medium * Heater-—Heats a process stream by condensing. ‘seam, + Condenser—Condenses vapors by transferring heat 10 cooling water, atmospheric ait, or other media. * Chiller—Cools a process stream to very low temper- ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design atures by evaporating a refrigerant. EXCHANGER CONSTRUCTION ‘The most common heat exchangers used in provess- ing facilities are illustrated in Exhibit 62. and dis cussed in the following sections. 11 TUeE SIDE SHELL SIDE. Veeticst BarFLes EXHIBIT 653 Sample of Tube and Shell Exchanger Pisses EXHIBIT 6-4 Key Items for a Typical Shell and Tube Exchanger ee temteurat veereat) | rigerme a wero = Na + + 255 e == a SHELL FLOATING rus sp sus 08 EKED TUBE suereet | SHELL NOZZLE Shell and Tube Exchangers Shell and tube exchangers are elongated steel cylin ‘drical vessels containing bundles of parallel tubes. Liq tuid passes through the inside of the shell over the exterior side of the tubes, with another liquid passing through the interio: of the tubes, causing the neces- sary interchange of neat berween the two liquids. The heads at the ends ofthe exchanger can be designed to accommodate several passes on the tube side. Muli- pple passes on the shell side can be achieved by install- ing baffles parallel to the tubes. Baffles may also be installed inside the shell, perpendicular to the tubes, to direct the liquid in the shell against the tubes. Multi pile passes are used to increase the fluid velocity or to improve the flow path, causing increased heat recov ery. Exhibit 6:3 shows an exchanger with two passes, fon the tube side and one on the shell side. The shells of most heat exchangers are constructed of seamless pipe for small diameters and shaped welded steel plates for the larger sizes. Tube bundle sizes can vary frag 8 t0 96 in (200 mm to 2.400 mm) in diameter and from 6 to 50 ft (1,800 mm to 15.000 mm) in length. The ends of the shell can be designed to accommodate welded, dished, or flanged shell covers as well as flanged or welded heads. Both the tube side and the shell side of the exchangers have inlet and ‘outlet nozzles positioned to provide the required flow through the exchanger. The unit is supported at the shell by attached saddles for horizontal installations and by lugs for vertical arrangements. Tube bundles are made up of many small-diameter tubes that are expanded into tube sheets at each end of the bundle (One end is usually fixed; the other is allowed to float for expansion. For the more simplified Utube ar rangement, only one tube sheet is used, which is inte ‘grated with the channel head. Exhibit 6-4 shows a typi- cal shell and tube exchanger identifying the key items of construction. With many shells, shell covers, and head covers Exchangers 2 —$_$_$—$$ EXHIBIT 6-5 Typical Sell and Tube Exchanger Arrangements a. UTube b. Fixed Tube ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Dest available, exchangers can be arranged in various com- binations to provide a wide range of services. The U- tube, fixed tube, and kettle arrangements are illus- trated in Exhibit 6.5 Plate Exchangers Plate exchangers, shown in Exhibit 64, are generally used in low-pressure, low-temperature applications and are made up of end covers, carrying bars, inlet and outlet nozzles, plates, and gaskets. The exchanger plates have spacing between them for liquid flow. A ‘gasket, set into channels on the periphery of each plate, directs and contains the liquid flow distribution, Ports for inlet and outlet of both hot and cold liquids are stamped into the corners of each plate. When. aligned, they form four distribution headers through the plate pack. Distribution of hot and cold liquids to alternate plate flow channels is achieved by the gasket ing pattern around each port. When the liquid is in- tended to low through to the next plate, the gasket is left intact around the port Alignment is achieved! by top and bottom carrying. bars and slots in each plate. When completely assenibled, the plate pack and gas kets are compressed by bolts berween the two covers. Suppor is provided by the fixed end cover and carry: ing bar. The plate exchanger requires less installtion and servicing space than do shell and tube arrange- ‘ments of equivalent surface. Spiral Heat Exchangers Spiral heat exchangers are generally used in chemical plants and are of circular construction, consisting of an assembly of two long strips of plate wrapped to form a pair of concentric spiral passages. Alternate edges of the passages are closed, so that liquid flows through continuous channels. Removable covers are fitted 10 ‘each side of the spiral assembly for access to the spiral plate. As shown in Exhibit 6-7, the inlet and outlet nozzles are integral to the plate housing and the cov- cers. The unit is supported by legs attached to the plate 113 EXHIBIT 6.6 Plate Exchanger Construction housing for horizontal installations and by lugs for vertical installaions. Similar to the plate exchanger, the spiral exchanger is compact and requires less in suallation and servicing space than conventional ex: changers of equivalent surface. Double Pipe Exchangers ‘The double pipe, or fin-tube, exchanger Is used when. fone liquid has a greater resistance to heat flow than another or when the surface area is small. In such cases, the addition of fins to the inner pipe evens out the resistance to heat flow of the two liquids. As shown in Exhibit 68, the double pipe exchanger consists of a pipe within a pipe; both pipes have a return bend at ‘one end, The inner pipe is fitted with fins; the outer pipe acts as the shell. The shell nozzles are mounted vertically from the outer pipe, and the tube nozzles are directly welded to the inner pipe ends. The units are generally supported horizontally by brackets at- Brcbangers U4 suet PvE PHINED mee ‘sue EXHIBIT 6.8 doves Double Pipe Exchanger Construction sume pee. wee Nora HEADER Box Tues Bane EXHIBIT 6-9 [ie Cooler Exchanger FAN HoWeING, Construction Somece PLATROEM Neaper Box Lapoee tached to a foundation of to the side of other equip- ‘ment supports. Air Cooler Exchangers Air cooler units are entirely different from the previ ously mentioned arrangements in that the cooling agent used is circulating air instead ofa liquid. As seen in Exhibit 69, an air cooler