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friend:friends are always helpfull

2. honest honesty is the best policy
3. exercise: regular exercise keeps the body fit
4. mother: mother always care for her childens
5. reading: Reading books help u to gain knowledge
6. confidence: confidence is important for success
7. general: General is equivalent rank to admiral
8. clarifies: a deep study in sub clarifies the concept
9. hope: never loose hope
10. future: India will be superpower in future by2020
11. adventure: I enjoyed North eastern region trek during NCC
12. home: father is the head of home
13. influence: hitlers speech has influenced many in germany
14. thoughts:good thoughts always leads to good habits
15. target: my target is to be one of the best officer
16. chair: chair occupied in any office has higher responsibilty
17. active: regular exercise keeps you active
18. logical: logical reasoning develops if one had observance power
19. team: team work always lead to fruitful result
20. decision: an officers in armed forces need to take quick decission
21. future: future of India is very bright
22. family: father is the head of family
23. danger: a soldier always face the dangerous situation bravely
24. school: school life is the best part of life
25. brother: I am always feeling my best friend as my brother
26. picture: without picture tube tv is of no use
27. vision:vision and mission are two imp things for any organisation
28. polite:
29. cinema
30. midnight
31. darkness
32. career
33. bitter
34. study
35. hurry
36. behaviour
37. learned
38. overcome
39. literacy
40. unity
41. irritate
42. fear
43. teacher
44. parents
45. stamina
46. tests
47. progress
48. handsome
49. pleasure
50. boldness
51. organize
52. help
53. action
54. imagine
55. courage
56. mind
57. group
58. strength
59. knowledge
60. country
61. speed
62. timid
63. society
64. sadness
65. hurdles
66. plan
67. work
68. decision
69. army
70. books
71. play
72. lack
73. target
74. rational
75. slow
76. body
77. concern
78. sense
79. bright
80. nation
81. bravery
82. adventure
83. past
84. logic
85. failure
86. luck
87. chance
88. heart
89. sex
90. girl
91. assertive
92. mental
93. mind
94. security
95. love
96. exam
97. risk
98. target
99. manage

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