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Derby Public Schools Spring, 2010

Derby High School

Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) Results

Successive Cohort Analysis (comparisons among different classes of students)

Math Math Science Science Reading Reading Writing Writing

o/o atlabove oh atlabove o/o atlabove oh atlabove oh atlabove o/o atlabove Vo atlabove o/o atlabove
Year Goal Proficient Goal Proficient Goal Proficient Goal Proficient

Derby 2007 15.3% 59.5010 20.0% 69.t% 14.7% 65.t% 34.0% 78.30

2008 21.4% 61.2% T9.8% 64.2% 21.0% 74.3% 35.2% 87.6%

2009 24.2% 67.lYo 2r.4% 68.4% 22.8% 64.t% 40.2% 87.6%
2010 26.6% 68.1% 26.7% 74.3% 26.6% 8r.9% s2.5% 77.2%
Change since
last year: 2.4% 1.0% 5.3% 5.9% 3.8% 17.8% 12.3%w
Change over
three years: tt.3% 8.6% 6.7% 5.2% rt.9% 16.8% r8.5% -I.I%
State 2007 45.3% 77.3% 44.5% 8l.4Yo 45.5% 79.7% s3.0% 82.3%
2008 50.2% 79.7% 46.5% 80.5% 45.5% 82.7% 57.9% 88.2%
2009 48.0% 78.4% 43.0% 78.4% 47.5% 81.8% 55.t% 86.s%
20r0 48.8% 78.8% 45.5% 8r.5% 46.0% 83.0% 59.6% 86.2%
Change since
last year: 0.8% 0.4% 2.5% 3.t% -1.5% 1.2% 4.5% -0.3%

Change over
three years: 3-5Yo l.s% 1.0% O.1o/o 0.5% 3.3o/n 6-60/o 3.9%

(lrcerr : up by 2%o or more

Red: down by 2%o or more
Yellow: less than2Yo change
Derby Public Schools
Lii i

Spring, 2010

Connecticut MasterY Test Results

Same Conort Analysis (same group of students from one
year to the next)

Derby Elementary (combined)

I Percent Proficient or Above
Math Math

Reading Reading Writing Writing Science Science

Derby State Derbv State Derby State

6th Grade Spring 2010 Delbv State

88.2% 4.7% 85.s% 74,8% 85.5Yot

20101 6th Grade: 82.0% 7
85.9% r.l% 17.7Yo 85.6% 86.5o/ol 7 5.5%
20091 5th Grade: 68.4% 7

i Math Math Reading Reading Writing Writing

Derby State Derby State Derby State i

5th Grade Spring 2010 i

- 67.00 82.50
87.8% s8.7% 75.4% 70.8% 8l.3Yo, 1

i 20101 5th Grade: 69.9% l

673% 85.0%
', 2oo9
4th Grade: 69.4% 84.6% 54.7% 74.4%

Math Reading Reading Writing Writing

State DeTby, State Derby Et+,tt
4th Grade Sprine 2010

85.2% 54.3% 72.90/o 79.AYo 96.50h"

2010 4th Grade: 62.5;P/o

2009 3rd Grade: 69.70 82.8% 53.40 7 t.t% 74.80io 93.20h


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