unit consists of fin-tube bundles with a header box attached to each end, sup- ported horizontally by a steel frame or structure. For the single-pass arrangement, the inlet nozzles are ‘mounted on the top of the header box; the outlet nozzles are at the opposite end and mounted on the bottom of the header box. For the double-pass ar- rangement, the outlet nozzles are located atthe same end as the inlet nozzles. For additional surface area, ‘more passes can be added or additional units can be ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design installed and located side by side. Air is circulated by multiblade propeller-ype fans that provide forced or induced drafts. Fans cin be supplied with either adjustable-speed or variable pitch blades. The fan blade pitch can be changed to vary the airflow rate to compensate for rising or fallicg air temperatures, Air coolers supplied with multiple fans may be operated with some of the fans shut down. Dampers, baffles, and bypasses can also be used (0 further contro! liquid outlet temperature. For elevated installations, platforms are generally furnished for ac: ‘cess 10 header boxes and motors. EXCHANGER LOCATION AND SUPPORT Heat exchangers are located within the conventional process unit plot area, close to related equipment, to us Higy Peesuee PuaTe EXHIBIT 6-10 excnaicses EXCHANGERS ‘Typical Plot Plan of Several Exchanger ‘Applications sea, Dy - tee BONNET REMOVAL Tweet Bumps expr 6-11 le Semple Exchanger Orientation Age E REMOVAL AREA AUXILIARY Reap |) Se 6 q \ Tower 6 EXHIBIT 6-12 Sample Single and Paired Exchanger Installation est _ tht LL , apa EXHIBIT 6-14 » Sample Structure Mounted Exchanger Installation yp ilolfaco TuReeyp Tube suwore ee ve AWOUARY comp Ge 1 EXHIBIT 6-13 Parallel and Series Exchanger are PeEKEM Pagawu courtoe soca (ve) crea Recess Cre) Process Plant Layout and Piping Destgn ezess Wa) _ support economic pipe runs, flexibility, process re- quirements, and operator and maintenance access Suppor of the equipment (eg, for ai coolers orvert cal reboilers) can also Yluence heat exchanger loca tion. Exhibit 6-10 depicts a typical plot plan with sev «ral heat exchanger applications. Horizontal shell and tube exchangers should be positioned so thit the channel end faces the auxiliary road or maintenance access way for tube bundle removal with adequate space provided at the front end of the exchanger for bonnet removal. This exchanger orientation is shown in Exhibit 6:11 Exchangers can be located as single items, in pairs (this isthe most common installation), or in larger roups when no intermediate control is cequired be: tween the shell and tube streams. The single and Paired insallation is shown in Exhibit 6-12, Paired ex changers may operate in series, parallel, or dissimilar services; grouped exchangers operate only in series or parallel. Exhibit 6-13 shows samples of paralle! and series exchanger installations. Paired or grouped exchangers should be spaced to EXHIBIT 6-15 Stacked Exchanger Installations eoice reawe 97 oa coueste sb geaas ass Bee 117 allow a minimum of 18 in (450 mm) between the ‘outside of adjacent channel or bonnet flanges to facili tate access 10 flange bolts for maintenance. Space should be provided on either side of paired exchang. cers and at both ends of grouped exchangers for con- trol and operator access. Exhibit 6-14 illustrates a structure-mounted installation and its requited access Horizontal exchangers may be stacked to a pre- {erred maximum top shell centerline elevation of 12 ft 3,600 mm) from grade or platform, as depicted in Exhibit 6:15. Stacking of exchangers above this height may require platforming for access to channel and bonnet flanges and fixed handling devices. Horizontal shell and tube exchangers may be lo- ‘cated at grade or elevated in steel or concrete struc- tures when process requirements or space availability, dictate. Support of horizontal exchangers, as shown in Exhibit 6-16, is by saddles attached to concrete piers for grade-mounted installations and by saddles at- tached to steel frames in elevated installatons. When possible, supports should be inline for common foun- dation design. If process requirements permit, shell and tube ex- ‘changers can also be mounted in a vertical position, supported by lugs and tower nozzles in a tower-sup” ported installation (as shown in Exhibit 6.7), within concrete or steel structures (as shown in Exhibit 6-18), and by concrete piers (as shown in Exhibit 6-19), The ‘same considerations for maintenance, contol, and op- ‘erator access should be given for vertical installations as are for horizontal installations. Spiral and plate exchangers can operate in series or parallel, but, because oftheir configuration and main- tenance requirements, it is preferable © position them as single items. Space is provided at both ar: rangements for control and operator access, with enough room allowed at the spiral exchanger to swing the cover plates open, as shown in Exhibit 6-20, and at the plate exchanger to remove the individual plates, as shown in Exhibit 621 echangers 118 Towee Twee BUNDLE ZEvovAL AREA EXHIBIT 6-17 ‘Tower Supported Vertical Installation Lue sor2INe I AL vi a= 2/00 Jo B/\.500 PLATFORM ReGoLes alo ‘G00 seainune 12:0"/3b00 MAK IMM WitkouT BLATFORM I HITcH PomwTS FoR OVE REMOVAL Cover REMoVAL AREA Air coolers are located adjacent to the equipment that they serve for piping flexibility and maintenance. ‘They can be supported from grade, atthe top level of structures, or above pipe racks, which is the most common installation. The tube bundle bank can be supported by steel legs from the air cooler vendor or by extending the pipe rack or structure columns othe ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design underside of the bank: Generally, the air cooler ven ddr furnishes header box and motor access platforms. Ladders are provided for exit to grade to suit max: mum ladder runs and safety requirements, Exhibits 6.22 through 6.25 show various air cooler support and platform configurations, which include columa-sup ported, leg supported, fixed platform, and traveling ia 119 Miia 40l/i.200, (we) Tuee GuDLe REMOVAL AREA Luos Lf 1e'/A50 Minion platform arrangements. ‘When designing the air cooler configuration, the plant layout designer must consider the