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Plants of Gunnison Basin Lichens [Pitkin Co(s), Colorado]

Observed on CONPS fieldtrip, 5/30/1998 to 5/31/1998

Leader(s): Sally White, Larry St. Clair; Recorder(s); Sally White

Scientific Name Synonym Common Name

1. Agrestia hispida
2. Caloplaca cladodes
3. Caloplaca epithallina
4. Collima tenax
5. Dermatocarpon miniatum
6. Diploschistes cf. scruposis
7. Lecanora novomexicana
8. Lepraria or Leproloma sp.
9. Peccania cf. arizonica or
10. Psora decipiens
11. Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca
12. Rhizoplaca melanopthalma
13. Staurothele sp.
14. Toninia sedifolia
15. Xanthoparmelia cf. mexicana
16. Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa
17. Xanthoria elegans

Site: Dry Gulch, 6 mi. E of Gunnison, 1/4 mi E on powerline road near sandstone outcrop
List reviewed by Dr. Larry St. Clair

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