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Grange –

union for
Dorothy (avg. American) lives in Kansas happily until twister comes = metaphor for electoral (called
victory or when farmers gain control and help from gov.t The wicked witch of the east reps easternGrangers)
industrialists. When witch is dead = freed the munchkins repin ordinary people. In movie slippers ; against
are red, but in book = silver and uses them to travel along the yellow (gold) brick road. (Silver railroad;
today is
would solve econ probs. Especially if we could balance it with gold.) The scare crow reps farmer
just social
(hayseed). (If he could figure out that he is smart, he could fix poli. Problems.) Tin man was once a
real man who chopped wood. Witch put curse on him and made him chop of a part of bod. Every
time he chopped down a tree. = wicked witch made him a machine over time. Emerald city
represents green backs. Witch of west = uses gold and silver evilly + keeps ppl in slavery. Dorothy
Political Machine Trusts
kills west witch by pouring water on her = if able to bring water (destroys pwr of witch) to west =
solve probs of farmers. Flying monkeys – not evil, only serve witch b/c has gold cap. South Democratic-Bloc
Indians.) Oz turns out to be fake – just a man behind a curtain (reps president Mckinley hiding in
white house.) Who is Toto? – Following Dorothy “soberly” Friend of the populists.

Pendleton Act 1882


Farmers attempt to get political

power = want for silver to create
inflation ($ worth less)

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