source of the supporting column. As seen in Exhibit 6-26, acrange- ‘ment A, developed by the contractor, allows changes to platforming and pipe support loading late in a pro} fect without affecting the air cooler vendor's scheduled delivery dates to the job site. In arrangement B, any such late changes would cause the air cooler vendor EXHIBIT 618 Structure Supported Vertical Instlation elol/ipoo MAKIMUM PLATFORM 3ho"/300 MINIMUM to redesign the support legs or platforming, causing delays in delivery and extra costs. NOZZLE ORIENTATION Nozzle orientation and location can affect the piping configurations at most exchanger arrangements. A de cision by the piping designer to relocate the ex Bxchangers EXHIBIT 6.19 Pret Mounted Vertical TUBE BUNDLE an REMoVAL AZEA MINIMUM “BeoY 200 4.071.200, Luss elolBoo fl MAXIMUM PLATFORM CONCRETE PIERS 3600 MAXIMUM WiTHouT PLATFogm 3507900 Minimiom OreenTog hecess EXHIBIT 620 Controt and Operator / Acces ta Spal Aerangement cover PATE SWIG AREA (tye) contest SPACE (yA) PRE hele coLUMNs Process Plant Layout and Piping Design ii 121 PULTE REMovAL for ACCESS EXHIBIT 6-21 Erna et bperoe Ages ‘Access in a Plate ‘eangement contzot sence (rye) PIPE ACK COLUMNS Wuouceo DaAeT 5 hie cooler ‘pial ‘Column Supported Air ‘Cooler Arrangement HeAver Box PLATFORM MAINTENANCE, PLaTEoRM PIPE 2hck Lappeg Levaee@ Tian ol.0"/9.150 ADDITIONDL PLATFOR! cs ie Lappee 2am 1s Fo@cep DRAFT EXHIBIT 6-23 \2 eoOLES ‘Typical Leg Supported Ait Cooler Arrangement 3 support Moto Z| leas . 2! YoV/2100_HioH "lo Speakon Kecese ae Process Plant Layout and Piping Destgn 123 ——— EXHIBIT 6-24 ‘Typical Fixed Platform Air Cooler Arrangement F pve Te ManTeanee Pustroam (rye) iS eaves @ox eonae rs PLATEORM (TA) seeps (WA) Mowe (Tre) ; j # - | i | l | | } . i PIPE Ghew Mantenanice / [Aie-coovee eokuMns PLATRORM ‘SuProRT BEAM 124 rr ForeceD DRAFT EXHIBIT 6-25 ie cosLan Typical Me COOLER ‘Traveling-Platform Air Cooler Arrangement | 1 1 ‘STEP-oFF I PLATFORM TRAVELING PLATFORM Stee Runway Seam support EOLUMNS, ° - ee | fe} ster \ Lapoee ezave I voces te | HEADER Box PLATFORM, ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design C 125 cAgPon Sreer gt EN View “A ito auoy } \ costerrective ARRANGEMENT —______ EXHIBIT 6.35 Supports for « Piping Arrangement EXHIBIT 6-36 Piping Arrangement for Horizontal Reboiler IreRWeouTE Suppoet ReauwEs nee DBRS ust 1 ovEtSraeD 4 Berwees pire RE Rip Enenbuaee? _SYMMeT@icAL PRINS oy! rhe seen zeae gouceeve Heees | ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 131 EXHIBIT 638 WIGH“TEMPERATIRE, HIGH“PRESSURE pM OE coe AUsy PIPmG High-Temperaruce, High Pressure Feed Exchangers FLEXIBILITY PROVIDE SPRING SuppoeT at Center EXCHANGER CHoINeL END ONLY es ALTERNATIVE ’ . ‘s ALTegnatwe ‘8 cost EFFECTWE 132 LocaTE PNG BEseATH EXHIBIT 6.39 PLATFORM Foe EASE Piping Arrangement for Feed Exchangers coo tins WATE OPERATO? bececs cove? Piste ‘EXHIBIT 6-40 SWING AREA KEELE \) contrat vawe | + re IL? ReMovABLE Srook Crpicat) pense £ Wu WZ re £ Pre wack coumn oa & Piping Arrangement for Spiral Exchangers, 133 PLATE REMOVAL AeEA ‘EXHIBIT 6-41 Piping Arrangement Plate Exchargers ConTeoe VAWE: + WH, for iy! Y L ZOnT@ot VAWES | | pews eack covumns PLAN ALY ELEVATION © Configurations mm A 1 ASYMMETRICAL RAKE ra SYMMET@ICAL ZAKE EXHIBIT 6-43, Overhead Piping Arrangements for a AR cooler ‘Condensing Air Cooler ix EXTEND Az PATRoRM sanptemeosecrad mes er aatnoou seretutoas Ko rstwmcere —/ TX eanauyer ustoaome = \ Rees Faow Mannan Lappe \ ee ead — TTT 212 SS eee EE EXHIBIT 9-17 Vessel Supported Platform Arrangement TEMP ReATURE Moreen WWTEMEDIATE PLATFORM LeveL 4 Sore BV ore (Trica, Tee $1065) Tee HEAD Piatroey LeveL EXHIBIT 9-18 Single Platform Arrangement - ELEVATION Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 9-19 Structure Supported Platform ‘Arrangement ee OTD A DAL NTERMEDSTE PLATROmM LeveL caraiysr leapwc. Nozeue Heap PLATrogM Level 213, EXHIBIT 9:20 Top Platform Arrangements do EXHIBIT 9.21 Loar 2 Multiple Reactor NN [Arrangement oscars | AA a wel EXHUBIT 9-22 Single Reactor Piping [Arrangement Process Plawt Layout and Piping Design 215 EXHIBIT 9.23 Reactors in Series: Manually Operated Valve Manifold ‘equipment. Because reactors often operate at very high temperatures, piping must be arranged with suf cient flexibility to absorb excessive stress under usual ‘operating conditions. Piping at reactors or other similar catalyst operating equipment can be relatively simple in configuration, as shown in the process flow diagram in Exhibit92, or ‘more sophisticated, a5 shown in the low diagram in Exhibit 91. In the single-eactor arrangement, which hha no controls to influence the desig, the piping can ELevation: EXHIBIT 9-24 Reactors in Series: Remotely Operated Valve Manifold be routed directly between related equipment to suit ‘economics, flexibility, and supports, as shown in Ex hibit 9-22. Ifthe facility operates in a series, the piping, system is designed to accommodate regereration of a catalyst in one reactor while the other is still on stream, as shown in Exhibit 9.23. To do this, the sys tem is furnished with controls and crossover bypasses. For ease of operation, the valve manifolds for regener- ation should be located at grade. IF these valves are controlled remotely, however, the overhead manifold. Reactors 216 EXHIBIT 9-25. Davit Arrangement ever vawves Loapmic ano \, UNLOADING AgeA can be located at the top-bead platform, as shown in Exhibit 9.24 Relief valves are usually furnished as part of the reactor piping system and should be located in accor- dance with the arrangements shown in Chapters 5 (Drums) and 10 (Towers). MAINTENANCE Handling such removable items as relief valves and. valve drives for offsite repair and catalyst loading can be achieved by fixed handling devices or by mobile ‘equipment. Fixed handling devices can be davits or, for structure-mounted reactors, trolley beams, Exhibit 9.25 depicts a typical davit arrangement, and Exhibit 9.26 shows a trolley beam arrangement. Catalysts are loaded through the top-head mainte nance access of the reactor after removal of the inlet nozde if integral to the maintenance access cover lange. Ifthe catalyst is not supported on a fixed grat ing and screen assembly, which would be fabricated ‘Process Plant layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 9-26 Trolley Beam Arrangement Reuier valves ING Ano HNLoADING AZEA with the vessel, the first step isto Toad the bottom head and unload the nozzle with inert material. The inert ‘material could be silica Péllets or alumina balls, which are usually larger than the catalyst and support the catalyst bed. The inert material is then covered with the bottom floating screen. The catalyst i first sieved through a mesh screen to remove the finer particles. It Js then loaded into a bucket or sock and lowered through the maintenance access, where itis manually distributed in layers until the reactor is filled to the required capacity, The top and bortom layers of cata Iyst are usually a larger mesh than the main bed. The top floating screen is then installed and covered with aan additional layer of inert material that is used t0 old down the screen assembly during, regeneration and eliminates inlet gas turbulence during, operation, ‘The catalyst is removed infrequently. Removal is accomplished during shutdowns after cooldown by allowing the catalyst to exit through the bottom un- loading nozzle. After removal of the flange cover on 217 LET AUBIT 927 Noz2.e Spherical Reactor MAINTENANCE INLET TL ACCESS Garris FLOATING i Sempen) OS caTbuy et TemPeeariee Dep wens - - a FIED eta eT GeaTG bearer geczeen i NoZ2L6 a — ouTLeT NozaLe Zellector Seay Creicnty the unloading nozzle, the catalyst can be allowed to free fall 10 a temporary containment area or be re: ‘moved using an industrial vacuum, or a temporary valve may be used to control the unloading rates. Ex hibits 9-27 through 930 are examples of less common reactor arrangements. ‘The dimensions, clearances, and guidelines high: EXHIBIT 9:28 Horizontal Reactor sarap eo lighted in this chapter are examples of reactor ar rangements. The plant layout designer, however, should be familiar with company and client standards before proceeding with reactor layout and should co, ordinate this effort with such supporting groups 3s vessel, systems, process, civil, and instru neering. t eng 218 EXHIBIT 9-29 Stacked Reactors ot ean oT outer, Untokome kozzue nisaere} A suet wet a Reem Nozzce 1] aeee ad Pens eaTALysT ' Leap Im Nozzte “Process Plant Layout and Piping Desig EXHIBIT 9-30 Multbed Reactor ler Nozze NOZZLES coratyer LOADING rpht—tenst caTaLyeT pep oH. CTypieae) IWLeT Nozzies ourter, ere € Towers, aso referred to as columns, are one of the principal pieces of equipment of any processing facil- ity. Towers are cylindrical steel vessels that are used. for distilling caw materials in the production of such products as gasoline, diesel, and heating oil. The plant layout designer mast understand the internal structure of a tower and how it operates to produce a satisfac tory design, ‘This chapter highlights the general requirements for tower plant layout design. It describes the internal ‘workings Of towers and provides the information re- Quited to orient nozzles; locate instruments, piping, and controls; and provide platforms and ladders for ‘operator and maintenance access. ‘THE DISTILLATION PROCESS Crude oil is of litle commercial use; when separated, cr broken down, however, oil becomes one of the ‘most valuable cor:modities in the world, Crude oil isa mixture of hydrocarbon compounds with a wide ange of boiling points from 100° F (38° C) to 1,400" F 760°C). Separation, or distillation, is a process by which a liquid mixcure is partially vaporized. The vapors are then condensed, separating the individual compo- nents ofthe mixture. As the temperature of crude oil i raised, the initial boiling point (IBP) is reached. As boiling continues, the temperature rises. The lightest ‘material, butane, is produced firs, at IBP, just below 100" F (38 C); the heavier materials are produced be- ow 806° F 427" ©). The residue includes everything above 800" F (427 C). Exhibit 10-1 shows the distribu tion of the different produets at the various tempera ture ranges The evolution of distillation towers is best ex- plained in three basic steps: + The batch shell still process. + The continuous shell still process. CHAPTER Towers * The fractional distillation process. Batch Shell In the batch shell stil process, the still ispartilly filled with a set feed called a batch. The feed is then heated. to the temperature required to produce a specific product from the overhead vapors. This process is repeated each time for each product until the batch reaches the maximum temperature for the range of products specified. The feed remaining in the still is then pumped out, and the still is allowed to cool. It is then refilled, and the whole process is repeated. Not only is this process time consuming, butthe product is not always of high quality. Exhibit 162 shows the batch shell sil process, which was one ofthe earliest used for liquid mixture separation, Continuous Shell In the continuous shel stil process, several shel sills are linked in series to form a battery. Fresh feed con tinuously enter the first stil, which is kept at the low est temperature forthe light overhead product The bortoms from the Fist still are fed to the second stil, which is kept at the temperature for the next highest boiling overhead product, and so on, The number of sulls required depends on the number of products needed. Ifthe feed and the temperature of each still remain constant, the finished product i of satisfactory quality. Exhibit 103 depict the contin.ous shell still Process, which i an improvement over the batch shell Bull operation. Fractional Distillation Similar to the continuous shell still, the fractional dis- tillation process is made up of several stills linked together in series, The main difference is that all the liquid condensate is returned to the upstream sul. As 220 EXHIBIT 10-1. Crude Distilation of Products Across ‘Temperature Range ae) ——tiswree cao | setitiete_eremcour os GE) lg) Smee SBIR NAPH THA Peseierey GPF secre KeeoseNe terete Laverne Grease oe a5sh6-6o0PF HEAVY GAS Geet Gart) om scot __sreaigur ean ares esis FEED weceiver eottoms. EXHIBIT 103 Continuous Shell Sul ‘compensee Dillion Process eceveg Pedder rious CONDENSER EXINBIT 10-4 SES Mulkunit Fractional vare@ yw rok arog varie Duntasse Pecans 5 3 $ t ? Q 3 3 2 3 z Seceives, - § 5 & & eee Yi) Ze KA | HA | WA) KALS sec] | [see] | lose] | [aoe] | lose] (ES | caso Teoo amp Ganp peoswer Bottoms ors rise, travel through the overhead line, and come into contact withthe liquid :n the second still, Because the temperature of the liquid in the second still is ower than the incoming vapors from the first still, the vapors partially condense. At the same time, liquid from the second still enters near the top of the first Process Plant Layout and Piping Design (este) still As vapors rise in the first still, hey meet the in- ‘coming liquid from the second stil. This causes vapor- ization of the incoming liquid from the second still and condensation of the rising vapors in the first stil. The Same reaction takes place in all the downstream stills. This process improves on previous operations in ere ra terms of quantity, quality, and a eduction in the en: ergy needed to heat the raw materials. Exhibit 10-4 illustrates the mukiunit fractional distillation process. All three process arrangements are satisfactory op- ‘erations and play an important part in the develop: ‘ment of the modern distillation tower. The final step in combining these operations into one single compo: nent is achieved by stacking the stills on top of each, other and installing an internal device between each still to allow the liquid to flow down and the vapors to rise. This means thatthe single unit can function in a ‘way similar to the mulishell unit for less capital and ‘operational cost. Exhibit 10-5 shows a single fractiona- tor tower with the corresponding still numbers and temperature ranges of the multistill unit. The reflux return line controls the temperature of the fluids in the upper portion of the tower. ‘Vapor and Liquid Flow ‘One of the most common internal devices that allows the single tower to function similarly to the mulistil nit is the try, ilustrted in Exhibit 10-6, Slots and holes in the trays allow the vapor to rise and the liquid 221 EXHIBIT 10-6 Vapor Liquid Flow to flow down, Rising vapors in the tower pass through slotted bubble caps and come into contact with liquid flowing, around the caps. Liquid flowing down from trays above fall throwgh downcomers and over and around. the bubble caps en route to the next dawncomer. In. this manner, the light boiling fractions in the down: flowing liquid are vaporized by the heat from the ris ing vapors, and heavier boiling fractions in the vapor are condensed and flow down the tower This process Of vaporizing and condensing throughout the tower allows the feed to be separated into the required boil: ing-range fractions, which are drawn off from the side Of the tower at the appropriate locations TYPES OF TOWERS ‘Towers are named for the service or type of unit they are associated with. For example, a stripper is used to strip lighter material from the bottoms ofa main tower fr a vacuum tower. It is generally used in a vacuum/ ‘crude unit for distilling crude bottoms residue under Towers 222 EXHIBIT 10-7 Vacuum Tower and Stripper i Vacuum owe i srerppes ‘vacuum pressure. Exhibit 10-7 shows a typical vacuum, tower and stripper. From the outside, tower configurations are similar in appearance, varying only in dimension; some tow: crs have swaged top and bottom sections. The princi pal difference among towers isthe type and layout of, the internal components that control the vapor liquid ‘This chapter describes the internal and external plant layout requirements for the two most common types of tower: the trayed and packed arrangements. Exhibit 108 depicts a typical trayed tower with some ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 10-8. Trayed Tower oveaueno ManirEwance Reruy Recess ol ese [4 wamrounce [il Access |S} Datwiore rep |T\ cunmey Hot 4 4 seenee ft resenee peiwoee Hb | getaen wawsrenmies V/f)-O~ Sete wwensrs AecBee ~~ Of its assoctated components, Ina packed tower, instead of having trays, the units are packed with beds of metal rings. On entering the tower, the liquid passes through a distributor that routes the liquid evenly down through the packed beds of metal rings. Rising vapors passing through the beds come into contact with the descending liquid In. a manner similar to trayed tower operation, the liquid, {s partially vaporized by the heat from the vapors and the vapors are condensed by the cooler liquid. Exhibit 1089 illustrates a typical gas-liquid packed tower and its principal components. ———_—_———— EXHIBIT 10-9 Picked Tower GAs ourtet Liao, iNLeT Liao MAINTEVAN CE: Ghee RECESS iSLET Lever INgTeaMensts \ tug outeT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR TOWERS ‘Towers are not a standalone operation; they are usu ally located within a process unit adjacent to related equipment and is a suitable position for operator and maintenance access. A tower operates close to such related items as pumps, reboilers, drums, and con: densers and should be positioned to facilitate an or- derly and economic interconnection between itself and that equipment. Within the conventional inline process unit, towers and their related items are located on either side of a central pipe rack, serviced by auxiliary roads for main: tenance access. In plants in which the related equip- ‘ment is housed, the tower is often located adjacent to the building or structure containing the equipment. Exhibit 10-10 shows a process flow diagram of a tower and its related equipment, a typical plan arrangement Of the same equipment, and the equipment in eleva- tion, TOWER ELEVATION AND SUPPORT ‘Tower elevation is the distance from grade to the bot tom tangent line ofthe vessel. Suppor is the means by which the vessel is retained tthe required elevation. Exhibit 10-11 shows an example of elevation and sup- port. Although tower elevation must satisfy minimum NPSH requirements, it can be set by a combination of the following constraints—whichever produces the ‘minimum tangent line elevation: ‘© NPSH (Exhibit 1012). | + Operator access (Exhibit 1013) '* Maintenance access (Exhibit 10-14). + Minimum clearance (Exhibit 10-15). * Vertical reboiler (Exhibit 10-16). * Common access (Exhibit 10-17). [A skirt is the most frequently used and most satis- factory means of support for vertical vessels. It is at tached by continuous welding to the bottom head of, the vessel and is furnished with a base ring, which is secured to a concrete foundation or structural frame by means of anchor bolts. In most cases, the skirt is, straight, but on tall, small-diameter towers, the skirt could be flared. Access openings are required in ves: sel skirts for inspection and, when possible, should be oriented toward the main access way. Exhibit 10-18 shows a typical skirt arrangement. 224 EXHIBIT 10-10 Tower Area Tones seo | ba on SU | ae eS Bertom> Fuurs EFUK Pesos ‘a. Process Flow Diagram gvecwesp Tem cootses Rerun peum esovee, Botions Ames Elevation ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Di 225 EXHIBIT 10-11. Considerations for Tower Elevation EXINBIT 10-13 Operator Access and Support Reanged CT we TANGENT Ene suet Goaece) [EXHIBIT 10-12 Net Positive Suction Head ra owe. Net Posinve pup. H ACTION HEAD Towers 226 EXHIBIT 10-15 Minimum Gearance Towne} r at MintIM UM UT EXHIBIT 10-16 Vertical Rebotler Keoonee "Process Plant Layout and Piping Design EXHIBIT 10-17 Common Access staonan suet | FuaeE xi ‘The first step in tower layout is setting the bottom tangent line elevation. This step assists civil engineer: ing in foundation design, vessel engineering in ssp- port design, systems engineering in line sizing, and rotating equipment engineering in pump selection. To set the elevation of a towgs, the plant layout designer requires the following information: ~ + Tower dimensions. * Type of heads, * Support details. + NPSH requirements, * Bottom outlet size. + Reboiler details, + Foundation details, + Minimum clearances. For example, the tangent line elevation of the tower as shown in Exhibit 10-19 has been set using the fol lowing information and the guidelines in this chapter: * Configuration—Exhibit 10-13 (operator access. + Tower dimensions—é ft (1,200 mm) in diameterby 227 EXHIBIT 10-18 “Tower Sit OuTLeT suet Access OPENING STIFFENING del r2-oi/750 ING Gott Heres base 2inG EXHIBIT 10-19, ‘Tower Elevation Sketch eL.liol ! 1o%2o lox, é RADLS Elbow! Pout oF SuppoeT foto 120. 300 EL looto! 190.000 twee EXHIBIT 10-20 Process Vessel Sketch NOZZLE Som aRY bok Sze ‘seaviee let scRer| varoe [at 1sher eis 10 150" eF OFF err er! i Beer] Repo Remen oder Bottoms euTLeT, ier PRESSuRe 1" 5d RF | TemPethmee at seer Lever 1" eRe ‘STEAM Out “Goo SPRENG “BOO” Boo whem EPR «leper 2a 168 er Raper emnCE S: G | BF SORE Bean (60 ft (18300 mm) in length, + Type of heads—2: 1 elliptical + Support—Straight skire with base ring. + NPSH—6 fe (1,800 mm) minimum. * Bottom outlet size— diameter. * Foundation—Conerete point of support elevation of 101 ft (100,300 mm), + Operator clearance—7 fe (2,100 mm). [A freehand sketch should be used for this exercise. Although the minimum NPSH requirement was a key factor in elevating the tower in this example, the height was finally dictated by operator access clear ance, which was the greater of the two dimensions. If the configuration shown in 2xhibit 10-12 (NPSH) had. been used, the tangent line elevation would be 108 5 ft (102,600 mm), ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design Tower Internals ‘Towers have a variety of internal devices for vapor- liquid contact and feed distribution that affect the exte- rior layout of the vessel. There is a wide range of designs for trays, which are the principal internal com Ponent of the trayed tower. The two most frequently Used are the single-pass bubble cap tray and the dou- ble-pass bubble cap tray. Other trays (eg,, sieve or Perforated trays) are similar in design to the bubble cap tray and do not affect the layout ofthe tower. Tray ‘configurations and dimensions are furnished by pro- ccess engineering and are included in the process re- lease package. Exhibit 10-20 illustrates a process vessel sketch, Exhibit 10-21 shows the tray details, and Ex: hibit 10-22 depicts single-pass and double pass trys. Towers have the same tray configuration for the whole length of the tower, Some towers, however, 229 Woes whew WNCOMER wei . 2 THROUGH 26 230 EXHIBIT 10-22 Examples of Downcomer Trays ety sueroars = = fe zd 71 upeLE CAP a. Single-Pass Downcomer Tray EXHIBIT 10-23. Tower Transition Section TH Secon | varon 7 nie b. Double-Pass Downcomer Tray EXHIBIT 10-25 Opposing Downcomers vr ete + Sowncomee EXHIBIT 10-24 Chimney Tray Arrangement ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design e00-munpeeso EVEN NMbezeo, DowneoMers EXHIBIT 10.26 Reboiler Arrangement feboner | 231 Liaw Liguip FEED ra) nn DisTaBuTOR EXHIBIT 10-27 BWECHG BING —— Picked Tower Components BoTTED Que varor nid PACKING SuPPORT a. Packed Bed Section \nauiy Cowncomese b, Liquid Distributor ‘especially those wih enlarged sections, could change from single-pass to double-pass tray configurations Exhibit 10-23 shows a typical arrangement at a tower transition section. The chimney tray, if specified, is another device tha: could change the tray configura. tion, The chimney tray is a solid plate with a central chimney section and is usually used at draw-off sec: tions of the tower. Exhibit 10-24 identifies a typical chimney tray arrangement ‘The plant layout designer must orient the trays along with the tower nozzles to suit the best exterior arrangement. The trays can be at any angle as long as the downcomers directly oppose each other. Exhibit 10-25 shows a typical example of opposing down- ‘Two main items that influence tray orientation are maintenance access ways and reboilers, The process Lave ¢. Packing Support Grid vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-20) shows that the reboiler draw-off nozzle is located directly below the down- ‘comer of tray 27, and the plan arrangement (Exhibit 10-10b) indicates that the reboiler is located on the west side of the tower and that the main:enance road is south of the tower, Therefore, because the tower reboiler nozzle is generally on the same side as the reboiler and the maintenance access way is best Io- cated on the maintenance side, the trays are automat cally positioned about a nortiysouth centerline. Ex. hibit 10-26 illustrates a plan view of the arrangement. The principal difference berween trayed and packed towers is that the packed tower uses metal rings instead of trays for vapor-liquid contact. The metal rings are dumped or packed into specific sec- tions ofthe tower, called beds, and supported by cross ‘grid bars spaced to prevent the rings from falling Towers Se LeveL wire Tepor PACKING A ‘EXHIBIT 10-28 Requirements for Maintenance Accesses NOZZLE DIAMETER+SY/\25 M1 Tayep Tower LT PACKED Town ‘a, Maintenance Access Elevations MAINTENANCE ACCESS SEGMENTS Ctyeiear) SINGLE Downcomer Tear DOUBLE DowNcomeg DOUBLE SowicoMee TEAyY b. Maintenance Access Orientations . through. The supports are designed to allow vapor to rise and liquid to flow down, Liquid is fed into the ‘vessel atthe top of each bed through aliquid distribu- tor. Unlike the trayed tower, there are no special con- siderations for orientation ofthe beds, the distributor, Or the packing supports. Exhibit 10-27 shows these three packed tower components NOZZLE ELEVATION AND ORIENTATION Nozzles must be elevated to meet the internal require: ments of the tower and oriented for maintenance and “Process Plant Layout and Piping Dest operational needs. Their position must also faciliate economic and orderly interconnection of piping be- ‘ween the tower and related equipment. ‘A maintenance access is usually located in the bot tom; top, and intermediate sections of the tower and is used to gain entry to the tower during shutdowns for internal inspection and component removal. Mainte- nance accesses must not be located at downconer Sections ofthe tower. Care must be taken at sections of the tower that contain internal piping to avoid block: Ing the maintenance access entrance. Exhibit 1028, shows typical elevation and orientation requirements for maintenance accesses. Feed connections to trayed towers usually must be EXHIBIT 10-29 efx: Alternative ‘Arrangements Domvomee | pe ¥ 2 iy € ERED OBEN TATION = Noz2Le CAMETER +5025 MNIMUM meomegz = | + Ha + ja or ani UL = EMED ORIENTATION Downicomes ePLRe c vane ioe SeeeTaTion EXHIBIT 10-30 Feeds: Alternative Arrangement —47-J fue SP Tone PNGLE NO2ZE OREUTATION WuLTiPLe SPtions ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design located in a specific area on the tray by means of internal piping, which can restrict nozzle orientation ‘options. The restrictions are minimized by optional routing of the internal piping to facilitate the most ‘economic exterior arrangement. Internal feed piping. to packed towers is piped directly to the distributor and can be oriented at any angle. Exhibits 10-29 and 10:30 illustrate several options for internal feed Piping. If specified, reboiler connections are usually lo- cated at the bottom section of the tower. For the hor- izontally mounted thermosiphon reboiler, the draw: off nozzle is located just below the bottom tray. For the vertically mounted recirculating thermosiphon re- boiler, the draw-off nozzle is located at the botiom head. For both systems, the return nozzles are located, just above the liquid level, Exhibit 10-31 shows both of these arrangements, The vapor outlet is usually a vertical nozzle located ‘on the top head of the tower. It is usually a sirgle nozzle, but in certain cases (eg, towers with very large diameters), more than one nozzle is specifed. (On large-diameter vapor lines, the vessel connection could be butt-welded instead of flanged. In addition, the vent and relief valve could be located on the top hhead instead of attached to the overhead piping. Ex- hibit 10.32 shows a typical top head arrangement. ‘The liquid outlet is located on the bottom head of the tower, If the tower is supported by a skirt, the nozzle is routed outside the skirt. As with the vapor ‘outlet, more than one nozzle may be specified. The clevation of the nozzle is dictated by the constraints discussed previously in this chapter. The orientaton ‘can be at any angle, but generally it is dictated by pump suction piping flexibility. Exhibit 1033 shows a typical bottom head arrangement. ‘Temperature- and pressure instrument connec: tions are located throughout the tower. The tempera: ture probe must be located in a liquid space, and the pressure connection in a vapor space. Exhibit 1034 shows the preferred location for both connections, 235 Reman EXHIBIT 10.31 Reboiler Connections Reruan Wie ow yyy &« Varresserive Retuens tecaTions ewe kegoue, ee a. Horizontal Reboiler [_ DOWNEOMER {ranccimsns) ba ‘Dekei-oFF AS Woe Leo 2RIENTATION lever | | Zeponee Dekw oF 5 ALTE@NATIVE Towes RETUEN nt Locations Nie eeaTion As , Vertical Reboiler Towers 236. ALTERNATIVE VESSEL EXHIBIT 10-32 VENT LOCATION ‘Top Head Arrangement 2 OUTLET |__euer vaive KNUCKLE RADWIS TRNGENT PONT ALTERNATIVE vesousvenr IP ALTEQNATIVE Magog OuTME? tockTon 7 T enoaaiut| ATION tose LARGE DAMETER LINES ‘oumere| ‘TENCT Cea FLMIGED EXHIBIT 10.33 ee Bottom Head OCT OEEAES iene TANGENT Live SEE HEAD s CMENSIONS [Ce ayiecmnimans LONG GADINS ELBOW cise CLEARANCE sx ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 237 Temeeearsge EXHIBIT 10-4 Pow ez ‘Temperature and Pressure Locations peessuce \ Jeanna Senee FROM VESSEL ALTe@waTive Lever INSTRUM BUT SKETEH WeTEOMBNT Locations EXHIBIT 10-35 Level Instrument (EDAFFLE 1S Fuenisyep — locations ransoenrt fire Te nee Keren Noz2.e OaweTee 45"/) { Pesrexee Lever Ls HIGH UDP Levi NE TRUMERT Laces NIL= Ne@WBL LiguiD LEVEL eee EXHIBIT 10-36 Tay Support Beam Sizes T =. = 7; 28/200 aime Ig!-08 (3950 B8 y 12-3"/8660 Bi aso Vere le!-0"/48 80 108/250, IMM & Se 12/300, Ld 238. E stauoout StayDouT EATING EXHIBIT 10-37 Meat tte Filo (Soy dost Nome Sandee wl2 4d" 194/300 2"/280 Goo’, ag 248 B25 taYs00 900 ahh OU eee SRS os ANO-FLAZED , AN) | Seezions Bimeree CI Pistroem PENETRATIONS 22 ELLIPTICAL, HEAD INTERNAL DIAMETE — ‘EXHIBIT 10-38 Head Dimensions FLANGED 4 DISHED HEAD e: INTERNAL AMET! Glo a 19 e 20 3 Bae ie B30 tAto i” p50 yy peo Ie 4205 aa Level instruments are located in the liquid section of, the tower, usually at the bottom, The elevation of the nozzles is dictated by the amount of liquid being con- tolled or measured and by standard controller and gauge glass lengths. This information is furnished on the instrument vessel sketch. Exhibit 10-35 illustrates level instrument requirements, ‘When nozzles, especially those with internal pip- ing, are positioned, the plant layout designer must allow adequate clearance a: tray support steel, Exhibit 10.36 illustrates approximace tray support beam sizes. Standouts, shown in Exhibi: 10-37, are measured from the internal diameter of the vessel to the face of the ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design 120, G0 ‘Bo flange. To set top- and bottom -head nozzle elevations, the type of head must be specified, This information is, highlighted in the process vessel data. The two most ‘commonly used are flanged-and-dished and 2:1 ellip: tical heads. Exhibit 1038 shows approximate dimen- sions for these heads. 4s an example, the nozzle elevations shown in Ex- hibit 10.39 have been set using the following guide. lines: + Process vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-20). * Tray details (Exhibit 1021). + Type of heads—2 1 elliptical wa3850, iaa0e FEELIT@ > erg e..i7e'2" ignore, 5. [5] eLaTRoeM EL. a AF og a Ter u PF ad 123,800 HeniecoT D1, [y eebiza-4" fal) [y 4en-70!-5" tee) elareoem et le9!-o* \2lo0 Pl geruatot 113838 Lat fil tevigi-st 4 “a |, seruaatat [oa] aaa o] 3908 eleer.i4o-ot PLATFORM EL 2348 139° -o NiB9e Lagpe PICA) los yip Crypieaty Pl sevietae Loe 4 wedigiean Ca, sey lodpao, —t fo esuistor fil] flektiatan | fates “unter | -4etcnio’ 108800 lpr steoam EL. ss _4et.106tot [Ff] 1e9h o! |! “ioasoo \oa74o suet kee es fF & loTtot| eetloztet lotoo \o0.780 100.200, ed GRADE EL, loo'- 2.200 Too EE 2 FACE OF FLANGE The aT Le BST eR ae SS oer Towers EXHIBIT 1039 Nozzle Elevations 239 240, Spe ext PREFBERED MANTENANCE, Access + Bottom tangent line elevation (Exhibit 10-19) + Nozzle summary (Exhibit 1020). + Instrument vessel sketch (Exhibit 1058), + Piping and instrumentation diagram (Exhibit 10-56) + Plan layout specifcation—Chapter 2. + Insulation—None required PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS Platforms are required on towers for access to valves, instruments, blinds, and maintenance accesses. Plt forms are usually circular and supported by brackets ‘Process Plant Layout and Piping Design ‘EXHIBIT 10-40 ‘Typical Platform ‘Arrangement attached to the side of the tower. Generally, access to platforms is by ladder. Exhibit 10-40 depicts a typical platform arrangement. Platform elevations for towers are set by the ems that require operation and maintenance and by a max. imum ladder run of 30 ft (9,150 mm), Exhibit 10-41 shows platform and ladder elevation requiremerts. Platform widths are dictated by operator access For intermediate platforms with no controls required and platforms with controls located to the side of the edge Of the platform, the width must be a minimum of 3 ft (915 mm). At congested platforms with controls lo- ‘cated over the platform, the width must be a minimum of 3 ft (915 mm) plus the width of the controls or 241 op WEAp PLaTroaM VENT Aeze96, |Z uppee 2 Crear) / ea e wreueoure / Pustroan Te ‘Sarr Maeinmind UN (‘tT LADDER Rou Lever cauce esis / by Lanpec o@ AaTroRM N cease MAINTEMANCES Bin veces TempeeaTuge 4 PREssuRe PomT kecess Gy Lappee 22 AxTFORM No kecess Requicey MAINTENANCE oh VALVE imen Liste cl-o! Mo Te too Au Te@wars VALVE BecB0s WITH Of /ituoat EXTENSION ew 412/200 mnsneuns FT conteo. Ww5TeoMenT BvanTeUANce ACESS DeAms VALVE Access Feo Gene EXHIBIT 1041 ‘Tower Platform and Ladder Elevation Requirements 242 EXHIBIT 10.42 Platform Width Requirements Puxrroes wom Le. LF ansnatne EXHIBIT 10-43 Maintenance Access Arrangements gubanstenaics ease averee ‘Sr Vessen cup. INTERMEDIATE. PLATRO@M 19 saspeain. r= Biot mn os 5 projections. Exhibit 10-42 shows these ewo arrange- ments, ‘At maintenance access platforms, adequate space ‘must be provided to swing the maintenance access ‘cover flange open for storage against the face of the tower. Top head-mounted maintenance accesses Process Plant Layout and Piping Devlgn ‘must be from three sides. Exhibit 10-43 displays typi cal maintenance access arrangements. Top head plat forms are required for access to vents, instruments, and relief valves and are supported from the head by trunnions. Exhibit 1044 shows typical top head plat: form arrangements. Access between towers, if layout permits, is provided by common platforming. The platform elevations can be within a maximum differ- fence of 9 in (230 mm) but must be conneced by ‘mechanical joint. Exhibit 10-45 shows a common top head platform arrangement. Brackets for side-mounted platforms are evenly spaced around the tower and, when possible, straddle both the main axes. Oddly angled brackets can be used for small platform extensions as long as the bracket clip does not interfere with the adjacent sup: port. Exhibit 10-46 is an approximate guide to bracket spacing. ‘When a common ladder serves two or more plat- forms, the ladder rungs must be level with the plat forms they serve. The platform elevations must be in even increments to suit the standard 12-in (300mm) ladder rung spacing. Exhibit 10-47 illustrates this re: 243 EXHIBIT 10-44 Typical Top Head Platform Arrangements | Tocese Nozze. aoe | sie a. Minimum Top Head Platform EXHIBIT 10-45 Common Platforms ler 4 N \ | 4 Z ‘quirement, Ladders at tower transition sections and at flared skirts may be sloped, ifrequired, to a maximum, angle of 15° from the vertical. Offsets in ladders should be avoided. Exhibit 10-48 shows a typical stop- ing ladder arrangement, ‘On very wide platforms or those that support heavy piping loads, knee bracing is required in addition to the usual platform seel, as illustrated in Exhibit 10-49. ‘The potential obstruction immediately under the knee brace must be kept in mind during platform design, SX crewnnion5 b. Multinozzle Top Head Platform For example, the platform elevations shown on the process vessel sketch in Exhibit 10-39 are the mint ‘mum requirements for instrument, valve, and mainte- rnance access. Exhibit 10-50 displays a platform ar- rangement for the tower using the information in Exhibit 10-39 and the guidelines in this chapter. TOWER PIPING ‘Tower piping is located in conjunction with tray, noz~ zle, and platform orientation, When possble, the pip- ing is grouped for ease of support and positioned to accommodate interconnection with reated equip: ‘ment and the pipe rack. Exhibit 10-51 shows the pre- ferred areas of division for piping, platforming, and ladders. ‘Adequate space must be provided between piping and between the back of piping and the tower shell to facilitate the installation of pipe suppors, which are attached to the tower. Exhibit 10-52 displays some typ- ical supports for tower piping.

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